Who else here thinks "sniping" is a misnomer?

Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Yeah, as said I think the term comes from the fact weak groups will drop the series if someone even remotely takes a little bit of their thunder. Personally I think that's more of a dick move on that group's part than the "sniper". Usually makes me wonder if they ain't in it for patreon bucks or something and that's why they get so flighty about it. If it ain't gonna make them money anymore they won't do it, and I've never agreed with people taking money for scans, personally.
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
@gomichandesu I understand where you're coming from, but calling the groups "weak" for being unable to deliver speedy releases where others can (if that's what you meant ofc) is kinda pushing it, if not crossing the line. I'm sure you mean well but I'd rather this thread didn't devolve into bashing up the other side either.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
I've never agreed with people taking money for scans, personally.
gotta say, i like where your mind's at, kid
what say you work for me as a cartoceptionist?
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
lol no, not at all what I meant. Weak as in, can't share in the hobby and just rage quit when another group wants to upload their take on a chapter too. Someone else uploading before you doesn't mean you can't still upload yours. Theres really no issue having more than one group upload, especially if one's a quick and dirty scan and the other is going for more quality. If people like fast releases they get those, if people like super high quality HD chapters with people who actually translate and redraw the sound effects, they also get theirs. Everyone wins.
If your only reason to drop a manga is "I don't like not being the ONLY one to do it :mad:" then yeah, I think you're weak and whiny lol. Scanslating is for everyone. Nobody has more of a right to do it than another (except, you know, actual legally licensed sources lol).

bold of you to assume I wouldn't lay down my own life for our lord and savior Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimsdal Dimmadome.
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
@gomichandesu Oh that makes sense, seems we're on the same page there

PS: There's a curious case I'd like to hear your opinion on. A certain group rage-quit one of their long-standing projects over yet another "snipe" charge. But the thing is, in this case the other guy was actually being sort of a dick to them, saying the readers "deserved better" than them but then taking on only 2 chapters or something, AND THEN DROPPING IT HIMSELF. The group was all-too-understandably super-pissed, but here's the catch: they had 2 specials/extras they had ready and were planning to release, but then this happened and they decided not to release all of them. Oh, and they've made it clear they are committed to keeping their work free and as far as I know do not accept donations. What do you make of this?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
They had 2 specials/extras they had ready and were planning to release, but decided not to release them because they felt the readers were being ungrateful shits
Petty bitch move on the scanlators' part, but it's not like they owe anyone those chapters in the first place, especially if they're dropping the project anyway. And if they weren't Patreon/Discord whoring, power to them. Just a stupid move to announce that makes them look like idiots.

Those "snipe to prove some moral point, then bail" stunts crack me up, though. At least it's the sort of overblown drama that I see happening to fluffy romance stuff that's likely to get quickly picked back up anyway.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Long winded rant response on my philosophies of scanslating, I haven't slept it about 15 hours so bare with me I might be a bit all over the place:

Eh, as I said, if you're gonna drop a series just because someone else was doing it too, idk why you're scanslating in the first place lol, ass pats? Idk. Even if the other group was bein a troll, all the more reason to keep going and prove them wrong right? If you really enjoyed what you were doing that wouldn't stop you. (And especially if the other group was just a troll upload, we all know trolls get bored and move onto the next target quick. You know they'll be gone soon so like, ignore it.)
And when people use this argument for why only one group should be allowed to do a series at a time, "Well what happens when the main group drops bc of the snipe and then the sniper drops too, then nobodys doing the manga and all the readers lose!"
I'm just like, so why doesn't the original group come back then? If they only dropped in the first place because they wanted a monopoly on the series, then fine. The snipers gone now. So come back? Like, my main series I'm working on rn is Inubaka. If some other group hopped over there and started working on it, I'd probably thank them because at this point I'm so busy in my personal life I don't have as much time or energy to work on it anymore but I still wanna know the ending myself lol. I might "drop" it, not because another group "took it" from me, but just because of that. (Its far more fun to be a reader than a translator, anyways.) However if that group dropped it too, I'd pick it right back up, because again. I wanna see the ending of the series. On the other hand if I genuinely felt my work was superior to the other group or didn't like how they were doing it, I'd still keep up with my uploads. Because again, end of the day, I'm translating because I wanna read it, and if I don't like the way you're doing it then I'm gonna do it myself and you know what, we can both coexist. I don't really understand the mindset of groups that work on projects they themselves aren't like, invested in lol. Seriously and genuinely. Don't they want to know what happens or do they just not even read their own releases? I suppose I genuinely don't understand the reasons people do this, if not for personal investment, internet ass pats, or money? And don't get me wrong, I don't have issue with people translating for ass pats. If you just like the attention you get from uploading some popular series go for it, that's a totally valid motivator. What I take issue with is attacking other people for wanting to do the same exact thing lol.

