Will You Marry Me Again If You Are Reborn? - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Dear My Loved Ones, Farewell

Apr 17, 2020
@Purplelibraryguy: quoting you: sanctions on Venezuela for being far less undemocratic than and violating human rights far less than their best buddies in the neighbourhood such as Honduras, Colombia, Brazil. Also quoting you: Iran for doing far less to promote terrorism and war and being far less undemocratic than their best buddies Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates.
Getting to your point, what i said is that you can't objectiveoy incur that someone is better OR worse without bias. And you are actively showing it. Saudi arabia is intolerant, as it is a secular country, but what you're saying is that stoning homosexual people is better than jailing women and killing journalists. You just have more affinity to one than the other. Iran also has supported the syrian civil war, in the Al-Assad camp, and this is one of the more deadly recent conflicts. The reason that US sactions iran are because of strategic and economical reasons, wich are the same reasons why Iran supports Al-Assad ( guess what ? he sees syria as an front agains the US ). So both of them, in their scales, act in their interests, in a rather reprensible way sometimes. You just like one more, that's all.
Regarding venezuela, AGAIN, you cite half of the history as being truth and forgets the rest. Care to say how all the government backed companies became technocracies with low productivity and large sums of money have been moved out of venezuela ( including being tracked to maduro allies ), also you say of freedom of press ?!? don't make me laugh.. maduro closed all the channels that spoke against him. It's extremely easy to put everything in the backs of foreign agents, without seeing how venezuela deteriorated itself due to mismanagement also. You can't, and won't see the bigger picture. I can read for comprehension, you can't see for it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@FaCez Bias, shmias. It's not all relative. Some things are worse than other things. Killing thousands of people is worse than being rude on the internet, and so forth and so on. One can make judgements that are fairly accurate . . . if one can get accurate information. Iran did indeed meddle on Assad's side in the Syrian civil war . . . but then, Saudi Arabia meddled on Al Qaeda and ISIS' side, totally bankrolled those guys. And really, I think even Assad's strong enemies generally have to admit that he is not as bad as ISIS; he is a secular dictator, they are fanatic head-choppers who destroy civilization. So yes, Syria would be yet another case where Iran may be bad, but clearly not as bad as Saudi Arabia.
But your conclusion, I notice, is actually exactly the same as mine: You say the reason that US sanctions Iran is strategic and economic reasons. Bingo! That's exactly what I was pointing out: The US claims it sanctions Iran because Iran does bad things, but in fact it sanctions Iran for strategic and economic reasons. That's why countries always sanction other countries, but they nearly always claim that it's about morality. Sanctioning Japan pre-WW II was certainly the same kind of deal.

