Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 9 Ch. 44.1 - Punishment 1

Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Some would say that it's bad that he has a tragic backstory because it means we should pity the "poor boy," but in cases like this it just goes to show how deplorable he really was since he willingly chose to inflict far greater wounds on others because he felt entitled to do so, making him no longer a pitiful bully but just a plain monster. It's as Lufasu said, your past has little to no bearing on your current sins. Having a sad backstory does not justify being a horrible person, some things can be excused because maybe you were taught poorly and incorrectly came to think the world works a certain way, but somethings just have no excuse and are not so easily forgiven.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
He's alive you know.... Her went easy is a 1 hp guaranteed survival of the victim. but he's basically trapped in a useless bag of flesh after all that.
At least for the time being, Lufasu seems to have implied that he won't be alive for long, just long enough to reflect
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Good for her to not care about the sob story, but LOL at the "not a noble thing". All nobles are precisely the kind of people who make others miserable in many ways, it's the essence of feudalism.
Eh, yes and no. Feudalism is just like any government system, there are good leaders that help the people they lead and then their are those that corrupt the system. The only difference is just in how much more difficult it can be to out a corrupt figure in feudalism because of how they stay in power, so corruption tends to take root a lot more easily and tends to grow a lot quicker. It's not inherently a bad system if those in charge are always good leaders, but like all systems, those in charge are human so results vary heavily.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Eh, yes and no. Feudalism is just like any government system, there are good leaders that help the people they lead and then their are those that corrupt the system. The only difference is just in how much more difficult it can be to out a corrupt figure in feudalism because of how they stay in power, so corruption tends to take root a lot more easily and tends to grow a lot quicker. It's not inherently a bad system if those in charge are always good leaders, but like all systems, those in charge are human so results vary heavily.
The advantage with a feudalistic system, is that the ppl at the top want to enrich your life simply because better economy = more taxes. No need to care much about elections or shit, and can instead actually implement plans likely to have a positive effect (even if it is decades from now), instead of only focusing on things that sounds good to voters. The absolute authority also allows them to implement reforms without being forced to compromise them into something that just makes things worse.

The issue lies in how lobbying remains unchanged. Bribe the person in charge, and your company will see laws put in allowing you to predate on the commoners, on the lords behalf. ..Well, still a slight advantage in that there is little incentive to accept lobbs in exchange for lowering their taxes - as said taxes goes directly into your own pocket anyway. Maybe if the royals tax the lords too heavily, it might be tempting to risk everything by accepting bribes to not tax them, as the money is off-the-book. But the risks makes it a poor choice in general.
Another advantage is that there would also be an actual incentive to stamp down on corruption in middle-management and disallow them to take bribes (bribes are only legal if they go into your own coffers!), unlike how bribing is legal on all levels in many modern countries (yes, lobbying is bribing, unless you are strictly talking about solely the practice of "paying someone to show up at all public hearings on issues and talk in your name, because you don't have the time yourself").
Even from the lobbying companies perspective, there are only advantages - fewer ppl needed to bribe.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Most satisfying chapter in a while! And the best line in the entire series! Who gives a crap about a villain they just met and was built up to a pathetic piece of shit? Dumb writing!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
Good for her to not care about the sob story, but LOL at the "not a noble thing". All nobles are precisely the kind of people who make others miserable in many ways, it's the essence of feudalism.
There is an "advantage" to feudalism over other types of government. When you have a problem with the count, he's right there in your county. When you and the mob need to take your torches and pitchforks to the duke, you don't even need to leave the duchy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
He's alive you know.... Her went easy is a 1 hp guaranteed survival of the victim. but he's basically trapped in a useless bag of flesh after all that.
Also, he was still alive on last panel. Most likely she beat him into paté, but the skill magically enforces him staying alive. Immortality, so to speak.
I was going by what she said about him not having much time left, so I assumed he would perish soon enough. That's why I said relatively quick death, since it's only quick compared to a longer time of torture.

The advantage with a feudalistic system, is that the ppl at the top want to enrich your life simply because better economy = more taxes. No need to care much about elections or shit, and can instead actually implement plans likely to have a positive effect (even if it is decades from now), instead of only focusing on things that sounds good to voters. The absolute authority also allows them to implement reforms without being forced to compromise them into something that just makes things worse.
Yeah, that's a benefit of most systems that have leaders that are more or less guaranteed to stay for longer than a decade or two, whether by law or fixed votes. Being able to focus on long-term solutions can be such a game changer.

The issue lies in how lobbying remains unchanged.
Lobbying is one of the worst parts of most systems. It only ever benefits those who can afford it, and those are not the ones who need it, pretty much by definition. There are tons of problems in the modern world that comes from lobbying.
Dex-chan lover
May 8, 2019
She obliterate almost every vital bones and organs in the matter of seconds to only leave him in an actual meatsack. A well deserve execution and punishment.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
What started the tear that put me in stitches from the absolute restructuring of the asshole, was when Lufasu-sama pretty much broke the forth wall to rip the flash back panels away to reinforce just how much she does not care about his sob story.
its also kinda just shows how strong she are
she can kinda just break reality...

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