My thoughts on the whole "We're not gonna release because u readers are ungrateful" thing is, well, I guess that's well within the groups rights. Is it a dick move? Flaunting the fact that it exists to the readers but "no u can't have it bc u read someone else's release", yeah that's a dick move lol. But a dick move they have the right to pull I suppose. Lord knows I don't post everything I translate either and keep some of it to myself for various reasons. But the obvious goal of that group was to "punish" people for reading the other release, which I think is hilarious but that's just like, my opinion man. I support their right to withhold their work from the public, but I think they did it for a dumb reason. And like, they really can't complain when other readers come to the same conclusion of "Ok then, fuck your group I guess." Felt the same way about the Rustled Jimmy's Box scandal that happened a while back. I thought their reason to leave MD was hilarious, but within their rights to do so. And guess what, everyone hated them for it and stopped reading any of their releases lol. Or at least, stopped reading on their actual site and just read their shit off the scraper sites lol.like me

I suppose what I consider the "correct" philosophy on scanslating is you should be doing for yourself first and foremost and because you actually enjoy doing it. And a lot of my feelings on that stem from the fact I know that at the end of the day, this is just piracy painted gray lol. We're all disrespecting the original creators by uploading their shit for free online, but I personally just excuse it by saying "well, I wasn't given an option to pay them for it." That's where the gray area of morality lies for me. If you ain't given the option to support the creators because some -insert your country here- company won't transfer it over themselves, then that's part of why were here. But because it's still piracy, you really shouldn't try to claim even any slight degree of rights to the series. None of us have the rights to a series, so you really can't tell anyone else what they can and cannot do in regards to it without sounding silly and entitled.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk on why being mad about sniping is dumb
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
They had 2 specials/extras they had ready and were planning to release, but decided not to release them because they felt the readers were being ungrateful shits

@PantsMan I'm sorry I must retract that bit, I had their actual stated reasons confused with what (I vaguely remember) other commentors read of their intentions. All they actually said was "Weeks of work just to get sniped, guess we ain't mass releasing then" with a screenshot of the extras they had readied for release. And just for the record it was one, not two (they did release 1 of those 2 extras) - not that it would make a huge difference to the underlying argument.

@gomichandesu Nah you're solid, your lengthy explanation helped bring out various distinctions quite clearly, both from the readers' standpoint (what amounts to entitlement and what doesn't) as well as the scanlators' (what's within one's rights and what amounts to spite - as it happens, not quite mutually exclusive), among others. Thanks for taking the time to word all this out, it seems we have the same idea here too.

That's it from me, thanks everyone and ciao.
Aug 18, 2020
Huh. tbh i never really cared about sniping before, and i had (wrongly, as it seems like) assumed it being taboo had more to do about people spending money to obtain raws--like a partnership or something--or about dialogues changing because of subjective interpretations, both of which are valid reasons for placing importance on version release dates, hence the term "sniping". Especially the latter since it could drastically affect how the story is understood, consequently affecting the reader's opinion of and interest on the title which is understandably a huge disservice to the author, the group and the work (not to mention there's a chance that the work gets axed if it loses popularity).

If it's really just about wanting to be the sole translator without even having explicit license to do so, then damn, that's just cringey. It'd be like listening to that one student in class brag about how he's the first guy to figure out the answer to a question everyone got right anyway. Ugh.

Kinda worrying that people care more about who did it first rather than who did it better. There really are things that we're better off left never knowing lol. Maybe I'll stick to my headcanon since that'll make the term "sniping" more sensible to me. As for the alternative meaning, then yeah, i suppose calling it sniping is a misnomer. Maybe "jacked" as in "hijacked" would be a better term for that. Still sounds derogatory, but I think that'll appeal to people who care more about being first than being better anyway.

