Yofukashi no Uta - Vol. 19 Ch. 185 - A Girl Called Nazuna-Chan

Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2023
Nazuna turning him into a vampire out of necessity would feel kinda like a cop out. It would mean that the characters and the narrative doesn't really grapple with the competing desires at play, the desire of Nazuna not to hurt Kō through the transformation process, the desire shared by Nazuna and Kō for him to become a vampire so they can be together for longer, the desire by Kō to be able to love and be loved, etc.

By making it a matter of life or death instead of a choice they didn't have to make, it would wash those desires away and replace it with necessity.
Sep 20, 2023
He’ll die if she doesnt regardless so she’s basically telling him to die because she feels awkward about falling for him too.
That isn't true. They're both half vampires and the other two weren't one was human and full vamp. She loves kou more then anything in her whole life he's the one who makes her feel alive. She's afraid of him dying because he's the only thing she's every cared about.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
Re: p.14, I think it's easy to take for granted given that Kou's mother mostly rattles off the things we've been seeing Kou and Nazuna do over the entire manga, but having Kou start talking about Nazuna with his mother right after she suggested that wanting to tell others about a girl was a way to figure out if he liked said person, is a pretty slick indirect confession of love.

Particularly because, IIRC, Kou isn't necessarily shy about introducing Nazuna to others as someone he associates with, yet he never proactively does it-- Nazuna encounters Akira after catching her and Kou hanging out. Mahiru is brought into a group meeting with his friends in ch. 56 but doesn't actually talk to Nazuna until ch. 104 (and only to thank her from preventing him from getting killed) and then again in ch. 160 absent Kou. Kou's mother was probably barely introduced to Nazuna because she slipped into his room (ch. 132), and Kou never introduces her to his schoolmates (not that he gets a proper chance-- see ch. 137-- but he still avoids any talk of the miss that spirited him away right in front of them).

It's convenient, if not totally intentional, that his mother has long since been characterized as someone very familiar with Kou but also utterly uninvolved with Kou's doings out of an inferiority complex regarding her motherhood, yet still wanting to be there for him-- she was probably the best character to demonstrate this growth with (it definitely helps that she's a hostess, and that we had yet to hear any of her perspective about love until now).

Between it happening in a manga I've particularly enjoyed and it being deftly executed in its own right, it's one of my favorite executions of the indirect confession. It's not just shyness or pacing out the reveal of romantic feelings, but this way of expressing these feelings is very "Kou".

It possibly matters that Kou speaks of "feeling guilty" in chapter 184.* In chapter 9, he speaks of feeling a "comfortable guiltiness"/「心地良い後ろめたさ」 when opening the door to sneak out the house that night, but in chapter 184 he speaks of "feeling kinda guilty" (maybe "feeling somehow guilty"?)/「なにか後ろめたくて」 as he monologues about why he lied to Nazuna about sleeping when he didn't. In the former case, it's very early in the narrative, when he's still getting used to nightwalking, so what's happening in chapter 184 is that he's starting to feel guilty again. For some reason-- though, these probably aren't the same kinds of guilt.

I'm not entirely sure about what this "guilt" would be about, but I suspect it has to do with Kou being caught between the day and night, humanity and vampirism**-- which is all tied up with his feelings for Nazuna hitting a specific threshold.

The former case (chapter 9) happens early on, when Kou's still getting used to sneaking out at night, and is followed up by 1) him contemplating the nature of the feelings he was left with after his first kiss with Nazuna, as well as 2) him trying to get Nazuna to feed on him to vampirize him because he's confident that he's come to love her. Then, he fails because he only got as far as "lust" at that point.

The latter case (chapter 184) happens for the first time since the former case-- when Kou should have gotten used to sneaking out at night-- and is followed by him talking about how him having a successful daylife is preventing him from staying with Nazuna (which he specifies he doesn't want) before trying to get Nazuna to feed on him to vampirize him because he's at least somewhat confident that he's come to love her.

