I usually don't complain about chapters, but wtf author?
You introduce a new girl this late in the game that obviously isn't gonna win, have her confess and get rejected, but in a way that shows 0 progress. Not even a "there's someone else I like". He just wants to focus on fashion.
understandable. alot of girls wants him... he might not know it but i can see him feeling too overwhelmed. besides i suspect he only got eyes for a certain lass but doesn't know it yet.
Yeah, yeah i understand its a harem ero manga... but common... that pretty much shot down any progress with anyone... and lately the "situations" werent even that great... i wouldnt be surprised if this find an axe in its near future. Really a shame.
Everyone is killing the guy, but if he really wanted to get a girl he could, easily. He's really in it for the fashion, I can't drag a guy for following his passion. Of all the tropes, this one is not that bad.