But then again, "X sniped Y" sounds hella better than "X jacked Y"...right???
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
PS: There's a curious case I'd like to hear your opinion on. A certain group rage-quit one of their long-standing projects over yet another "snipe" charge. But the thing is, in this case the other guy was actually being sort of a dick to them, saying the readers "deserved better" than them but then taking on only 2 chapters or something, AND THEN DROPPING IT HIMSELF. The group was all-too-understandably super-pissed, but here's the catch: they had 2 specials/extras they had ready and were planning to release, but then this happened and they decided not to release all of them. Oh, and they've made it clear they are committed to keeping their work free and as far as I know do not accept donations. What do you make of this?
I feel like I'm involved in the cleanup from this curious case...

The initial group was getting really arrogant about how prestigious they thought their work was, shaming other translators and the readers for various things, so at the time the snipe didn't feel undeserved.
The problem is, the groups' work was of high quality and the sniper didn't replace that.
Subsequent groups had ever lower qualities of release.

The thing about high quality chapters.... they take a lot of effort. A  LOT of time spent that barely anyone notices in the final product. It's almost not worth pursuing. You have to do it either because you love the series or the process of scanlation, basically. There is limited reward in scanlation to start with. The main reward that I think the average scanlator would aspire to is 'getting their work out there'...
And truly 'getting your work out there' becomes impossible when another person releases it first.
Only a half to two-thirds of Mangadex readers will come back if there's already a recent chapter of acceptable-quality. Other aggregators only copy the first release. Subsequently, most discussion around the manga will only link to the first release.

Now, this group, or at least the TS guy, were getting really haughty about their releases. They still float rumours around to this day that they're going to return to work on the series and redo all the chapters from every other group. It's hard to work on the series because of it. If they actually do come back... now, now that I've gotten really committed to it, buying raws and all of the time spent so far, yeah that's really going to hurt me.

But I can tell, because I only do these types of chapters, they did put a LOT of effort into their releases. Not the maximal effort one could do, but a significant amount of care nonetheless. Much more than the average. And topping off the effort spent, they likely bought their high quality raws as well.

Now, if this is actually the curious case I'm thinking of, those two specials chapters probably wouldn't have been completed. They would have been 'nearly done' which is why the group flaunted their existence, but not yet ready to post. I know because I would do the same thing as them. If they were both completed they would have been posted beforehand. Instead, the smaller and easier chapter with less pages was the groups' final update. There would have been significant work involved (for a high quality release) to get that other special finished.
If that was me in their position, my motivation to do that other chapter would be exactly 0. Who cares if you do? The other group is probably going to keep updating... The readers won't care much anyway... And in this case the group was actually blaming readers as well (which is a total lol).

...So, I think the group did really care about the series. It was obviously going to be a huge deal if someone sniped them with their quality-of-release. But they just didn't care about fans of the series... especially those who were getting annoyed with them. To their own peril.

All in all, this duramma has truly fucked scanlation efforts around the series.
Though it was such a long time ago already, it still wards off potential scan groups from picking it up. I decided to pick it up after the latest group said no but as a single person, time-wise there's only so much I can do and a lot that I can't.

So anyway. Just another drop in the bucket.
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
@Afiaki Oh hi, it's good to hear from someone closer to the whole incident, for the off chance one may have missed some important detail somewhere (and yup, it's them alright).
The initial group was getting really arrogant about how prestigious they thought their work was, shaming other translators and the readers for various things
Never a good sign (for their own future at the very least), but let me not get sidetracked here.

Now, I don't intend to discount or underplay the sheer magnitude of effort and investment involved in producing high quality work, especially aspects of such work that are not immediately apparent to the end-user and often go underappreciated. Nevertheless, much of the explanation you've provided on those grounds feel neither here nor there. Let me explain why:

Firstly, there will always be takers for superior-quality work, to the point that people would be willing to revisit (if not always wait for) an already-released chapter that's been re-worked by a group with a long-standing reputation for high-quality output. I find it hard to buy the argument that a solid group would have a hard time finding appreciable (if not universal) reader penetration on a platform like mangadex that does not discriminate between multiple groups for reader visibility. In fact, even if a previously-existing work is of fairly serviceable quality, it isn't uncommon for people to compare scanlations of Japanese- or Korean-origin works which present unique interpretive challenges, and whose translation could vary depending on the interpreter's skill and proficiency. And if the group has a solid repuation for high-quality releases, the readers would be doubly inclined to do so.

