Yankee wa Isekai de Seirei ni Aisaremasu. - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Don't F*ck With Me!!

Aug 4, 2018
Control THE SPIRIT = Peace, and ruling over the world.
Freedom the spirit = chaos, because anyone who have the power(spirit) will try rule the world or destroy the world.

Idealist vs Realist. lets see how mc decide this problem
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Yep, it seems that the spirit liberation group just admited that they are only interested in controling people, and only have concerns for the spirits as a secondary. This is a classic example of "gain absolute control under the guise of providing protection". Its like evil scheem #8, just after "kill our own side while disguised as the eneny in order to start a war" in the "Villians Big Book of Evil Scheems". If you go with the plan, all you end up with is essentially an elitist minority run society which through their absolute control of a essential resource, subjugates the masses, turning them into slaves in everything but the name.

This guy could not have said that clearer, because if your goal was protecting spirits, then simply spreading the public awareness of what the magic stones actually are, should be enough to solve the issue.

Also, on a side note. The spirits seem to know jack shit about what they want, and seem to care even less about it. So asking them their opinion on the matter, while it is still sonething you should do, seems like a waste of time since it doesnt seem possible that they would ever give you a difinitive answer.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
Ah yes, forcibly taking spirits away from people is definitely better than educating them about the "stones" and letting them learn not to misuse them...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
For some reason I have a feeling that publicizing the findings won't be an option, most likely not something even suggested and given an excuse as to why not do it. And even if an excuse is given, it would probably be a rather forced one only there to move plot away from that idea, not to actually explore it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@feha In fairness, this is a pretty medieval world, so widespread information dissemination isn't exactly feasible as an end goal (short term, anyway). Especially not when you have fanatics that will direct their full might towards suppressing that information.
Jun 2, 2019
Even if you spread the information, people are selfish. If they use the stones as jewelry and to power their tools then most people won't accept it. They'll ignore the findings and keep going, only when the world is literally one step away from destruction will they change their ways. In this case, forcing people is a valid method.

I think the best thing to do is to make Zero the King. Have him explain everything and make it law that this stops. But then they start to have a spirit society where at the age of x you go to a temple and if a spirit chooses you then you can be together with them. This society would know all about the black and transparent stones so the issues of breaking them or using them shouldn't happen unless you do it purposely. People still get the freedom to pick spirits and everyone is happy.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
She makes it sound like Zero actually does have a power he can use. I keep wondering what will happen once he gets all the stones in his mithril pipe.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Hey maybe educate the masses about the Spirits' life cycle instead

No? Subjugate the masses? Ok.
Sep 11, 2019
Everybody was thinking about the possibility of both sides being total ruin to the world but yeah Zero is obviously making his own path in between liberation army's Spirit protection but also with normal people's current state. The thing is how? Medieval people are dumb as heck in mangas and considering their both princesses being absolute stupid I can't see teaching as a way
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
libertarian army is basically a bunch of nazis, have nothing with the real freedom
probably mc will chose the "real freedom", by defeating the libertarian army
The Spirit Liberation Army doesn't call itself a libertarian army, and certainly isn't one. Typically, political movements whose members use the term “liberation” to describe their objectives seek to free one social class as such from the rule of another, but remain deeply opposed to individual liberty.
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Sad to inform everyone assuming "just telling the world" solves this all happy-go-lucky, you really only need to look at real life for any number of examples of why this wouldn't work,
- The rich won't give a flip
- The badies/underworld won't give a flunk
- The poor masses likely have all info routed through travelers and traders which means playing the telephone game over several days between ppl with different agenda's
- Zero is literately just some dude (and even considering he's smart enough to maneuver the princess's into broadcasting the info in his place look back to points 1 & 2) who also last i remember was on a kingdoms wanted list so... def everyone will believe him.
- Even if by some awful ex-machina people do believe him and him alone (without the great spirits themselves descending to crown him the spirit king in full view of the world) people may still look at it like we already do with global warming (disbelief, won't happen soon enough for me to care, spirit liberation army numbers up).

Then again could just be author goes easy and just does the do, as it sometimes be like.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
Considering typical human behaviors..
If they spread the info I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if people started trying to force all magic out of the spirits to turn them into black stones, leave them around to gather power until they turn white then use/sell them for lots of profit.

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