Perhaps his guilty feeling was meant as a literary signal for an evolution of his feelings. It also comes off as one of the multiple calbacks in that chapter to the much earlier narrative (volumes 1 and 2, specifically).

*For context, the Viz adaptation for ch. 184 had him say that he lied because "felt weird about it" "for some reason", not because he "felt kinda guilty", so I was left considering whether there was broader substance in that line.

**I never really had a good way to describe this in the past, but I also suspected that while Nazuna was on some level a representation of the nightlife Kou sought, Akira was on some level representative of day-life that Kou could alternatively choose. Though Akira says she has no romantic feelings for Kou, I've tended to view her and Nazuna as an inverted Hotaru and Saya (the two heroines in Kotoyama's previous work Dagashi Kashi) respectively, because Hotaru and Nazuna are outside intrusions into the protagonists' lives that promote their character growth (and theirs) through their interactions, while Saya and Akira are both longtime presences for the protagonist (being childhood friends), with Saya having an obvious crush on Kokonotsu. That, and Hotaru is busty while Saya is flat, whereas Nazuna is mostly flat while Akira is busty.

If you read Kou's full name (first name, last name order) and remove the "ya", you get "koumori" (コウモリ), which is the Japanese word for "bat" (as in, the flying mammal and the animal that vampires are famously associated with). On the other hand, Kou's apartment complex is named "komori" (小森, or こもり), which is almost homophonous with "koumori" but is by itself a surname.

The full name of Nazuna's mother would be "Nanakusa Haru" (last name, first name order), a blatant reference to the haru no nanakusa, or the "seven spring flowers" (they're actually edible herbs). Nazuna's name is almost certainly derived from the Japanese name for the shepherd's purse flower.

Seri is probably named after the Japanese parsley*. Midori's surname is also one of these (the modern name for "chickweed"), as is Hatsuka's surname (the traditional name for "radish") "Kabura" might have been spun off from "kabu", or the modern name for "turnip".

Niko's surname might be derived from the modern name for nipplewort, コオニタビラコ (translit. "ko-o-ni-ta-bi-ra-ko"), written in kanji as 小鬼田平子. In which case, it probably involved taking the 平 (native unvoiced reading: "hi-ra") and 田 (native unvoiced reading: "ta") and making that her surname.

Remember that these vampires numbered Kiku as one of them, even though she never met up with them. In that case, by order of elimination, her name would be based off the "go-gyo" (御形)-- the traditional name for cudweed...but it isn't, nor is it based off its modern name. I wouldn't even be able to figure out how by taking some of the most obscure readings of both of those kanji. It's much more likely that her given name is in reference to the chrysanthemum, especially given her fate (chrysanthemums signify mourning in some European cultures, and she probably was vamp'd somewhere in Europe given where her backstory in chapter 100 starts as well as the fact that she was apparently vamp'd by some Dracula-looking figure) but also the fact that she never mingled with the rest of the named vampires (even Nazuna was tied to this group by way of Kabura).

That 6 out of 7 of these women are named after the haru no nanakusa (actually edible herbs) might also be to liken them to takane no hana, especially given their "max hotness power" in their respective typical social spheres.

Oh, and Susuki is named after one of the seven autumn flowers, the eulalia (or, Chinese silver grass).

I mentioned Nazuna before, but what's of particular pertinence is one of the proposed etymologies for the noun "nazuna". Based on its older form なづな, there are two etymological hypotheses. One of them is as follows: "it may be derived from natsu na, as in (natsu, “summer”) + (na, “missing, gone”), from the way the plant dies back in the summer" (Wiktionary, and also this website).

You remember when Nazuna proposed that they go to the beach when summer comes (ch. 183)? And she proposed it with that wistful look on her face, and despite her prior-stated intention of leaving Kou alone?

Also recall that it's been 3-4 months since this story started, and it's now a little past new year's. Eight or nine months ahead (when Kou's candidacy expires) is August or September, i.e. late summer.