On the other hand, as frustrating as it may be that lower-quality work gets picked up by aggregators (and becomes the basis of popular discussion, esp outside of mangadex) because they are able to deliver speedier releases, the outcome would be much the same if the faster-releasing group didn't upload on mangadex at all but instead hosted on their own site or such (from where they would then proceed to get ripped by the aggros of course). My point being these things are outside of one's control one way or another. I mean, are you going to now cuss at the guys over at xyz.com for speed-releasing crap-quality chapters? (actually they do, but then that's exactly the reason why MD gained popularity to begin with - for providing a platform where multiple groups could contribute without getting pre-empted by first-movers)

Now for some specifics (I'm addressing them separately because I didn't want to detract from your main point by responding to each and every sentence piecemeal):
Only a half to two-thirds of Mangadex readers will come back if there's already a recent chapter of acceptable-quality
The fact that someone is spending even thankless amounts of time and effort on producing a work of a level of quality which they feel does justice to the work is still no reason to accuse another group, which produces a level of quality that is deemed to be at least acceptable by the readers, of basically sabotage (this whole thread started from the word "sniping" carrying a hard-to-escape connotation of bad-faith acting, which I feel is an unfair accusation).

The main reward that I think the average scanlator would aspire to is 'getting their work out there'...And truly 'getting your work out there' becomes impossible when another person releases it first.
Don't mean to be rude, but we're still talking about MD, right? And not some first-come-first-served, "winner-takes-all" aggro site?

If they actually do come back... now, now that I've gotten really committed to it, buying raws and all of the time spent so far, yeah that's really going to hurt me.
I'm certainly no judge of how anyone should feel under such circumstances, but to this extent at least I can agree in that, if you took on the efforts because no one else was willing at the time (and this is the important bit as far as I'm concerned), it would indeed feel like a colossal waste of time and effort if they were to show up mid-way and say "you can stand down bro, we got this now" even with the best of intentions. But then in that case, wouldn't one also feel relieved, knowing that a comparably/more competent group is willing and able to take on that burden from there on..? Especially seeing as you're saying you couldn't hope to carry on at this indefinitely...

...So, I think the group did really care about the series. It was obviously going to be a huge deal if someone sniped them with their quality-of-release. But they just didn't care about fans of the series...
So let me get this right - they "didn't care about the fans", but it was "obviously a huge deal if someone sniped them"?? I'll just let that speak for itself.

Don't get me wrong - I'm grateful to anyone who can produce a serviceable quality of work (and that goes double to anyone committed to maintaining a high quality). Enduring insults and condescension is a laughably small price to pay to that end. And I have no reason to doubt that they cared deeply about the quality of their releases. But the inconsistency on display here makes it hard to take their outburst seriously.

Anyways, thanks for sharing your side of the story. It did help shed light on a dimension that hadn't so far been addressed, though I don't think it changes much about the larger thrust of what I (and other like-minded people) have been contending here.
Nov 6, 2019
idk about sniping because i only see it 1 time
but it's kinda funny see people go on war just because someone translate it faster than them but it kinda sad if they dropped it because of that
there also a case where a group getting butthurt of someone doing scanlation again on mangadex in the manga that they abandon and pull out from mangadex
also i see a case where two group just chilling scanlating same manga at same time (jojolion)
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
Hey, no problem.

I don't really have much of an opinion about it as you say, I'm really just commenting because "oh, I know about this!" and felt like projecting some of my thoughts as to why they may have acted in that way. More of an observation than any kind of defense, and not even really relating to the topic of discussion at all.

But since you've given me such a detailed response here I feel I should expand my perspective a little bit to address the thread.

I  should say firstly, though hopefully this wasn't unclear: anything I say about the thoughts and actions of other scanlators is my projection based solely on my own thoughts. I project this way because I feel scanlation work is overall quite similar, and thus there should be some overlap in thoughts on this issue when you are personally affected, especially with high effort scans. But they are a group that represents several people, I  am just a single person. I scanlate seriously, but I am not a serious scanlator.

So I could of course be completely about all of their thoughts or anybody else's and then it falls back to this being an opinion solely from my perspective.

