YJK no Ijou na Aijou

Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
I can't believe he didnt have the balls to go through with it... 🤦‍♂️

But like.. I get where he comes from trying to make it special
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
the ML goes from barely passable to somewhat promising and then devolves subhuman trash(the chapter was hard to read) so quickly it's crazy.
Then he seems to begin to recover but all of a sudden 5 year gap then happy end?
Apr 27, 2023
idk what the author thinking when they continue this, this manga was good until chapter 31, timeskip ruin the manga, chapter 36 with the wedding scene save the manga a little but after that, everything just go down when the author decide to come up with the story we crurently reading, and it was terrible
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2023
absolute dog shit, how can anyone derive any enjoyment from reading this, author is fucking insane.
Apr 27, 2020
When I started reading this, it had a score over 8. Now it’s almost down to 5.
Chapter 31, when he revealed his trash nature instead of being the likeable guy who isn't confident in himself basically killed the series.
Mar 27, 2023
I do not approve of how FMC rejected MC character growth has something entirely bad or bad enough to break things over with him, he never did "anything wrong", as he grew in fame he grew in many positive ways and to be honest him becoming distant as an editor or any other profession it's actually really normal if we take into account how successful he became.
If your loved one becomes successful in his dream job but at the same time grows distant due to the same success and the high demand of time required to maintain this success I believe this is a valid concern, many successful people suffer from this.

But the way you go about it it's thru communication as a couple you are supposed to express any concern you might have about the direction the relationship might be heading, she needed to express her feeling regarding his change on how it was impacting their relationship, and give him the opportunity to correct how distant he had become with her, and for them to be able to amend their relationship.
But what FMC did instead was to observe in silence while her resentment grew just to eventually abandoned the entire relationship and gave it up as a lost cause.
If she had expressed her feelings and concerns and he had refuse to change by all means yeah dump him, but she never gave him that opportunity.

But in exchange in ch. 36, MC had to abandon any growth good or bad because like I said he also grew in positive ways, just to revert back to his old self in order to win FMC back only after he begged over 200 times, I mean WTF.
And from ch. 37-47 we have this pile of garbage of a story that has no direction or purpose other that to keep dragging MC character thru the ground, I'm mean really this is all there is to it there is not real story here.
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Oct 22, 2019
The art is good, but the story is a dumpster fire. F*ck it, dont touch this shit if you still value yourself. Go read something better.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 2, 2019
The Manga is so disgusting and whack. The freaking girl MC is not a freaking virgin she been sleeping around. Basically it's about a man trying to get a prostitute as a high school student disgusting. People need help if they love this series I don't care I'll take all the hate. Can definitely see why he got a bad rating.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
you know what you can't really expect a good story if the female protagonist is a GYARU cuz they are mostly slutty bitches. ohh boy i sometimes get a feeling that even Marin from my dress up darling is like that. and like what's the problem with the female protagonist being a virgin? isn't it better than some slut who spread her legs for literally anyone. 1/10 garbage.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
D-did the story just change female leads from the long-haired girl to the short haired one? I honestly stopped at ch.21 and just randomly decided to read the latest chapter... What in the absolute fuck did I miss between those chapters...?

Edit: oh damn, it wasn't even 21, it was ch.11
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Unlike most everyone here, I quite like this series. The MC isn't always a good person, but that doesn't bother me, so long as the behavior is at least semi-credible and remains within certain bounds (I think it does here). I'm not the kind of creep who thinks girls w/ sexual experience are trash. And it's nice to see a female romantic lead full-on break up with the loser MC every once in a while. Kind of refreshing, actually 😄

The way I see it, everything up through volume 5 is backstory. Not always pleasant, but interesting. Same goes for the romance currently developing. 8/10 and 100% on board.
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Group Leader
Apr 3, 2023
Unlike most everyone here, I quite like this series. The MC isn't always a good person, but that doesn't bother me, so long as the behavior is at least semi-credible and remains within certain bounds (I think it does here). I'm not the kind of sniveling creep who thinks girls w/ sexual experience are trash. And it's nice to see a female romantic lead full-on break up with the loser MC every once in a while. Kind of refreshing, actually 😄

The way I see it, everything up through volume 5 is backstory. Not always pleasant, but interesting. Same goes for the romance currently developing. 8/10 and 100% on board.
having experience and being a slut are different things and this Raira seems quite slut type to me. plus it looks like she didn't even love the mc. bitch just used him. like if she truly loved him she couldn't have move on so fast.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
having experience and being a slut are different things and this Raira seems quite slut type to me. plus it looks like she didn't even love the mc. bitch just used him. like if she truly loved him she couldn't have move on so fast.
Unless "slut" is a compliment or affectionate teasing, it's a word used to shit on girls who like and have sex. I personally like girls who like and have sex, so it's not a word I throw around lightly. Unless they want me to ;)

As for the other, love comes and goes. Especially among young people, who tend to claim it without understanding what it really means. And when the feeling goes, it's best to break things off quickly. Seems harsh, but it's less painful in the long run.

^ Just my 2 cents, but with a lot of rough experience to back it up.
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Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2023
bro stopped reading this for a while and came back when new chapters were added, and I was disappointed as fuck man. especially the new chapters this went bad real quick , should've ended this at its peak. Now its just ruined well if its gonna head where i think it will im out bro dropping this so hard.
Active member
Jan 28, 2020
Man, I kinda put this manga on hold around after he shaved his head. Not sure what chapter it was. Decided to come back to it and holy heck. This is probably the lowest rated manga I've got in my list, wtf happened lol

Lots of people calling it trash but can it be worse than domestic girlfriend?
Group Leader
Jan 12, 2019
Something I dont get about this series.

  1. why did the author skip to the marrige arc when he had more in mind? I assume mangaka meant to wrap it up there since they said "fin~" but then had more ideas in mind/wanted to milk it a bit more?
  2. Why the raira get back with MC at the end despite treating him coldly and terribly, even saying "I'm glad I broke up with him." and especially after he said he has given up on her? Especially since they both started to date different people.
  3. I assume the current arc is time travel/flashback to what happened between comma and the marriage and no matter what, the end result is raira and MC getting married? or is it one of those multi route manga that shows the ending with all the girls?
  4. Why didn't she want to get back together? I assumed they initially broke up due to lack of effort and passion from MC towards her and manga as he became more work centric. but didn't he fix it? why coudlnt they work it out? Why did she just, nope out?
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