Witch Hat Atelier

Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
I can cope with the release frequency because the scans are really top quality thankfully, even more so for a manga with amazing art like this one, which really needs the redrawers to be on top of their game
Feb 24, 2020
i dont care if the plot doesnt meet ppl expectation because the art style makes up for it. Its just so beaaautiful wheew i could re-read it everytime
Dec 5, 2018
Close to raw: https://tomta.hatenablog.com/archive/category/%E6%9C%AC%E3%83%BB%E6%BC%AB%E7%94%BB-%E3%81%A8%E3%82%93%E3%81%8C%E3%82%8A%E5%B8%BD%E5%AD%90%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A2%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A8
you can use google translate on the pages
Dec 2, 2018
She should go to the gate since she can always come back to the Tower later once she's grown stronger and with her friends.
Double-page supporter
Oct 6, 2019
The Brimhats are the best part about the manga, they also have a lot of potential to be fleshed out. Quite a morally gray group, even if they turned a child into a wolf. What’s the difference between them and the inquisitors wiping people’s memory with magic? Both groups use magic for their own gain, and prevent others from learning magic.
Aggregator gang
May 9, 2020
The art is so amazing. Plotwise, it is quite compelling, but not yet to the point where it can be called a masterpiece. Characters are quite likeable as well. :D its a good read and i cant wait for more.
Jun 22, 2020
Oh we're so not ready for what is going to happen... Not ready at all.

Chapter 38 is all like "hehe Atelier is my home and my students my family", with Qiffrey finally moving forward... (big chap 40 spoil)

... To actually erase his friend's memories about their serious chat. Why. Did. You. Do. This. I'm all shocked, and I can't wait for Dropout to catch up with this chapter, because I need to understand why this motive.

And to be honest... That makes this character even more interesting. He didn't give up his obsession towards Brimhats, but I guess at least now, he really does care about his students.

After chap 38, it was not disappointment, but more like "is it all? Is his character already complete? Nothing more?". Pretty sure Olugio will know, sooner or later, about what Qifrey did to him. Just right when I felt like they looked like two dads with their children. Shirahama, this is low. Very very low.

And that also confirms he really did erase Gramps' memories too.

I feel like this chapter made Qifrey's development move backwards... But also it might be a good route. He's suffering much more than it was implied. And well... Having your memories erased (so knowing nothing about your life besides being discovered in a drowning coffin), probably tortured (as the multiples wounds showed) and got an eye plucked out... How can you not be moved by a strong sense of revenge and hatred?

The thing now, is that Qifrey actually really and genuinely care for his students (especially Coco) , but he's drowning even more in his obsession. Guess Berdalute's foreshadowing will become reality, and Coco will actually be Qifrey's true savior.

Edit : I read it again, and I tried to understand just by the pictures. Why do I feel like Qifrey actually wants to be a Brimhat? His look is really ominous. Kind of feeling he knows some forbidden spells he learned in the Book Tower... Ahhh, can't wait to see a translation to know what his intentions are!
Jul 1, 2020

I just got my Japanese version of vol.7 and I think I can answer you some question you gave.
I thought the reason why Qiffrey erase his friend's memory is simple. He want to protect him. (And the motivation is quite different from erasing Gramps' memories. That time Qiffrey just wanted to shut him up.)
The few lines of chapter 40 is below.
"If you know the truth, you will help me again maybe," He said to his friend, '' You are nice. And you will forgive me, again. "
"But that's not possible. (Or translate to "you can't do that" ? I'm not good at English...)"
"Sorry...Forgive me."
BTW, The Brimhat not only took his left eye, but the eyesight of Qiffrey's right eye has also been getting worse and worse few years ago. He said "They took away my past. It's not all. They're even trying to take away my future now."
Jun 22, 2020

Ohhh, thank you very much for your answers!

So it confirms another theory I got in my head some time after my comment : the Atelier is his home and the girls and Olugio are his "family" (not into yaoi anymore, but demn Olugio and Qifrey more and more look like two dads and their daughters, everything is telling they're two face of the same coin, from the color scheme black / gray-white, to the exchange of their hats, the fire-water opposition, how Olugio looks grumpy and a loner but using a heartwarming fire-magic / Qifrey being friendly and happy-go-lucky but able to cast powerful and terrifying water spells...)

Saving (and being saved by) Coco made him truly understand how precious everyone is to him, and thus how he doesn't want them to be involved with the Brimhats, way more clear, and coherent.

But doing so, he's currently carrying a dangerous burden. That explains Bel-Bel's line "beware to not destroy what you're calling your home" ; as he used a forbidden spell on his own friend, will we see him using it on his students? Plus, it explains the page after the memory-wipe, when we only see his dark silhouette.

Ah, now everything is clear, I like this duo even more. Qifrey's going on a dangerous route, he's like his color scheme : gray. Still a nice guy who wants to protect his family, make his student improve and just, live his life. But, still heavily scarred by his past, and ready to use forbidden spell to either wipe suspicious people (Gramps) or protect his own family (Olugio) or, worst, leave his students alone to pursue an enemy (Romonon episode). Definitely, Olugio and Qifrey are my favorites characters.

Ah, now I'm curious to see where all of this is going! Really, I like this Manga. Characters are well written, and if I'm still curious about Tetia's past (as they all have in common the fact they're "rejected" from witch society), and want to see more about various magical symbols, it doesn't bother that much to change my mind about the the story.
Dec 22, 2019
I like the professor's style.

Build that Harem from a seed

that way you can cultivate it.😜

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