Before I go back to the previous example, I'd firstly like to address the over-arching issue with my own perspective.
Who else here thinks "sniping" is a misnomer?

I think sniping is not a binary bad or no-bad issue and there are several arguments from both sides that should co-exist.
I think it is not a misnomer, but it is certainly an over-stated and exaggerated issue. The applications of the term are variable but there are certainly times when it is correct to apply it. It is relevant to bring up in a limited number of examples, this one included.

Some quick definitions:
Sniping = releasing ahead of another established and active group on the same platform without informing them.
Acceptable quality/release = fulfilling the basic translation/scanlation requirements; i.e, easily readable text/syntax, not obviously bad translations. It's usually a low bar.

The times I think it is a relevant issue is when a series is being scanlated by some group at a constant rate with generally good community feedback, and another party comes in to snipe with an acceptable quality scanlation for reasons other than advancing the series.
This works against the 'health' of the series (by which I mean the future quantity of acceptable translations) because it inevitably ends up with no group actively scanlating the series, possibly for extended periods.

An example of this is Isekai Ojisan as we are discussing.

The times I think sniping it is a relevant definition but not a relevant issue is when some group is scanlating a series at a constant rate with generally good community feedback, and another group comes in with an equivalent or slightly sub-par scanlation with the intent to advance the series (so long as they keep advancing the series for some time!).
This positively affects the health of the series because the series gets more updates (usually faster).

An example of this is Maou-jou de Oyasumi, which although had consistent updates anyway, a recent group coming in to snipe the series for a while ended up with the original group releasing much faster (and still are).

There are also times where very low quality scanlations (unacceptable quality) are released with or without the intention to advance the series. In this case I think it is not a relevant issue because the majority of readers anticipate these chapter(s) to be re-released.
The health of the series is not affected in this case because most readers will heavily favour the previous groups' scanlations when they come out.

An example of this (one amongst many, many) is The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess. The original group wouldn't have stopped anyway, but the disgruntled ex-member's translation was poor and did not match audience expectations at all.

And as for all other accusations of sniping, I don't consider them as such.

Okay! So that's basically my perspective. I like healthy series. In general, sniping doesn't bother me at all.
And just a preface to the following: though I may keep some of my response seemingly bias towards Striptease, I'm not actually trying to defend them, I'm just trying to present the woes of the sniped scanlator.

Firstly, there will always be takers for superior-quality work —— I find it hard to buy the argument that a solid group would have a hard time finding appreciable (if not universal) reader penetration —— And if the group has a solid repuation for high-quality releases, the readers would be doubly inclined to do so. —— But we're still talking about MD, right? And not some first-come-first-served, "winner-takes-all" aggro site?

You are correct in your assessment, but superior quality has diminishing returns. Striptease had superior quality releases but Kontol's releases were already good. The problem with Kontol's release was that it actually looked like a serious effort. It actually was a serious effort. The translation was good, the scanlation was good, he was releasing faster. He even had valid translation notes that also looked nice (they're part of the chapter, too!). I make a big deal out of high quality releases because I know exactly how much time gets spent, but I don't think that makes for a superior scanlation effort at all. It's fun, or it's a tribute to the series— but do you actually notice as a reader? So Striptease may have been better, but not by much.

And it wasn't just a one-off release, he did another chapter after a little while. I would have been duped.
On Striptease's side, they dropped the series immediately; the following day. A FF– for not even sticking around more than 24 hours. Ignoring their pettiness for the sake of this argument, Kontol's second chapter made it look like he was going to keep releasing. Reader support increased... A shame about Striptease, huh...

But then it all stopped.

Okay, back to the argument.
The reason why the quality of release is significant is variable, but the end result is usually the same. My thoughts would be along the lines of what I've already stated...
It's almost not worth pursuing —— There is limited reward in scanlation to start with. The main reward that I think the average scanlator would aspire to is 'getting their work out there'...
For me, hypothetically, if there was another group delivering an acceptable quality on a series I am doing, any number of positive comments on its quality won't make up for the fact there's already a good scanlation out there. It just feels depressing to work on in that condition. You only know the feeling if you do it, I guess...

That's me, but like I said: the end result is usually the same. For all scanlators. You can see this in a lot of series that had  more than one group releasing at once.
This one, this one, this one, this one, this one, why is it that most of these series end up with only one group working at a time? This is just two pages in my follows; you'll also have many series in yours that you can find with the same result. Their reasons are varied of course, but one thing is clear:
Nobody likes continuing to work on a series when they're behind.

