What's the least destructive way to despine a book?

Group Leader
Sep 13, 2023
I have some paperback volumes of a manga that I want to translate though I don't know how to remove the pages to scan them without like barbarically ripping them out. What methods are there to removing pages from the paperback version of the book. The book is only about 9 or so years old if that makes any difference.
Apr 26, 2020
Can you see how the binding is done? If it's like most tanks in my collection, it would be individual sheets glued to the spine, in which case I would remove the front and back covers as far back as possible with a blade, followed by some patient work with lighter fluid or maybe acetone (probably on a q-tip) along the edges of the glue. That should soften it up enough you can start removing pages. Do this in a well ventilated area.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
I've had success using a microwave oven to heat up the glue binding used in tankos so I can pull out the pages for scanning. Don't do it for too long, a few seconds is usually enough to soften the glue to pull them out of the binding. Longer microwave times can damage the pages by scorching and discolouring them.
The pages usually come out in clumps rather than singly but they can be separated with a razor knife to cut the remaining glue lumps.
Group Leader
Feb 1, 2024
Hair dryer or hair curler to heat up the spine from the outside. You don't want to get it too hot though because then the glue becomes a gooey mess. You want it warm enough to pull away from the cover but cold enough to still peel away in an intact from off the pages.

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