Poor jeanette. She didnt know he would try and curse her bracelet. She was a sheltered child for all her life, and is being manipulated by her guardians.
That and she doesnt have a single ally besides Athy. Izkiel or however you spell his name, while I do like him, isnt very concerned for her.
I typically dislike the sort of naive characters who, because of them, have people end up dying, but Jeanette never had a chance. Shes not as smart as Athy, she doesn't have magic, and shes been locked up. Shes been a tool since the beginning for people. So please dont hate her, shes just a pitiful character.
And I mean you guys cant really blame Jeannette for not knowing the dudes suspicious. Athy was living with him while she was hiding and although thought he looked similar to Claude, she didnt do anything. If Athy didn't suspect him, how would Jeannnette?