Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Regression

Active member
Mar 16, 2023
Honestly this is actually just one of the best sex scenes I think I've seen in anything ever especially when contrasted to the previous one with Mitani. With her, Yo was desperately trying to play the role of the man during an intimate scenario he didn't seem all that interested in being apart of whereas with Kei he's enjoying himself in a setting with no expectations thrown onto him and how he takes a more submissive position (usually associated with women) like damn, I say this a lot in regards to this manga but Oshimi fucking gets it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
That was good! And yeah, no problem with boner at all.
Btw author cheats here a bit. He depicts Kei waaay too feminine for a teenage boy. Hands, waist, hips and ass look too girly. Well, it could be seen as artistic device that helps reader to better feel the confusion of Yo.

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