I don't know what she's trying to do...
It's like she testing him to see how much she can tease him before he snaps and jumps her... but she clearly doesn't like lustful men.
She's constantly insulting his appearance... but keeps helping and reassuring him in his efforts to better himself... and she's always praising him in some other way.
She's working hard to stay physically close to him, always touching, always being sexy, always exiting, but she doesn't seems sexually attracted to him, like she's doing all that just for the tease.
And she seems to be running into him an awful lot... like a stalker would.
I kinda like these one off situations, but some progression would be fun too. We've learned a bit more about her, but we don't really know much about him.
I hope his training pans out, I don't need him to become a buff dude, just a bit more physically reliable.