I'm not a native english speaker too m8 don't worry.
"Spook" is a meme word. The more suitable words for it are "illusion" or "ghost". People use the term spooks because it sounds funny.
The basics of it is easily understandable. Here's one example: Does law exist? The short, regular answer is yes, obviously.
Well, have ever actually seen the law? No, right? You just kinda know that it exists, even though it can't be seen, smelt, tasted, heard etc. The existence of law is like ghosts or illusions, they don't exist, but your mind makes it real through social interactions, social pressure etc. So, law is a spook. And so is friendship. And so is marriage. And so is family. All social constructs are spooks, and they're unethical and wrong (except property? Stirner excluded owning property for some reason).
Basically, it's individualism taken to the logical extreme (like off-the-compass extreme). This philosophy is often called "egoism", and the political ideology is "anarcho-egoism", because yeah states are also spooks.
TL;DR anything I don't like is spook