For once I think MC's reactions were on point. I mean, if some dude I knew returned dressed up as a girl and tried to get all intimate with me and stuff I would freak out like he did, especially if he kissed me lol
So, this is an otokonoko title. And classic, with a teasing androgynous person. Eh. Somehow I'm even a little disappointed. But ... I'm still motivated to read on.
@abc003262202 As I understand it, physically she remains a dude. Even if you know that such otokonoko are considered female love interest.
@Crombs It is difficult to blame the straght dude for indecision when a man in a dress tries to get into his pants.
Everytime Kei says MC's name, I could only think about those stereotypical Japanese wannabe rappers that just begins and ends with Yo in their sentences.
@Ruroumi If anyone, regardless of gender, reappeared in my life after pulling a disappearing act, and then started getting all intimate without my consent, I'd freak out. Even more so if I wasn't at all into them in the first place.
@Crombs Well it's an Oshimi serie, you can't really predict anything. Maybe at some point the MC will even end up killing someone or smth like that, who knows, everything can happen when Oshimi is the author 🤣