Yakuza Reincarnation - Yakuza Princess of Another World - - Vol. 4 Ch. 15 - Ladies' Mermaid


Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2019
You know, this chapter made me realize... how did the knight with the fortitude of a wet towel managed to stay with them up to now and why do we keep him around again?

Because he seems more like a useless liability as far as I've seen.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Giovanni finally gettin' some love but he just can't compare to that cool beauty/daddy charm that Ryuu is packin'

@TEU he's what's know as in the narrative sense as "comic relief" and "useful for exposition"


Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2019
@NinjaGoemon idk, man...

I don't really find his whole schtick that comedic, to be honest. But then again, humor is subjective so as long as it gives people the funnies, that's fine. Though, the maid wizard elf could be just as fitting for the role of exposition delivery, which she has done quite a bit more than him.

I guess that I just feel a bit irked that he's the only character that doesn't really have anything going or anything worth noting, while most other characters (save for most of the villains), at least had something going on.
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
@TEU I feel like hes probably a metropolitan knight thats only served as a guard in the noble district of the capital then promoted to serve a vapid princess put in place so she has fewer reliable people on her side. Now hes getting world experience. I dont mind him so much.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
"Please close yours as well" lo/
I don't really like this mermaid girl but Ryu is badass as always!!!
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Hmm? Did something change about Giovanni? I feel like his design made him look cooler, because I thought he was another character until they mentioned his name. Maybe it's just my imagination.

I like this mermaid, she's an interesting character.

He gives me Steiner (Final Fantasy IX) vibes, with the whole "I'll follow my princess because I'm super loyal" thing, but unlike Steiner, Giovanni isn't brave, he sticks with lady Ryuu to protect her, but ends up being mostly useless,although, I'm sure that he will actually act without succumbing to fear when a truly important moment will arrive.

In terms of comedy... with this title, most of it doesn't get a reaction from me, often just a chuckle.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
From what I understand about Giovanni, in the past he was a competent knight and because of his achievements he was given a fairly comfy role and made a lot of political connections. He's pretty old now though so his usefulness in combat is pretty low as a result and due to the fact they're wanted his political connections are also unreliable. He has done some useful stuff but his role is limited due to the circumstances. After things settle down a bit and they remove most of the rotting corruption, he'll probably be more important since he's the only one who really understands the politics
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
@TEU I think rather than a guard, for the princess Giovanni is more akin to a nanny (btw the elf is more like a teacher, I think), and because the princess life in the castle, I wonder if they ever short on a guard. So in normal situation, when she go outside, she will be escorted with these two (her personal attendant), a bunch of royal knight, and maybe some of the knight from that chivalric order too.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 8, 2019
Giovanni only seems changed because there's another character pulling his "Lady Ruu COULDN'T possibly do X! Run...oh she defeated X without trying" shtick. Given the chance and another 5 pages it'd be dueling idiots on what Ruu couldn't possibly do. So it shows the quote "better to keep your mouth shut and thought of a fool, than to open it and prove it" right.


Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2019
@Claresilver47 I mean, I don't think old age would make him that much of a coward, but I get your point. I also think he'd be more useful in a politicking environment.

@Nunally probably was a nanny to the old princess (aka before MC took over).

@Richman yeah, I commend his loyalty, though not his bravery.

All in all, it's not like I have anything against him per se, but it's just that he's the only one getting that little depth as a character despite being in the main cast. Most of what we saw of him until now was the "Haha, knight won't believe what's about to happen" schtick. I do hope he gets some actual development as a character later on.

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