YJK no Ijou na Aijou

Group Leader
Mar 29, 2019
Something I dont get about this series.

  1. why did the author skip to the marrige arc when he had more in mind? I assume mangaka meant to wrap it up there since they said "fin~" but then had more ideas in mind/wanted to milk it a bit more?
  2. Why the raira get back with MC at the end despite treating him coldly and terribly, even saying "I'm glad I broke up with him." and especially after he said he has given up on her? Especially since they both started to date different people.
  3. I assume the current arc is time travel/flashback to what happened between comma and the marriage and no matter what, the end result is raira and MC getting married? or is it one of those multi route manga that shows the ending with all the girls?
  4. Why didn't she want to get back together? I assumed they initially broke up due to lack of effort and passion from MC towards her and manga as he became more work centric. but didn't he fix it? why coudlnt they work it out? Why did she just, nope out?
This was going well till FMC decide to tell everyone that she and mc dating, thats when story goes downhill and I dnt even understand why author make arc about mc getting succesful from just 1 year as freelancer I would say author could hv make this into something good with drama and struggle of mc finding new mangaka etc.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 9, 2019
If you really want to read this, i can only recommend one thing. STOP at chapter 17, do NOT read any chapters after that. If you decide to read any further, you WILL be disappointed. Up to chapter 17 it's a 7 or 8 out of 10, after chapter 17, it quickly devolves into a 1 or 2.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Ooff, looks like it got axed
Kinda but considering Part I took 5 volumes and Part II also 5 volumes its about the same length ... except Part II is a what if that depends on Part I as background and doesnt stand on its and ends up taking more space as a result.

And thats kinda the problem, you see Part II adds a new character that becames the FMC but as it relies on Part I where she doesnt exist its unnatural, its not like a series with a love triangle were you can pick a divergent point and go with heroine b instead of a, worst is that it makes Raira look worst because it have to destroy their relationship to prop up the new out of the blue character that is kinda awful considering she is the FMC of half the series. Not the other characters are treated much better and they were all potential interests.

That begs the question of why? I get the author have a ... preference but there was a tanned gayru that was also a mangaka in part I, why creating a new character? Its also weird as it looks it was axed at around chapter 30 since it kinda rushes to a ending and then we have what is a new FMC going for 5 more volumes.

Anyway, this is kinda a example of what not to do ... if you want to create a what if scenario at least it needs to be set up properly and use a character that been present before and have a natural relationship already, also dont destroy other characters to prop then up, a problem this series also have is that the MC Kato is mistreated and seems to lack agency making it hard to root for him as he just exists as a toy for the FMCs.
Apr 21, 2020
wtf just happened????
what the hell is this story development???? aaaaaaaa
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Alright so this is similar to witnessing a horrible accident. You just can't look away even though it's awful and ya it is really that bad.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2020
This has probably the best or close to the best art in any manga I've seen up till now. That's probably the main draw for reading this, but I don't think that's a good reason to get emotionally invested.
Mar 14, 2024
I understand why this manga has so many negative review, all you guys said the FMC is the worst, but somehow I can relate to her (I'm a guy btw), I used to have a gf that younger than me (7 years apart) she still in the university when we first met. Young people nowaday devote themself to love pretty easily, imo, could be good or bad thing. Somehow they also easy to find new love if they think partner not treat them with care. Somehow not much manga show us this, we always thought and expect the FMC will be comeback one way or another like other mangas, but she took next step, that happens alot in reality, and ofc she very strong character and still young, she should have her chance.
We all ok and love harem story, one guy with many girls around, in the end he chose one, but when the FMC has her chance to meet another guy ( ex-playboy, but somehow still have decent character), that we feel betrayed and call her bitch, I just feel not fair.
I'm the one who want to broke up with my ex-gf, at that time age apart somehow make us don't have same thinking, now I looked back, she in my eyes a very good and nice girl, and I regret that I broke up (I tried to make up twice but well it not happens). And I feel like there a part of me in this manga.
My thought never change your opinions, I read the end raw, but still waiting for the team finish their translating
Aug 21, 2023
I'm genuinely surprised at how much people dislike this series.
While I get that it IS very messy plot-wise, and not to mention the icky theme of dating minors (ew), it is as well-handled as, I think, a series of this kind can be.
It showed surprising maturity in its depiction of relationships, particularly [spoilers] about breaking up with your first love, and the obsession that comes afterward.
I'm glad both the MC and the original FMC have gone their separate ways currently, although I disagree with the decision to shoe-in another heroine as some kind of rebound opportunity (and another minor at that).
The Marriage thing fake-out threw me off some, I did not like that.
The MC suffers from unhealthy tropes, but his imperfectness, I think, is better handled than most characters of his kind that I've read. And here's the thing, I don't think he's meant to be just another audience surrogate-- and I don't think we're meant to root for him either. Considering his flaws, he's still a very interesting character, and I stand on that hill.
As someone who draws, I think that the art in this series is great! It conveys all the feels through big moments, and the more intimate ones especially.

