Dear everyone saying that this manga will either have incest or that they want incest,
Let’s think for a moment here. That’s right, let’s use our brains for once. First things first: why tf do y’all even think there will be incest? From what I’m seeing this other person is likely Miki’s ex-boyfriend. Though I can’t disregard that there is definitely reason for speculation when it comes to this, as Eku has made some odd previous works.
And to y’all saying you want there to be incest: get your mind out of your pants and realize incest is an awful thing. There’s a reason it’s illegal and frowned upon, and honestly I genuinely don’t carr about your “ohhh, it’s fictional” get-out-of-jail-free card. It’s not hot, it’s not cool, and I know some of you guys are like 25+. Grow up.