I don't have a fitting analogy right now, but although it's not really a competition, there's no prizes, you'll always get thanks... It just feels gutting. It's not fun at all. No way.

Unless the advanced scans are of unacceptable quality (in which case you are patching something which everyone is hoping will happen), a group that has started releasing and looks like they are taking over the series leaves you with two options:

– Work your ass off to try and compete, where their lesser quality scans may be acceptable while sacrificing your own quality likely won't make readers that happy (hard for high quality folks to give that up anyway).
– Leave them to it, leaving behind all of the time you may have spent on future chapters and letting (maybe) slightly subpar scanlations take over.

If you keep releasing but get behind, eventually you'll lose readership and while most people will still read your releases, if you stop they won't really care too much. Again, it's depressing. See the above examples for just a glimpse.

And this is also just part of the game. It is how it is. That's scanlation. It's why no one really lasts that long.

Instead of keeping being involved in the series, just move on!

There's so many thousands of manga out there to translate. So many thousands of manhwa. So many tens of good manhua. Look at Striptease go. Of course they wouldn't stop for something like this. And of course it's a huge waste of time and energy to double-up scanlation on a series because you're haughty about your own quality. Readers get mad about it as well after some time (with doing a secondary release), I forgot to mention that — it's actually really important to mention that.

Readers ask: why the hell are you doing this series when there's already another group doing it! Go do some other manga!

—— as frustrating as it may be that lower-quality work gets picked up by aggregators —— the outcome would be much the same —— didn't upload on mangadex at all but instead hosted on their own site or such.
I think I overdid my response to the previous quote, so I won't add too much here. I'm having enough trouble organising my thoughts (haha).

But I'm going to give the example of Solo Levelling and Jaimini's Box. I used to read it here, but when they quit I actually followed them to their own site. The majority of people of course read whatever came up first on any aggregate site. I wasn't a fan of their other work, I don't really care about any drama, I just liked their translation of SL. Many people did I think.

They didn't continue scanlating that series though, and think seriously about "why." If they were translating for their dedicated fanbase, I would have kept visiting them... why not just keep translating? I don't know what their most popular series was, but I only visited for that.

Most of their series had alternate translations elsewhere, and it comes back to the same thing. Who really  cares about your secondary translation? It's a rhetorical question of course, look at them now.

The fact that someone is spending even thankless amounts of time and effort on producing a work of a level of quality which they feel does justice to the work is still no reason to accuse another group —— of basically sabotage
True, and thus it's hard to tell the intentions of a new scanlator who comes in to snipe a series. Unless they tell you. Kontol didn't say about it and so at the time it seemed like the real deal, it's just clear in hindsight that's what happened.

What is sabotage is what both Striptease and Kontol have done to the series after the intial event.

In 4chan translation threads, Kontol (presumably) posts random fully scanlated pages for the chapters which gives the impression that there's more to come. It's a simple troll, but it is effective in warding off people from seriously committing to scanlating any of the chapters over there.

As for Striptease, in their Discord they say... they inform their fans at least that they're "going to rescan all of the new chapters when the volume release comes out." This rumour keeps circling around from Striptease's fans and it's got to be the worst of the lot. It's so hard to get involved when just around the corner Striptease is coming back to continue the series. What if they actually do? Damn them for saying that.

You're talking about people considering sniping to be a form of sabotage... no, sniping actually takes so much effort, if they want to learn how to sabotage a series, look at Isekai Ojisan.

—— But then in that case, wouldn't one also feel relieved, knowing that a comparably/more competent group is willing and able to take on that burden from there on..? —— Especially seeing as you're saying you couldn't hope to carry on at this indefinitely ——
For me, if someone comes in with an acceptable quality release — god forbid if Striptease does as they say, no I couldn't really complain about it. And I wouldn't. It would be better for the series overall. Recently a group wanted to pick up the series and I was ready to crack open champagne when they announced that. I've been trying since November to give the series an update, being really courteous to the other scanlator but trying to give the readers something...

Anyway, that group decided to back out of that announcement after realising all of the above.

