Yankee wa Isekai de Seirei ni Aisaremasu. - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - This One Too!?

Feb 5, 2018
Wait, are you really saying him being a spirit came out of nowhere? His exact type / title sure, but as he himself said in the chapter there were clues enough to make it obvious he was at least partly a spirit :p
Jun 30, 2019

Some of the more obvious hints, that aren't just explained away with Isekai are that he was on a quest to meet with the "4 Great Spirits" to "understand who he really is" (which definitely seemed to indicate his nature was linked to the Great Spirits, and that it would take him some time to really accept the truth about himself); that he was able to enter a barrier that only lets Spirits in (and doesn't let them out), and he also couldn't get back out of it (in chapter 29 we see his hands pressed against the barrier from the inside, like theirs are from the outside, which meant he wasn't just able to ignore the barrier); that he was told that he and Kouya were like each other, which was combined with the fact that Kouya, while unable to use magic, was able to enhance the magic ability of the maid (hinting that Kouya was a spirit). I felt the barrier one was one of the most obvious hints, personally.

Things that made me suspect it early were the fact that the author seemed to be wanting a twist, and his ability to see the spirits, that he was "reincarnated" in a place known to be the "home of the spirits", that he couldn't use magic (which, like you said, were often dismissed as being quirks from him coming from another world, but that explanation didn't fully sit well with me, because I felt that since he had been transferred to this one, he should be somewhat subject to the rules of this world), and that Great Spirits could be seen by people (which gave me an explanation fitting the rules of this world that also could apply to him). The fact that he "died" also meant that his "spirit" had been transferred to this world, which felt like an extra "hint" to me.
Apr 21, 2020
It was obvious that he was tied to the spirits in a meaningful way outside of simply being an isekai protagonist, though I'd always assumed he was something more akin to a "spirit child" (a human with the powers of a spirit), rather than a spirit himself, and a Great one at that. A well earned "twist" on the author's part, for sure.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
Even though that water spirit was "The great ero water spirit", she's surprisingly active and informative, and not that, very knowledgeable as well...

Too bad, if MC wants to had another sets of answers from here, another payment needed, and he need to sell the girls to do more ero touching skin so she will be satisfied to answer any questions on his mind..
Group Leader
Jun 2, 2019
@throwaway4ccount Here is why I think most of the explanations (minus the magic boost which is quite recent) would be whisked away... because he came from another world, he had no magic. Because he had no magic, anything that should effect magic would not effect him. Barriers that repel magic won't work. Stones that absorb magic won't harm him. He had the classic Isekai trope of getting a special power (in this case, being loved by spirits) which explained things. And people dying to transfer is such a common trope that it wouldn't register for most people.

Think about it, this is a trope where summoning is either magically being summoned or dying and then appearing somewhere... something so common in this type of series that being in another world after death means nothing.

And that's why it's a shock to readers. Because almost anything noticed is quite normal in an Isekai... he had a gift and he had no magic. These 2 things boosted together could have made a huge difference.

Plus, the fact that he was contracted to such a large amount of spirits could also explain why he could boost the magic of others...
Having no magic and having a gift (which is normal in an isekai) that allows him to befriend spirits basically allowed one to explain everything about the events. And because those 2 things are usually what explains events so well in other world stories, we expected the same.

Frankly, it's the mixture of the fact that the explanations given fit so well and the fact that this is the norm for these stories that made this quite the plot twist...

And again, the magic boost was something barely introduced...
Jul 15, 2019
So, First: Will all the spirits they have made "contracts" with becme spirits of their element? As in the chibis knew already and were volunteering to join the new "families".

Second: How will this affect the power dynamic/balance of the world? Currently only 3 people we know of as readers even know of the existence of the, not just one but, 2 new elements.

Third: Isnt it a bit unfair and role bending to make the chipper Totalitarian fuckhead dictator the G L S, while Zero who is a "lets protect the weak and give everyone reasonable free choice" is labled the G D S. Which typically speaking ends up being tagged evil or bad by religions and stupid people worldwide.

Im not gonna lie this is walking the line of making me not wanna read anymore, I like this mc hes not totally thickheaded and is on track to be a real thot slayer. I dont want to see him fucked over and this, while not shattering, seems to be cracking the foundation of his identity.
Not cool.
Its another plot device not used terribly often but not uncommon that the "big evil" spirit, god, future demon king, ect. had a trauma triggering its descent into evil/madness.........like oh say happily trying to move on in a new world after dying and trying to be a good guy, only to find out you not human anymore, not only that but you get to be darkness itself......fucking yay! (personal side note Id lean into that role full fucking tilt, Im not a nice individual even if I have a soft spot for truly nice people Im more lawful/evil with a massive chaotic tendency). Can we say personality disorder incoming? Oh well, I've ranted enough, Bye!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020

... You might be reading too much into it dude. None of the previous plot devices would imply any of that would happen.

On another note, hot damn am I impressed. This manga actually had a plot twist which surprised me! That's rare in isekai's nowadays.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018

You are taking Dark=Evil a bit much. There is such a concept as Sacred Darkness in many mythologies. The idea that Darkness is a protector and blessed thing just as Light. Darkness to this day guards people. Why else would we seek shelter from the Sun?

I just wonder if this means Zero has a contract with Grace because she met him first?
Jul 2, 2018
I considered stopping following this manga, I'm glad I haven't, now it might get interesting.
Jun 30, 2019
@deathmailrock While I agree that some of the other things could have been explained away before, two of the things you mentioned couldn't be. The first is why he specifically needed to meet with the "Great Spirits" to understand who he truly was (showing an identity in some way linked to the "Great Spirits"). The second and stronger of the two is the barrier. It isn't that it didn't affect him, it is that it let him in, but didn't let him out. We can see him pushing against it from the inside. That, for me, confirmed what I already believed to be the case. It felt like a progression of hints along the way that kept getting stronger and stronger, with the Kouya boosting the maid's magic being the most recent and strongest. So, while they could have been explained away for other reasons at the beginning, the things that were off about him kept pointing more and more strongly to "Spirit".

The big reason that I wasn't surprised, I think, is that I looked to the rules of this manga's world to see if they gave an explanation for Zero's circumstances first, and many people looked at "normal isekai tropes" for an explanation for his circumstances first. I understand the reasoning behind the other, as the MC having unique abilities is common in isekai, or their magic being a type that isn't quantifiable, and such like that. But I thought it better to look first for an in-universe explanation that fit, and found that "Great Spirit" fit the bill perfectly. There was nothing in-universe to show him not to be a "Great Spirit".
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
Ok...this wasn't really what I expected. This is getting interesting now...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Well, we knew he wasn't normal for a human, so the revelation that he is a great spirit doesn't come as too much of a surprise, but it's interesting that this is the first that we hear of the light and dark element IIRC. We have not seen a single dark or light chibi.

So what happened? Are they already extinct?

Why exactly are the great spirits of water, earth, wind and fire asking for the answers of the great spirits of light and dark? What about their own answers?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
oh, hey, remember a few chapters ago where the enemy put up some barrier that blocks only spirits from ever exiting?
remember that almost everyone called it right that our MC would get blocked by the barrier?

it's really crazy how the author can still pull off this kind of surprise even after giving that many hints, lmao
the isekai trope is really a good red-herring, we all thought the barrier just mistaken his spirit power (granted from being isekai'd) as being a spirit

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