>"Don't know, don't care, and unless the artist says something, I'll never know. What I can say, while there's definite bullshit in abstract art, the underlying concept is misunderstood and good abstract art requires skill. Take, for instance, Piet Mondrian, he's the guy who did the paintings that look a little something like this."
ding ding. What people don't realize is that the best abstract artists have excellent example of skill, a finely honed sense of composition, and a well developed understanding of the workings of color.
To add on, a vast majority of abstract art isn't trying to actually have some deeper meaning in a red square, most of it is about the base impact the piece first hits you with imo. Most people look at these through their computer monitor, where you cant see the brush strokes, texture, size, matte, etc. The base pic in op is a great example, its complete bullshit to judge that on that pixelated ass image.
For the meaning of it, its varied. Some of it is meta commentary, some actual commentary, some a comment on the process itself, etc. Its not meant to have an obvious meaning, thats the point. Trying to attribute it all to being "bullshit" is what actual idiots who use "liberal arts" as an insult, aka people who study philosophy, mathematics, social science, communication, cause apparently none of those are useful in the modern days discourse where people emotions, development, and opinions are something that decided the well being of literally everyone.
I bet this fucking idiot has strong
political opinions, something that is completely based in philosophy, but still says this bullshit cause it has the word liberal in it.