@Laughing_Snake I’d say it’s pretty much already there, based on the novels that are being translated to English. There are already 4 manga I can think of with this premise, maybe even 5, and at least 2 more that are being translated into English and don’t have translated manga yet. Not sure if it’ll get much bigger than that though, I personally like isekai and don’t mind too much generic stuff as long as it’s at least a bit interesting or changes SOMETHING up, but this sub-genre is already starting to bug me a lot, even though I thought the first one or two I read were decent.
EDIT: I should add that I haven’t read this chapter yet, and I could see this being better than some of the others. I just feel like this sub-genre is lazier than most isekai, at least at the beginnings. Plus, I personally feel like it narrows who can relate to the main character, when there are ways to pull off something similar but more interesting without a ton of thinking or storyboarding.