Translation indeed says Grim Land. But I went for Kurimu Land instead because “Grim” sounds depressing.Whao, we caught up with the official translation.
In the official TL it translated the amusement park as “Grim Land” but seeing this TL I begin to think that maybe it’s supposed to be Cream Land or something?
Revised. Thanks.Thank you for the translation KittyBlue9.
"Kurimu" as in Cream land. I really want to know how they come up with these names. So random.
Page 7 : Hmm... That expression isn't really wrong since Japanese people are really civilized people (as in very polite).
But I believe that what you meant to convey was that the world they're currently in is more technologically advanced.
Wridra doesn't know they've kissed.Wait, they are not officially dating? What the hell
Might be related to Grimm fairy tales.Translation indeed says Grim Land. But I went for Kurimu Land instead because “Grim” sounds depressing.
I think that the official it's suposed to be Grimm Land in reference to the brothers Grimm but they write it wrongly.Translation indeed says Grim Land. But I went for Kurimu Land instead because “Grim” sounds depressing.