World Customize Creator

Active member
Apr 3, 2018
Yea I’m honestly really lost, haven’t read in a few months not sure what chapter to go back and pick up things from
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
it was a fun read, till the author added in the politics that isn't really interesting enough to keep the readers 🙄
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 26, 2018
Started pretty good, but it got so much boring recently... They talk too much, sometimes it looks like a panel is pure text with only a little image of the MC, even in battles they talk too much
And what worst is that all that talk is pretty much pointless
Sometimes i get headache just trying to read this... sadly it goes to my dropped list
Apr 23, 2018
Dropping... I think I gave it a 8 in the beginning, but... I stopped reading at ch 59 and can no longer say I would recommend this to anyone.
Mar 31, 2018
This started fantastically but its incredibly dull now. Guess the writer ran out of ideas at this point
Active member
Jan 12, 2019
I stopped reading this I think around chapter 40 because it became a walking and cooking manga. Just came back to see if its changed and going by the comments it seems the mangaka has gone awol
Jun 4, 2019
Loving this series :) and I don’t mind the more explanation being added. Things are starting to fold in about main arc
Active member
Jan 21, 2018
I think the story got overly complicated and lost focus in recent chapters. It had been an okay read up to that point.
Group Leader
Aug 17, 2019
The more I read this the more I realized it's kind of flimsily written.
The first and most major point bc a lot of things stem off of it is how vague the customize ability is. There's not really a period of discovery either, so it just feels like it can do whatever the plot needs , or whatever it doesn't need.
For example changing weapon stats and money from one type to another? Fairly easy to understand. Making towers appear out of the ground and holes and etc? okay... But suddenly there are some rules about how much you can adjust items, and for some reason using really strange methods to cross land because of some restrictions. It just seems arbitrary without being clear about it...
Second point, most of the personalities are pretty mushed too so they can be melded to do what the plot needs... and despite the overwhelming amount of detail on countries and stuff it's still not really clear and characters just do things because the author needs things to be happening? Plus some tropes and things.

Things just seem to be unnecessarily complicated after mc decided to join the black god squad (and such a weak motivation to as well! like, he doesn't know anything about the rulers and stuff). I enjoyed it more before that point.

It's not like... terrible it's just not that good either.
Feb 10, 2018
Yeah I couldn't agree more, with Redbeanbunny. For all this author's heavy world building and political themes, which I really do enjoy seeing in a fantasy setting, he can't write people so nothing anyone does seems particularly convincing. Their motivations feel really cardboard-like, and they just move across the board the because the author placed them there, as it was necessary for the plot.

Contrast this with something like One Piece, of all things, where you might have a nation besieged by another nation or by the World Government, but they start that incredibly heavy and complex story with a poor farmer or seemingly inconsequential fellow with a funny laugh giving Luffy a sandwich and slowly confiding in him about dark shit being afoot. By the end of it, you really care about this random dude, and you're invested in the woes of the people, so when the battle heats up and people are having their lives ruined by war, you actually give a shit. When you find out that he used to be like the King or someone equally important, as a reader, you're ready to go to bat for this whole nation, because they've wormed their way into your heart.

Here, we don't really know anyone and couldn't really care less about this town because, guess what, we don't even know anything about the people who live there. We never *met* them, and we were never properly invested in their lives. Obviously a top tier manga like that is a super high bar to pass, so I don't expect them to do so, but this... this is going south in a million ways.

To begin with, monthly manga like this rarely stand a chance, because we've forgotten everything by the time another one finally rolls around. Secondly, while as readers we might have a goldfish's attention span and get bored easily, its worth the risk to take things slow and take the time to introduce us to everyone and properly build up to a climax. Its a risk you have to take with serialized comics, where people will drop a series at the smallest and most pointless provocation, because at least in a book, they're going to see it through to the end.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
"What's our gimmick?"
"The MC was a master of cheats, tricks, exploits, and glitch abuse in video games, and is sent to the fantasy world with the ability to mod and hack items."
"Sounds really cool! What are we going to do with it? Have him make vorpal holy sticks of might to slay horned rabbits, and hack their meat into stat-boosting steaks?"
"Nah, political intrigue and military maneuvers."
"But he'll still use his powers, right?"
"You're thinking of the wrong story."
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
Jesus I'm so bored reading this. First 10 chapters were interesting but now its a fucking slog reading this. Dropped.
Active member
May 20, 2019
Damn, true af. I thought I was the only one got tired reading this shit, so that's what actually happening. Also, this kinda break me from the bubble of disliking One Piece just cause it's too mainstream, guess their formula on each arcs and characters orientation what's kept them going this far.

P.S: This is not sarcastic message, no shilling
Active member
Aug 23, 2018
I'm about 4-5 chapters behind but I feel like you are absolutely right. I usually forgot most of the plot-heavy parts by the time a new one came out mostly because I read other stuff too and have other things going on in life. The characters still feel so bland even the MC and main girl + crew feel just like puppets poorly acting out things to move the story forward. Really feel like I'll end up dropping this.
Mar 23, 2018
i forgot which chapter that i stopped reading this shit. i quess around one year ago so its quite sometimes.

i tried to take a peek, and then the story it still "everywhere anywhere" as usual.

to be fair if this on Novel standard , then this Manga is good (just good, nothing more).

As a Manga serialized, then the value is so-so.

but if this go into Anime, the i will not hesitate to say it will go down to the "Garbage/worthless" rank.
not even all the MC company can be remembered, they jjst didn't have the unique or their own persona needed to make readers pay them attention.

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