The Wist is written in katakana with the meaning of "Twin Seasons(双季)" in kanji.Is the sword's name really just "Wist Twin Silver"? With the sword being part "wist" jewel and part "moriah" silver sword it seems like an obvious intention at a name drop (Wist + (m)oriah = Wistoria), so seems weird that the name would go with "wist twin" and "silver" instead, but I don't know how all these double-word wordplays show up in the raws (I'm assuming some flavor of furigana weirdness, but I aint a translator).
not doing anything while the city is getting annihilated is actually super in character for a bunch of racist-against-non-magic-folks wizardsBro could save the world 100 times solo and still have everyone won’t acknowledge him seriously. By logic he should already be stronger than almost all of the magicians there, but nooo author just keep repeating the same boring cliche, even though he over scaling him too much in the last battle. Unless they gonna pull the power scaling bullshit and it turns out there are a lot more of stronger magicians, but that means they didn’t do shit while the city is about to be annihilated
im guessing the midget at this point is trying to "strengthen" will to trial by fire at this point since he cant use magic at all. but this whole "u failure" thing is just getting boring, this point just speed reading itI think it's either the old man leader of the tower guy preventing Elfi from choosing Will or it's that midget guy who helped awaken Will that is preventing them from choosing Will.