Hey! You removed something from this chapter! In the manga raws, in the page 24 of this chapter here(page 22 in the raws), in the panel where we see the description for Terra(him being the Demon King's son and the creator of the Seven Luminaries) there is also his level.
He is level 1000. It's written there in the raws.
Why is it not in the translation?
Edit: Here's the page in the raws.
Hmm, Lufasa did call that dude good looking, even after wishing he would go explode, lol. I wonder if that's Lufasa proper and not our isekai'd MC? She does seem to be regaining her memories and personality. Wonder if the two will merge completely?
What a gem. Binged read it unfortunately made it to here, this one is like one of those isekais you enjoy reading while not being regretful that you're wasting your time reading this kind of stories like what most isekais stories are.
@tathra TY! Never knew yangire was a term! That helps alot when trying to explain the psycos who dont feel love compared to yanderes.
also hmmmm... my theory on her actualy BEING the goddess and not an avatar seems more credible now since the MC just explained clearly all the other things she could be o.o
The interaction between Diina and Lufasa is great this chapter, I honestly couldn't stand Diina after their 1 vs 1 but this chapter really made me like her.
Terra: "Thats Lufasu?! The purge of demonkind?!
Even though shes lost half her strength shes still that powerful? What could someone of her caliber possibly be doing here now? What could possibly be going through her mind?
@somaanggoro Here. (Thanks for telling me that the picture link was broken.)
edit: In the end, this picture's link got broken again, so here I am now uploading it again, except that this time I did it differently. Just to be sure that the picture link doesn't get broken again, I uploaded this picture in a post I just made in my wordpress page (and I set that post to private). I then used the picture link from the post to upload the picture here. It would've been so much easier if I had simply been able to upload the picture here directly from my computer files, but that doesn't seem to be possible to do in the comments here.