But for someone to come along now that I've committed to the series for real, well, no, it wouldn't be a relief to me at all, it's basically my worst fear right now so I'm rushing ahead to deliver the next update — without sacrificing my ideal quality, which really   stretches the definition of    r   u   s   h   i   n   g.
Obviously I've also got to take a break some time to join in the passing General thread.

Anyway, that's not even relevant now. I should delete this part but I'll probably forget~

So let me get this right - they "didn't care about the fans", but it was "obviously a huge deal if someone sniped them"? I'll just let that speak for itself.
I think it's important to remember that this is just a generalisation on my part. Truly not caring about the fans would be something like having the translator tell you the story and not bothering to scanlate the series. And despite that, most of the fans still cared about them. Rather, the fans cared about the consistency of their updates.

But still, yes, as observed it was actually a huge deal that someone sniped them.
A big deal that they created to spite literally everyone, successfully.

Enduring insults and condescension is a laughably small price to pay to that end —— And I have no reason to doubt that they cared deeply about the quality of their releases. —— But the inconsistency on display here makes it hard to take their outburst seriously.
And I agree. They deserved it, in some ways.
But the series didn't deserve it... which is in the end what really bugs me about it.
I seriously acknowledge their effort as a scanlator, I ultimately don't respect the effort of the other scanlator now, I really wished they would have followed through with their promise to return (now I hope they don't), I would have praised them if they did, but my respect ends with their rumoured return.

Anyways, thanks for sharing your side of the story. It did help shed light on a dimension that hadn't so far been addressed, though I don't think it changes much about the larger thrust of what I (and other like-minded people) have been contending here.
I should really properly read through these threads instead of just skimming everything five times before making a comment like this. But I don't have the time for that, y'know, I'm too busy type typing already... haha.
Sorry about that. I tried to give this comment something more relevant to the discussion though.

Anyway, I suppose I should retreat into my cave again.
Enjoy your holidays!
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
@Afiaki Good points all around, really brings nuance to the discussion, especially from an insider's standpoint. I did notice that your previous post was more in the way of filling in your take on the incident rather than (necessarily) an argument in favor of any particular position, but at times it may have appeared as though I lost sight of that fact, which wasn't really the case.

I won't dwell too much on any of them except to make a few cursory observations:
-Even with the fairly varied range of examples you've provided to illustrate the way each instance affects the health of a series for better or worse, it's amply evident (to me at least) that the very concept of "sniping" - with its obvious and inescapable predatory connotation - is way too extreme to be used as a blanket term for what actually happens, the way it gets used today.

-In the case I brought up, from what you're saying it's quite evident that it's not so much what actually happened as the way both sides responded that ended up sabotaging the series' hopes for regular releases.

Last but not the least, one of my favorite lines from your post:
There's so many thousands of manga out there to translate. So many thousands of manhwa. So many tens of good manhua (lol!)

Anyway, I suppose I should retreat into my cave again.
Enjoy your holidays!
You too, and all you other troglodytes out there lol
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
OP, you're thinking of it too literally in the very specific sense of killing someone from afar.

Sniping in the sense of "stealing an opportunity" (or something similar) from someone before they have time to react is not specific to scanlation. There's online auction sniping where you bid just before the auction ends in order to prevent others from outbidding you. Even more generally, it refers to "attacking from a hiding place", either literally or figuratively especially in a snide manner, and can include basically just being rude to someone especially if it was uncalled for.

So no, I don't think it's a misnomer, it's actually quite fitting.
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
OP, you're thinking of it too literally in the very specific sense of killing someone from afar
@Teasday Just for the record that's not the case. If by chance my use of the term "predatory" gave off that impression, I meant that in a broader sense of opportunistic behavior, which I feel can very much include the sort of practices you've described in the proceeding paragraph. It's basically the connotation of bad-faith acting (at least in most if not all cases) that I feel is misplaced, but then again you may not agree with that. Which is a different matter, I think.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I mean, sure we’re not hunting birds anymore, but it’s better than saying “strategically targeting important or prominent individuals from long distances With concealed vantage points in order to minimize casualties and suppress individuals to keep them in key positions” every time.
Active member
Aug 12, 2020
“strategically targeting important or prominent individuals from long distances With concealed vantage points in order to minimize casualties and suppress individuals to keep them in key positions”
@Tamerlane Well that's precisely the sort of assessment I'm not sure I agree with

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