In short, it's as kitschy a rom-com drama as the rest of 'em, but this one made go through some shit. It made me feel something I haven't felt for a while reading all sorts of romance manga: conflicted. And that's special.

8/10 - I don't think it deserves a 5 (y'all wild for putting this in the same company as NTREVENGE, it ain't that bad)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2024
Just finished chapter 58, is the one where the MC shits himself. :poop:

Want to put that out there to make it clear the sort of twists the author will put, they are various, they are bizarre, they are random.

This series is bizarre, the art is good, the author is willing to show nudity and have characters committ, hower he is rather bipolar, I think is likely the author did what they felt like doing, he should feel lucky because I have seen things that were drawn with love and got cut rather early.

There are essentially 2 stories in this one, I can't make sense of the second one until I read it to the end, but the second one is essentially an alternative route.
A series like Amagami is peculiar because it has an "omnibus format", no rivarly between any girl, no triangles, no cheating, the MC goes through all of them as if we were witnessing alternative universes, ever since I watched I hoped for another series like it, they tried to make a spiritual sequel and it did not work out, Photokano I could never finish it, Yotsuga no sora seems to be the only good alternative.

Now these series I cited make it very clear while and just like a Visual novel there is a starting point that diverge in a girl's path, in this one, the alternative universe, is like a sudden train accident, it comes midway after the breakup and in-between the timeskip, so you are left wondering "is this still the first route?", you are left clinging like the MC to the heroine and then it gets into a triangle with 3 more girls.

This alternative universe could have been other things....1) Dealing with a breakup and moving 2) What if the MC had gotten together with that other girl.
But it stumbles, often, the MC often sheds all his development and age, he is paired once again with someone younger than him, an obstacle that feels completely arbitrary and boring a re-tread that adds padding, the series still clings onto her Ex which could probably sour the experience you had with the first part of the Manga................

Imagine if an Amagami route spent 1/3 of its time with the MC fixated onto another girl and her acting like....well a bitch.

Should you read this?

Well you can enjoy the story for the main couple and end it after the timeskip the manga certainly deliver more than the average Romcom meaning that is not just "will they won't they until the end when they confess and maybe kiss". the "ending" is very clear cut, you can't miss it.
But if you did not like the lowest points of either these 2 characters, don't read the alternative path, because I think it will ruin your impression of these characters.........maybe check out the .extra chapters for some Fanservice.
I could recommend other better series.
I fear the author derives enjoyment from making a character act dumb.
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Fed-Kun's army
Aug 26, 2019
Just say NO in a firm manner, when offered to read NTR fellas.
Sep 24, 2024
I can't believe my first time commenting on mangadex after reading so many series here is going to be about this series, but I gotta vent my frustrations out. Fair warning, I'm not gonna spoiler anything because previous comments reveal plenty and honestly, knowing a little bit of what happens ahead of time might help brace you for the dumpster fire. I've read up to chapter 72, for reference.

I'll just start with what I liked about the series. Art is pretty good. Generally clean, and some of the high impact panels are well done. Character premise is interesting, some of the characters are somewhat likeable. And I think that's where I end the list of things I liked about this series.

Now, before I get into it, technically there's no NTR. The original FMC and MC are broken up, they don't get back together, they find new loves and that should be okay. I say should be because the character development, the pacing, the writing is so poorly done, and I think the series is trying to excuse that by basically framing the entire series through the perspective of the main character. We mostly get the thoughts of the main character around his relationships and the plot as a whole, which can be a fine narrative choice if not for the fact that we rarely ever see any internal monologues and actual processing of events from the MC.

The entire time skip of him making it big as an editor that leads to the MC and FMC breaking up is just so rushed, we don't get to see any of what actually happened during that time that led to such a massive change in character, and we hardly get any emotional processing outside of "oh my god this just doesnt feel right I need to get her back". In fact, we hardly see any growth in the main character at all over the course of the series since right after the famous editor/break up arc, he basically goes back to exactly who he was prior to it, and basically stays that way throughout the rest of the current chapters.

While on the topic, the main character is just poorly done. We learn about his poor upbringing and his childhood friend who is in love with him, and you would expect both of these things to tie into main plot after resurfacing from his past to help his growth as a character over the course of the series. Well, instead what you get is a the poverty plot point completely forgotten, and the childhood friend basically turned into a gag whenever the author wants to introduce some tension into the relationship with no longstanding impact from the main character's point of view. He doesn't learn to set clear boundaries in his relationships, he doesn't learn to express his feelings to people that are not main characters, or even talk to them really.

No, instead, these characters get a little moment in the spotlight, then get turned into gags for tension, or just get pretty much written out of the story entirely. Original FMC has a sister that has a crush on MC, and her feelings come up several times during the series, and is basically her entire personality. How does this resolve? Well, sister finds out about MC's new girlfriend, and proceeds to move on all in a single chapter that also features a 10 year time skip of her being with someone else. This happens over the course of basically one chapter. MC basically has no reaction to this information, no internal thoughts about it. I think the walls of my apartment building have more emotional expression than him; I can at least imagine them to be crying when it rains, whereas I suspect this MC's eyeballs are actually just little balls of water that he squeezes when he's apologizing because he doesn't know how to do anything else.

