Yeah the scans were chosen for quality, and also notable, includes panels redrawn by Urasawa for the kanzenban (pg10 and pg20)
Starting from chapter 1 was mostly to test the waters, I'll probably start releasing c93+ and maybe do some early chapters if I feel like it. Tbh the HappyScans/VillageIdiot work is nice enough quality iirc.
Author redrawn panels is probably the best justification for reworking old chapters. However, it's also a good incentive to buy the work when it's published in English. Hopefully, some day. Even now with all the simulpubs going on the industry is still pretty shit about doing anything pre-2K or non-shounen.
Looking forward to seeing your work though. The first page alone with the "clean-up this issue since you're a clean-up pitcher" line is good translation, parsing jokes properly is very important (as long as that intent is in the original text).
I've read through the series, and I agree that the current scans are good, I don't remember any really bad spots. I'll reread it now and see if my memory's accurate, but Happy Scans did a lot of Urasawa works and always did a fine job IIRC.