real lesson here. Confidence comes from experience. Go out there and get bruised.
This is not related but sometimes I've heard that for introverts sometimes you need to tap into anger to overcome your mental block. Fear of being disliked? Well, learn to dislike someone. Learn to get angry and act irrationally.
Yes and give everyone a reason to dislike you for real,
only then you will be liked... wait a second, eh? Something's wrong.

Mental block? Maybe, but that doesn't come from nowhere. She experienced being disliked and she doesn't want that. If she just retaliated with anger, that'd only make it worse and isolate her more. Changing environent could help, if only she could rely on her parents or some adult, but her (single?) mother does seem too busy to be bothered for her and that's why she's doomed to be stuck unless anyone noticed her problems
(pain) and reaches out to her (someone who can really help her like a teacher) but let's be real
nobody will notice it because she said
it's fine.
it is fine nobody will think anything is wrong.
it's fine nobody will notice anything at all.
it is fine, she won't reach to anyone else.
it's fine she
can deal with it by herself.
Because, it is fine.