Do people not think that Mary might not all the information about the dragon?
I mean we allready knows it can go human and probably was curious so that allready disproves her "there is no way dragons have personalities" statement.
tfw you realize youll never have an elf waifu to hug with in bed so why even bother dragging this meaningless meat vessel we called body through this existential misery with cynicism that is already too jaded to begin with
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am healed yet again. I am both happy and sad. Happy I got to see another chapter, sad I got to remember that I'm a lonely man.
Don’t pull the trigger yet.
There’s a lot to keep on living for, you’ll find your waifu. Anyone can have a waifu (myself included). Unfortunately we might have to lower our standards until we find one that’s in our league. I believe.