Venezuela . . . Sure, there's plenty of corruption in the Maduro government. Even Chavistas don't disagree with that. Even Maduro doesn't disagree with that--he's always claiming he'll crack down, although it's unclear how serious he is. But there has been plenty of corruption in every Venezuelan government in history, and nearly every government anywhere in Latin America, and for that matter the United States government. If corruption means a government is undemocratic and worthy of sanctions, the US is going to have to sanction the whole hemisphere, probably the whole world, and certainly itself. Maybe not Norway. But sure, it's a major problem--the grassroots Chavistas trying to put together communes and stuff are increasingly finding that arms of government that are supposedly on their side, run by PSUV honchos that are supposedly on their side, are instead obstructing them, pocketing stuff that was supposed to go to them and so forth. Not that that's any of the US' business. Unfortunately, there's no way the Venezuelan opposition would fix any of that because it is pretty much made entirely of corruption--there's just nothing else there. They don't seem to have any political project other than getting their hands on the goodies they feel robbed of.
On the other hand . . . closed all the channels that spoke against him? Now you're making me laugh. Name three. I've never seen anyone else allege that, not even rabid Guaido types. They're still dining out on that time Chavez didn't renew Globovision's chunk of the airwaves so they had to make do with cable. If that had happened the US government would never, ever have shut up about it. Instead they're reduced to making allegations about Venezuela and drugs that don't jibe with their own DEA reports about where the drugs are transiting. I'm sure they were hoping Venezuela would jail Guaido after he tried that incredibly incompetent military coup, like any normal country would have done, so they could claim he was being repressed. But it's just incredible that a politician can literally attempt a military coup, even a laughable one, and continue in politics like nothing happened, and people can call the government oppressive. There's no way we would tolerate that shit in Canada, you know? Someone who tried that would be doing life in prison. We wouldn't have let mobs with guns and molotov cocktails barricade major intersections either--in Canada those things would have gotten stormed in the first few days if it took the military, where the Venezuelan government let them hang around doing violent stuff for months. And nobody goes around saying Canada is oppressive. (Well, a few Albertans do, but they're idiots who think they're Texas)
Apr 17, 2020
@Purplelibraryguy more or less the same. I get the impression that you don't relate to those who seem to have more power. I think that comparisons of power , based on how our world is constructed will exist, and those that are oppressed will oppress someone else. Society will probably change in a slow way and with many bumps along the road. There is not someone who is entirely a villain, neither a hero.
As for maduro , his attacks against press are documented. In 2019 venezuela dropped 32 points in their freedom index. Also, he enacted laws where hosts are OBLIGED to correct guests in programs ( Lei Resorte ). Through his Law against hate ( ley contra el odio ), he pushes supposed heavy fines against media companhies that pushes "hate messages" ( do you want to guess what is hate in his law ? ). Per media companhies closed, you already mentioned one case, but i suggest you research the ONG Espacio Publico. As for public channels that were taken out of venezuela, i will mention National Geographic (EEUU), Antena 3 (España), Radio Caracol (Colombia) and 24 Horas (Chile). Direct Tv was heavily fined because it showed content related to humanitarian deliveries ( that famous hate speech ). So it is a mix of fines, ambiguous laws and poor infrastrucutre ( internet is abysmal there ). To justify this as some sort of message being sent by foreign agents is simply naive, sorry to say that.
Those sorts of discussions unfortunately doesn't move the needle very much, because we're both entrenched on our own views, but maduro IS a thief, IS a dictator and his regime is disastrous to venezuela in itself. This is probably exarcebated by the sanctions, but HE is the one who has to think about his people first.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
"You must be American, huh? You are that naive strictly in support of a nationalist narrative--you wouldn't believe such froth about any other country. "

Nope, I'm a Canadian Métis which kind of invalidates the rest of your mendacious rant.

And no matter how you slice it, you're trying to deflect and excuse away the genocidal holocaust perpetrated by the Japanese, by blaming America. Americans aren't gods you know. Other nations are perfectly capable of committing evil without Yank assistance, and the Japanese are capable of having their own agency.

Maybe ask some of the Koreans or Chinese what they think of Japanese actions during WW2 vis-à-vis Allied actions. I doubt you'll find any support for your excusing Japanese war crimes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Northern You sir are a liar. I have not said a single thing either supporting or denying Japanese conquests and atrocities in Asia. Every time I say "The US did not attack Japan because they did bad things" you claim I am saying "Japan did not do bad things". The two concepts are obviously very different. For you to be arguing as if they were the same requires either an amazing lack of comprehension or studied dishonesty in your argument.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
No you are the liar, and a demagogic one at that.

You tried to handwave away Imperial Japanese war crimes, by equating them to American actions and then using false equivalence.
And then, when I called you on it, you purposefully tried to dismiss me as some American nativist being jingoistic, even though you had no clue to my actual nationality.

And now you try and call me a liar? What a joke. You've just set a new low for sheer mendacity.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2020
Fuck that.
Also there seems to be a big debate or something below me so ...
Active member
Aug 11, 2020
I don't think this manga is trying to justify or glorify their country during war. Its showing the victims of war and losing what matters most.

I'm not ignoring that Japan during WW2 and prior did some really horrible shit to China and Korea. I'm also not disregarding that every country has done just as worse. This manga doesn't show the brutality and merciless of some events, but it shows that not everyone was the same. If you haven't seen Casualties of War I recommend it because it relates this. Case in point, it doesn't matter which side you were on everybody lost something.
Active member
Oct 19, 2020
Sad stuff about war is that while some things are recorded and monitored, we never truly know the depths of which loss truly occurs. Who can record potential of a person, their emotion, their bravery and devotion to die for what they believed is right ?
Reading stuff addressing war makes me glad for one thing, I don't have to go die for some leaders faith/desire/goal/motivation nor do I have to go fight to protect my loved ones. Its the kind of stuff that makes me glad to be alive at this day and age.
Dec 9, 2018
Fudge this is messing with my feelings. Will there be a happy end to this? Can you at least stop making me cry now????

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