Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 2 Ch. 78

May 3, 2020
Why am I so happy to see Zenith falling down slowly? Wwwwwwwwww but thank you for the translation!
Jul 10, 2019
That one scene where everything is floating and you see it from the side, I just stared at it mesmerized for a good minute. It was oddly beautiful
Jul 19, 2019
??? hmmm. idk abt u guys but that ezekiel moment was kind of a shitty move like??? okay what ? i kinda feel sort of bad for jannette just bc her circumstances are just kinda shitty to her and she ended up like NovelAthy where she's yearning and yearning for family like, girl deserves some tlc but i don't like her enough to have her barge into Athys life either.

thank you for the translation
Jun 24, 2020
my dumb ass doesn't understand shit

but poor jeanette actually i started to feel pity for her i think she's just too naive although it kinda annoys me too at times but still i pity her hngg

also ezekiel . everyone in that household is just so sad :/

idrc abt the ship or anything i just want daddy's memories to be back PLEASE idc abt anything else just let athy & her dad me happy pls THX
Mar 22, 2019
Ijekiel seems like only telling the truth about his feelings, but i don't know why he apologized.... that sounds like he's rejecting Jeanette.

Jeanette's circumstances are never favorable either for her, she's just being exploited by Kiel's dad and not even a real family of Athy's... plus now Kiel isn't by her side .... while it's sad but i don't feel that bad lmao dunno because i don't like her barging in either without considering Athy's feelings (and make her feels awkward last time)... her characters are also kinda selfish that makes me not sympathize with her much.

Either way maybe this will go full throttle and Jeanette will end up super jealous with Athy? seems like a decent target for being a villain.
Apr 13, 2020
I kinda like how Ijekiel was honest with his feelings and told them to Jennette. Even in the last life he liked Athy but he couldn't mention it, but he has the courage in this life.
Apr 4, 2018
yea I have a feeling jeanette def feels inferior and lesser to athy

i mean ig how no one really pay attentions to her (athy does though to an extent) and Ijekiel just told her athy's the most important person in his life which would mean jeanette is second to athy. I hope jeanette doesn't let these feelings overcome her and become an antagonist because even though I don't really like jeanette I don't hate her either :/
Aggregator gang
Apr 29, 2020
Lucas's age is sooooooo far off that I think it doesn't really matter anymore lol, heck his and Athy's chemistry and communication are just great...I want their relationship to go well 'cuz I really felt like fate brought them together :)

sry Ezekiel u r amazingly cute but Athy currently trusts & is more comfortable with Lucas...……..and I still think u r destined to be with Jeanette 😂
Double-page supporter
Mar 23, 2020
I dislike both the male leads at this point.

Lucas was just an asshole, but to a larger extent than I realized. The cockiness is really wearing my patience thin.

Ezekiel was just unnecessarily cruel. Could’ve left it at different feelings. She already has an inferiority complex (and tbh i don’t think he needed to say that *out loud*)
Apr 16, 2019
@ShaurnRm if you ship them, great but I never said he should die alone. Just thought he was too old for athy.

And if I remember correctly someone said the novel has both endings...? One for Lucas and one for Ejekial(?).

Either way, I still wouldn't ship them together (Lucas/athy) but if that's what the author chose then that's what they chose. Either way, don't like him for her.
Apr 16, 2019
@Greyvenn well, I think it was better to clear it now than find out later in one of those dramatic moments when the character walks in on two people hugging/kissing scenario. Also since Ejekial is supposed to be smart and he's spent so much time with her, I think he would be the one to know if she has feelings for him in that way. He doesn't come across as someone narcissistic who thinks every woman would fall in love with him.

And being rejected by someone for having feelings for them like that when you don't wouldn't always hurt. I think that would depend on the person. I would personally be confused then surprised and then say nope, I don't see you that way either. I'd also reflect on my behavior and figure out why they thought the way they do.

Given the last panel with Jeanette, I would infer she did like him and thus is hurt. I'm assuming given her personality and her reactions in other situations that if she didn't like him she would have said something to clear the air and make the other person feel better but she didn't. So I think she did like him.
May 14, 2020
Jepp I know you didnt mean that
But thats exactly what would happen
About the age gap
He is well over 1000 years old confirmed, might be even 2000, that said, he'd be too old for anybody, and if its not Athy(He allowed himself to love her because of her magic,look forward to the explanation in the future chapters ;)), he WOULD stay alone for eternity. But conversely isnt Athy too old for Ijekiel? Isnt she like 40 inside? Should she marry Ijekiel she'd have to live as the princess he thinks she is while hiding her past life from him, now that would be sad. Im sure youve noticed but Lucas is the only one she is truly comfortable with, she can exhibit her crude and non princess-like personnality freely. Merits and achievements aside,thats one of the main reasons i ship her with Lucas, its all about compatibility
Aggregator gang
Apr 29, 2020
at least Jeanette's live wasn't in danger like Athy was tho lol...so a view harsh words to smack her with reality just amounts to meh for me...Ezekiel even said sorry immediately afterwards
Athy really did a great job after reincarnating, strong OP people that adores her are lining to back her up + she is in the road to become OP herself with magic 😂
AND she is kind to Jeanette (maybe pity her but there's still kindness regardless)

While Jeanette...idk man I don't get her...she is still a kid so I get her current naiveness & childishness....but still idk if she even cared for Athy at the previous life when Claude didn't even look at Athy and Athy was framed by Jeanette's aunt then died by Claude's hands
I hope her character will develop more in the future chapters and more is shown about her....'cuz I just can't see any likable traits in Jeanette
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
Did Ezekiel really have to pgrase it like that? He's basically saying "I would choose her over you, no matter what". And okay, if it is true, did he have to say it out loud? It would have been enough to make it clear that he sees Athy in a romantic way but not Jeanette.
And Lucas just proved he's a major annoying jackass.

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