Who Is the Prey? - Ch. 44 - Even if you like me, I'll fight to the bitter end.

Dec 8, 2019
No waaaaayyyy thanks so much for this mass update 😍 I kind of want a happy ending for her and/or a massive bloodbath 🤣
Oct 28, 2019
@jiaaaaan @zuzzel that’s pretty close.
At one point she gets pregnant with Yuan Ze’s child and FSZ makes her abort it. In the end, he kills himself after being cornered by the police and she’s pregnant with his child but her husband says they shouldn’t kill it because they’re not the same as FSZ. If it were me, I would abort it or put it up for adoption at the very least. IDGAF - don’t need a reminder of that creep every day for the rest of my life. I’m actually kind of mad Yuan Ze convinced her to keep it. And while it looks like she’s falling for him, rest assured she’s not. It’s just an act to make him drop his defenses and slip up.
Jan 16, 2021
Please keep translating this manga... It's so unique and different from anything else that has been published!
Instagram is promoting this one hard nowadays so it will gain a lot of audience soon!
Thank you for all the work you put into this.
Mar 6, 2019
Thank you so much for updating this! This is by far one of the most interesting manhuas I've read. 💖
Apr 2, 2020
@trashygarbage I wonder why you ship them. He raped her, kidnapped her, forced her to do things she didn't want, ruined her marriage and her entire life. Why tf do you ship her with him? Will you also ship a rapist and the victim? He made her life a living hell and after all what you have seen that he had done to her, you still dare to ship them? You are definitely not an okay person.
Jul 30, 2020

Couldn't agree with you again.

This isn't an ordinary abusive relationship. This is pure assult and hate.

Ans there is no also, HE IS her rapist and not just once several times. He made men gang rape her and then film it.

It's disgusting to even think shopping them.

He loves her ?

Jul 30, 2020


I would have flipped if she ended up with him or worse, fell in love.

Glad the bastard died but what I hate is that she didn't get the satisfaction of seeing him die a thousand deaths with her own hand.

There should have been one scene where we see her watch in pleasure as they chop off his fingers.

I hate that he had the liberty to kill himself when she didn't.

Do we get a closure on why he did this for her? Revenge for what???

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