As for the childhood friend, well, she's just another gag. MC gets caught hanging with her under suspicious and precarious circumstances several times, and never fucking learns to set boundaries, or even THINK about setting boundaries even when he gets caught. This emotional and communicational underdevelopment also means that he thinks begging for forgiveness and saying "I'll do better next time!" without ever actually doing better is how he should handle these situations. How is this resolved? Childhood friend takes him to a hotel, confesses to him again while they're both half naked, and then, while the MC is trying to figure out what to say (as if saying "sorry, I love my current girlfriend and I don't see you that way" was still too difficult because he never learned from his previous mistakes), she tells him she's going out with someone else. I'm unsure about whether or not that's the truth, or if she's saying that simply because she wants to spare his feelings, but wow these characters are completely insufferable either way.

Let's talk about what happens after the breakup, because what the author does is just egregious. We get a completely unexplained "Let's stay broken up", followed by a time skip and then an unexplained "they got married". Happy ending right? Wrong. Then we go BACK in time, BACK to the breakup, and pick up where we left off. No explanation, no understanding of whatever the hell is going on in this series, nah we just go back. Instead, we're given the gyaru JK FMC to replace the Yankee JK FMC. From there, its basically the same cycle. She only slightly less physically aggressive, but makes up for it with being manipulative. Outside of that, she's basically the same character. Outstanding up and coming mangaka, pulls him around with her and falls in love with him. Honestly, it's a little more polished the second time around, but somehow we're fumbling our way into sunshine and rainbows for the MC.

Last but not least, I want to talk about the moment that wrenches our hearts and makes us laugh from absurdity while we wonder exactly how we got to this specific moment in the plot after all of the prior events. Of course, I'm talking about the moment MC finds out yankee FMC's seeing someone else. Yeah, if the mangaka wanted to hurt the reader, yeah it stings. He gets an email with a photo of her kissing an actor that worked on the film adaptation of her first work. You know how I can tell the mangaka is really just trying to hurt us? The following chapter, the MC confronts her about it for one page. Then they all leave and do other things, and the chapter ENDS with the yankee FMC asking her new bf to have sex with her. Ouch. The chapter after that starts off with them starting to have sex, but it's revealed that the new bf doesn't want the first time to be like this, and wants their first time to be special because he's had so much sex with other idols, actresses etc.

You know, the crazy part about the new bf saying he wants the first time to be special, is that the MC ALSO wanted the same thing the first time he was about to have sex with the yankee MC, way back in the early chapters of the series. Instead of explaining that to her, he ends up making some bullshit, and then has their first time after they have a big fight as if the MC completely forgot about wanting the first time to be special. Do we ever get any explanation on why the MC just forgot about that? Do we get any explanation for any of how this went down? No. It feels like it's all written to simply hurt and betray the emotional investment of the reader. Do we get her perspective, or the MC's thoughts, for that matter? Nah. They meet, she tells him "I found myself a boyfriend, get over it", and then he's saved by the new gyaru MC, who comes in to save MC pretty much right after all of this goes down. And guess what? Just like when the yankee FMC and MC were about to have sex, MC finds out the gyaru is a virgin who hasn't even had her first kiss yet.

Now, I get it. To some extent, it's emotionally raw. We get an emotionally stunted MC, powerful and moving moments, and interesting character premises. The issue is simply in the writing; it lacks the depth of character exploration and it's simply wishwashy and empty in how it handles character development after major moment. The MC is basically the same character he's always been, the yankee FMC is aggressively shoved aside with little thought to make way for the new gyaru FMC, all the side characters are gags that are brought in for random tension and eventually written out in 10 pages with little impact on the overall plot.

I can see some arguments for why this manga exists. Perhaps the mangaka wants us to draw our own conclusions about how we arrived where we are, and is asking us to connect the dotted lines. Personally, I think this particular work is asking for too much of the reader. Perhaps the mangaka just wanted to take the reader on an emotional ride simple for the sake of it. Perhaps they started off super interested in the premise and characters, but got bored and needed new direction and decided to haphazardly mess around with the characters. Personally, this piece makes me wish I stuck to more popular manga titles instead of digging for the diamond in the rough and I'm going to try my best to forget this manga exists.

Oh, and did I mention that the main character shitting himself on a date both resolves an argument and makes the gyaru fall more in love with him? Bro is so scared of his lovers he can't tell them he needs to use the bathroom. Frankly, it's hard to imagine he's an editor when he's this lacking in communication and social skills. Half your job is being a mediator with and between parties! Where did all of that go?

TL;DR: I would rather you go read Domestic Girlfriend or anything else; don't read this expecting a happy journey or happy ending. It's "wtf did i just read", but the "wtf" is more in the writing than the premise.
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