Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim

Aug 20, 2018
The story's interesting but the artist at least once a chapter goes full snout face with the characters which isn't a good look.

Update: having read through chapter 34, the faces are looking better.
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Oct 3, 2023
I am loving this series, it's awesome! Reminds me a lot of The World God Only Knows. Obviously some Re: Zero influences in there too
Jul 8, 2020
I enjoyed the premise, but it quickly staled by chapter 26. In the first chapter, the main character is frustrated with how dense the webtoon protagonist is. The story doesn't deliver in this regard; he won't live up to his standard of recognizing blatant advances. He's like the last guy but with worse fighting skills. Instead, he has foreknowledge.

(Chapter 26 spoilers)
When the blonde-haired female lead began tracking down the cargo ship like an action movie star, it ripped me straight out of the story. It reminded me of an earlier chapter, when the main character shared advice with his childhood friend about writing proper backstory for her Webtoon characters to make their actions believable.
Group Leader
May 8, 2019
I enjoyed the premise, but it quickly staled by chapter 26. In the first chapter, the main character is frustrated with how dense the webtoon protagonist is. The story doesn't deliver in this regard; he won't live up to his standard of recognizing blatant advances. He's like the last guy but with worse fighting skills. Instead, he has foreknowledge.

(Chapter 26 spoilers)
When the blonde-haired female lead began tracking down the cargo ship like an action movie star, it ripped me straight out of the story. It reminded me of an earlier chapter, when the main character shared advice with his childhood friend about writing proper backstory for her Webtoon characters to make their actions believable.
Right, but it does get better later imo. He answers all the questions readers may have previously had (even about the girl's advances) and I can sort of understand him, but not gonna spoil it.
Around chapter ~50 the story seems to pick up the pace a bit and thanks to that lots of things are only revealed through a flashbacks and not in detail, so that could be another turning point for people to stop reading, but after that it gets better again around chapter ~70 as the author probably listened to feedbacks and slowed down a bit.
The story and story-telling is improving as more time passes and same with the Main Character, who at the beginning is just your average otaku who thinks and dreams big, but soon starts to change his mind about how he sees things based on his experiences and starts to change for the better. By Chapter ~80 you would have a hard time believing he is the same guy from chapter 1. So yeah, sure it has its rough edges and pulls out convenient stuff out of thin air, but overall it is worth reading, I wouldn't just give up on it.
Group Leader
May 8, 2019
can anyone suggest me anymore like this one?
I wish I could help you but I honestly don't know anything similar manhwas. The World God Only Knows is a manga/anime, anime has 3 seasons but only covers like 40~50 chapters and manga has 250 chapters, if you don't know about it, I recommend reading it as that's the only one I could think of that's similar. Or you could perhaps say what did you explicitly like in and I could help you find something that has those.
Dec 3, 2023
Wowa... It's such a good read. My only real problem is how crazy dense the MC is and how the author just keeps on chucking girls at him left and right. I mean, one of the heroines fell for him because they had a sentimental talk while he was giving her a piggyback ride. Like... Wut? Tell me you're easy without telling me you're easy. They also had this pretty major backstory thing (Go to spoiler if you want to know more) with the MC for a few chapters, but it gets completely dropped and hasn't been mentioned since. But yeah, good read.

There was a rumor where he coerced a girl to... Wipe herself off the census... and it just never got mentioned outside a few chapters. And then bro decides to get a glow-up afterward.
Group Leader
May 8, 2019
Wowa... It's such a good read. My only real problem is how crazy dense the MC is and how the author just keeps on chucking girls at him left and right. I mean, one of the heroines fell for him because they had a sentimental talk while he was giving her a piggyback ride. Like... Wut? Tell me you're easy without telling me you're easy. They also had this pretty major backstory thing (Go to spoiler if you want to know more) with the MC for a few chapters, but it gets completely dropped and hasn't been mentioned since. But yeah, good read.

There was a rumor where he coerced a girl to... Wipe herself off the census... and it just never got mentioned outside a few chapters. And then bro decides to get a glow-up afterward.

If you don't mind a bit of spoiler, those are not problems.
Right, I mentioned it a while ago, but the character development is rly good imo with Kang Lim. Sure he gets dense by all the stuff that happened to him, but that will soon be dropped as we progress into the story. His background also won't be suddenly forgotten, it's just wasn't the time yet to reveal. The author is setting things up for the future, we can't expect everything to be revealed instantly. That was just a nice little tease into what happened to him, probably we get to find out more later. The easily fall in love thing... I mean, sure there was one like that, but even there she had some progress. She started getting interested after the piggyback ride, then after a few coincidence meetings later she realized she likes him, but there are more to that as well which we get to find out later. They are not that easy, but the things that happen in the story inevitably makes them think more of the MC or have them fall in love with him.

In the end, I don't think there are any major problem with the Webtoon, just have to give it more time before anyone gets frustrated. It's quite story-driven even with the slice-of-life happenings, and as with every stories, there has to be some sort of build up to things.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
IMHO this is a very bad, extremely low effort manwha. The only decent point is the art which is pretty good.
I guess the characters acts like 40 IQ mentally disable persons because it is supposed to be funny. If the characters were at least elementary school students I could justify their actions.
It is literally a cringefest trained by asspulls.
Aug 23, 2020
If I could, I would rate this webtoon a 12/10.
The story is refreshing and interesting!
I hope they turn this into an anime (or a Korean equivalent of anime).

(Disclaimer: everyone has different preferences!).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2020
It's not often I come across Manwha that isn't 80% porn (most likely centered around some form of cheating)

Pretty good stuff here
Oct 25, 2020
Crack Theory that whatever... looping power the MC has, it might be hereditary? I can't recall any time his father was mentioned so I assume he's dead, but with the hints of the past involving the MC and another girl, maybe he repressed any memory of things or the ability to loop because no matter what he couldn't save that girl.
Group Leader
May 7, 2018
I'm kinda curious on how they will adapt this on the Japanese Version, because everything in this manhwa can be easily be converted to Japanese. maybe they'll just change the names to Japanese and call it a day?
Jan 4, 2024
Man, I am so happy too see that this series didn't make its MC a complete and utterly dense moron. In fact, I believe it saved this series from a huge downfall.
Active member
May 7, 2023
This is extremely good and the interaction between MC and the heroines is way too real. Feel like the author actually have experience how conversation work and how your words affect the people around you.

Very solid so far, this might be one of my best read. 9/10

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