chapter 63, wait for it. Though, lol, come chapter 88 nothing is resolved still...well, sort of. He's becoming more angry about not knowing who she is so now it's a hunt for her identity - I think. The raws are tough to decipher but basically he's issued a search for her.
"I appreciate your counter-argument but I am standing by my previous statement. I have consulted with the omniscient Google-sensei, and his answer states that soup is liquid food made by boiling. Thus, unless you have a peculiar liking to hot-mushy-baby-food-like cereal, cereal is not soup." Hot cereal exist. Oatmeal exists. Oatmeal is considered cereal. And Oatmeal can be eaten both cold and boiled in a liquid. Thus cereal is soup as per your above statement. Thanks for proving my point. uhm... I realize after reading this, this may sound hostile. I have no hostility against you. I may suck at writing.
Oh and toothpaste is basically a colloid. Think jello. Same thing.