What It Means to Be You - Ch. 5

Jun 24, 2019
I don't dislike ML because he is working really hard to get his money back and it must difficult with the discrimination he has been through his whole life.

FL still wanted to be loved and pampered by ML without trying to understand him because she lived a sheltered life.

Both are at fault and that's why this kind of story exists
May 17, 2018
@someunregpunk Thank you and sorry for the misunderstanding.

I see comments like @Aslinn who had no idea how history works, even fictional types which are based off well... history. "She's asking to be LOVED and PAMPERED" as why the ML can't even treat her like a person, rather then a bother and that makes okey dokey to neglect her to the point of multiple suicides since "he worked hard". No, not both are "at fault". She also worked hard, she also under went education and training for her role as a wife. I know this is above your head, but running a manor back then isn't as easy peasey as you think. It's a full time job. You lack significant understanding of how history and women's places in, even in a fictional setting like this. Noble women are treated even more like chattel then commoners, trained to help run the household like the business it is. Then give birth, then run their home as business it is (servants are employees) while doing the full time job of raising kids.

He literally neglects her, treats her like she's a bother, with a doctor who was giving her medication which was killing her... and you're like, lol, "how dare she want respect in her marriage."
Feb 20, 2019
The webtoon seems to portray him as more violent and aggressive than this scene in the novel?? Even from the way he spoke to her in her body, the misunderstanding about her comment too. The difference is interesting I guess
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
People be angry, but it's only 5 chapters lmao. I give it more chapter usually before dropping.

While I do see the ML fault of neglect, I bet he's kind of numb from feeling and doesn't even know how to use it properly (lmao). Still, should have pay attention to wifey, since it takes body swap to realise it. Bro, your wife is fuckin dying.

I do think the FL also should take more power with her status. She should throw more tantrum or go threat people who insult her. It's pretty sad that kind people don't realise the only way for others to back off is to set your dominance (don't do T pose randomly tho 😂)

Here's hoping both get development they want and learn from each other.
May 17, 2018
@comedyxtragedy No, it only gets worse. Like... no too spoiler, but still slightly:

He literally needs magic to make him a better person. Every time she tries to kill herself, they switch and he's like, omg fine, I'll be nice and not neglect you, especially when I have to suffer by switching into your body and it ruins my self image of being a Nice Guy.

@Nusxibxh He's still trash. Neglect and apathy can be crueler then hate. There's reason we have laws on neglect and even isolating vulnerable people. I don't think it's much to be at least somewhat engaged socially to your spouse and treat like them like a person.
Dec 18, 2020
Idk why I thought this would turn into that legendary literature piece 'I am My Husband' manhua where she has become her husband and will... love herself...guess I'm too tired
Sep 5, 2020
Don’t get what’s wrong with Ml, he’s flawed yeah which could change overtime within the story of future chapters. I don’t know man. I guess it because they can swap which is interesting to see.
Jan 30, 2021
Winter needs to chill, I swear. He yells at her because he misinterpreted her words, she recoils (understandably), and he's all like "i dOnT kNoW wHy sHe'S liKe tHiS??". I don't know, no matter how I look at it he's trash?? I understand this is supposed to be a redemption story where a husband learns to treat his wife better, but as of right now, he's doing the least. How can he see all those pills and alcohol bottles in her room and not become immediately concerned? Poor woman tried to commit suicide and would've gone through with it if it hadn't been for plot magic. Just because it failed and something strange happened doesn't mean she's suddenly no longer suicidal. She's in a very delicate place.

We're only 5 chapters in so I'll stick with it for now, but hopefully this guy improves at least some of his attitude real quick.
Again, thanks for translating! 😌
Aug 15, 2020
Man, it takes a bodyswap and pain for this dude to be remotely close to something resembling decency towards her... and even then, he still blows up at her...
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018

I do think it's the purpose of their switching and the drive of the story? Like it's a forced lesson he needs to take because he's shit at it. I mean, if you're the writer, are you just going to let them switch once? Obviously not. A person also ain't going to change in one night 😂
In fact, some people are just like that. It takes someone to be in other shoes to understand their feeling or circumstances. I also don't mind if the FL turns colder or ruthless and be more like her husband. Hell, make her cold toward her husband.

Remember: switching to make the other understands point of view is the aim of the story. What I am more concerned is the execution. Okay, fine let them switch everytime she distressed, but are BOTH get development from their switching?

I do reserve my judgement until more chapter show up.
May 26, 2019
thank you for the update~ i understand the ML has had a hard life but still ...the way he treats the FL makes my heart hurt lol im finding it a little difficult to like him right now. i cant wait to see the characters and relationship grow esp for FL to have that "revenge" moment
Feb 5, 2021
The ML is trash. I don’t think I can ever like him unless the author does a major character personality change.

I wish, when he was in the FL’s body, that he would have gotten an ounce of how she’s treated. I doubt that would change anything though :(

I guess, if the story has one, I’ll be rooting for the second ML lmaoo

Thank you for the translations!
Feb 20, 2019

I agree completely with what you said. he is a trashy character and there is nothing that can excuse the way he’s treated her at all. I was referring to the difference in these particular scenes from the webtoon to novel, not justifying his actions or defending him :)

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