Who Made Me a Princess?

Dec 17, 2019
@SaphireE90 I feel you. Jeanette's character is so boring and she acts like an airhead, at this point she's annoying. I get why she's being brought up and all but it's so sudden after having Athy the main character for so long ya know.
Jun 2, 2019
@SaphireE90 For what I remember she was about to die, all happened while she was sick in bed, as I said, it is kind of dumb to dislike her for that considering Claude is exactly like in the novel but his affection this time is towards Athy.

"doesn't change the fact that she was selfish" If it doesn't matter then why would you mention it? I mean, Athy is, if not more selfish than her, she is even a manipulator, I love her regardless tho.

"I agree some people go overboard with the hate and insults" People are really making this spaces something really toxic, there is more creatives and healthiest ways of expressing someones dislikes for a character, it is hard for a lot of people to read things as "she should kill herself" or things of that nature in this kind of work, I would kind of get it if it was a darker work but this...? :T

I personally don't like her or love her, neither to I hate her or dislike her, so far, my concern is towards the attitude of a lot of people regarding that matter.
Dec 1, 2019
I'm really starting to dislike Jeanette as a character in this story but I guess that means the author is doing a good job in evoking all these emotions 😅😂
Active member
May 11, 2018
My friend says that Jeannette is like that one deadkid in class that doesn't have a clear conviction on her own and I just can't stop thinking about it lmao
Dec 30, 2019
I have to keep myself from getting annoyed at Jeanette because really, she's just a kid who has been wishing for familial love for her entire life. Of course she would be as insecure as she is - it's awful how she had to grow up and I think that it explains her behaviour quite a bit even though its frustrating.
Oct 27, 2019
How is “Beware of the Brothers” a shared universe with this manga? I’ve read it before, did I miss something?
Apr 5, 2019
I dislike Jeanette character/personality. I mean is she seriously asking why they are distant?
It’s like looking at two different landscapes; Jeanette = cheery spring season, Athy/King = somber forest.
She is skipping happily after meeting the king, didn’t even occur to her (if she is in Athy shoes) how would Athy feel right now.

Even if Athy accepts Jeanette, her feeling would be complicated at best cause Claude has become the father she loves. She’s in the heartbroken state for him to forget their memories together.

I also don’t see Athy as selfish after all she at first does it to survive but comes to love him for real as a father. Now that the event started to gear toward the story, she realized it and back out/ran away , heartbroken as she is, she still wants to live.

However, Jeanette character = everyone should accept me just because.

It’s the mary sue crap, I hate in the story... everything and everyone has to circle around her because she is the sun.

Having identify Athy as our main character, automatically makes Jeanette the antagonist doesn’t help either, I guess.😁😂
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
@resenstern I think it'll be later on that one of the brothers will be a love interest for Athy (when she's older). I think it's the second bro, if I remember the comments from Beware of the Brothers.
Apr 7, 2019
So that ba*tard-like guy has emotions. Good to know. This is a great character development as it makes him not just a typical one dimensional villain! Thanks for the chapter!!! 👍
Jul 19, 2019
Jeanette manage to escape the original-heroine-turned-annoying troop. Thank god!! I'm glad Athy bumped into uncle meanie!! He needs to be in pain more!
May 25, 2019
No no no
I cant read all the of the new chapter, because it so painful 😭
Please lucas comeback fast!
Dec 10, 2019
As much as I like Athy, you guys seem to forget that Jeanette is a child compared to Athy. She just wants that family ideal that has been idolized for her since she was born. That is common for anyone who grew up without one. Jeanette was literally created to be the perfect heroine, with that in mind, why are you bashing on her traits? Because she’s not Athy? Athy is a isekai heroine. She has her experiences in her world as well as in the novel. She is an adult compared to Jeanette. Athy wants to survive in the novel but has also developed bonds with the people around her. Jeanette just wants a family to adore her as much as she will to them. Saying that Jeanette should be putting herself in Athy’s shoes is unfair. Jeanette is already doing that in her own way, like she’s realizing her own feelings and when she is hurt, she also wonders if athy feels that way as well. Jeanette wants to protect Athy and has said that she is willing to support her. This means she is pushing her insecurities of being accepted deeper inside and prioritizing Athy’s wellbeing. If you want to bash on someone, bash her father, mother and her caretaker for making her think that athy and claude are her family. Literally, Jeanette’s life is horrid compared to Athy. The only thing that’s saving Jeanette is the fact that she doesn’t know. Athy was made from love between her parents, although Claude only loved Diana at the time. Whereas the way Jeanette was conceived, is really heartless. Not to mention her fate, if Anastasius’ plan works. If the roles were reversed and Jeanette was the heroine whose character development we oversaw, we would grow to love them both. Because we know why they’re created like this and why they act in a certain way. At this, I can’t bring myself to hate Jeanette. She’s trying her best for a sister and a father who doesn’t even know her relation to them. She doesn’t even know she isn’t directly blood related to them. AND Anastasius may be hot but srsly. he has done more things despicable while his daughter is basically his and Ijekiel’s father’s puppet.. so if you want to bash anyone, find the root rather than the trunk.

Thank you and have a nice day. (Ranting spree) (also the rant is directed to the people who hasn’t given enough thought to Jeanette’s character in the manga and hates her for how she is depicted. She didn’t ask to be used. She doesn’t want power, she doesnt want to replace Athy, She just wants a family to call her own)

Anastasius has got to stop being selfish and grow up. Like it’s your daughter you fool. FEEEL MORE AFFECTION FOR YOUR CHILD. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO, YOU SILLY PIECE OF POTATO SKIN
Aug 12, 2019
I honestly love both Athy and Jeanette and I like their relationship with one another. I hope to see more bonding between the two. I also agree with @Mawfin concerning Jeanette, she is a child in the truest sense. She just wants a family that she can really call her own. We can see from the previous chapters that while she likes Ijekiel’s family, they aren’t her’s and she feels that. Her intentions aren’t wrong, and she’s doing well for a young lady.

On another note, does what’s his face (Claude’s brother) have actual emotions for Jeanette? Like does he like her, or is starting to like her? Will it have developments like Claude did with Athy, where interest turned into adoration and love? I’m really interested in how this will play out.
Oct 9, 2019
So my prediction is that Jennette is going to
melt The Evil Brother's heart instead of Claude's it'll give her a family like she wanted and get rid of that jerk.
Also I love Felix so much he's the best character❤️.
He wasn't looking for her properly, that's why it was so easy for her to get around without being caught. 😢 He's always looking out for her

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