I'm 97% sure the final climax of this story is going to at least involve the beach, and I have a suspicion of how it's going to shake out-- and it involves Haru's hypothesis to achieving humanity. Just not directly.

*Her surname is actually the name of one of the seven autumn flowers (they're actually flowers), the "kikyou"-- their traditional name for the balloon flower.

Eighty-six is a genius tbh.
We'll see if I happen to be right.

I really think Nazuna will drink Kou's blood to turn him to save his life even though it'll kill her. but she won't tell him the consequences because she knows he would refuse it then. We don't know any real details about being a half vampire. It's possible the 1 year length of time doesn't mean the vampires he knows will kill him but something else may happen to him. Maybe another elite group of vampires? Maybe being a half vampire will eventually kill you if you don't turn full vampire in a year. i have a feeling we won't be getting a happy ending the way things have been going.
Nazuna turning him into a vampire out of necessity would feel kinda like a cop out. It would mean that the characters and the narrative doesn't really grapple with the competing desires at play, the desire of Nazuna not to hurt Kō through the transformation process, the desire shared by Nazuna and Kō for him to become a vampire so they can be together for longer, the desire by Kō to be able to love and be loved, etc.

By making it a matter of life or death instead of a choice they didn't have to make, it would wash those desires away and replace it with necessity.
That aside, Kou doesn't need to be turned into a vampire for the sake of his life. If he doesn't turn after a year, then he never gets to (cf. Kyouko). The vampire posse threatened to kill him if he found himself in that position (since he'd become a person who can't be integrated into their group but still extensively knows about vampires), but not a single one of them was prepared to kill him from the start.

Absolutely nobody knows what a "half-vampire" is because they've never seen it until Kou. Nobody even knows for sure what'll happen if Nazuna-- a dhampir-- vamps anyone, talk less of Kou the vampire shifter. Vampirizing Kou to save his life, in the scenario where that's set up, couldn't conceivably be written as anything but an utter last ditch effort.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
Well, the Mother handled the perpetually idiotic Manga question of "what is love" pretty well. True wisdom on the subject can only come from having businessmen constantly trying to slide their hands up your skirt while you pour them drinks.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2020
I just found a massive plot hole in this Manga. Okay, so nazuna's parents. You think her mom stopped drinking from her dad after falling in love? Had no reason to stop. So drinking from the one you love does not kill vampires.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2023
Nazuna's mom almost certainly stopped drinking from her dad after falling in love. Her dad never became a vampire.

And it's also not a plot hole for drinking blood from the one you love not killing vampires. That's something that's been set up in a lot of places. Seri didn't die when she drank Akkun's blood. When Kiku drank Mahiru's blood, the two of them didn't die until the sun came up just like how the vampire who'd been starving himself didn't die as soon as he was given his wedding ring, but only after the sun came up.

And we've been told multiple different stories about what happens to a vampire when they drink the blood of someone they love. That the one several characters have become convinced of turns out to be false wouldn't be a plot hole, it would be the characters being wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2023
if you don't turn within a year you can never turn. we know this because ms detective didn't turn within a year (after having her blood drunk by nazuna) so now she can never become one and her blood tastes foul to vampires, but she still lives. also I think nazuna may not be able to fully turn him into a vampire as she is half blood, or at least that's why he currently is just half vampire
Just pointing out, that "we know this", is that we know in-manga her blood tastes foul, and we have been told that she can't be turned.
The full name of Nazuna's mother would be "Nanakusa Haru" (last name, first name order), a blatant reference to the haru no nanakusa, or the "seven spring flowers" (they're actually edible herbs). Nazuna's name is almost certainly derived from the Japanese name for the shepherd's purse flower.

Seri is probably named after the Japanese parsley*. Midori's surname is also one of these (the modern name for "chickweed"), as is Hatsuka's surname (the traditional name for "radish") "Kabura" might have been spun off from "kabu", or the modern name for "turnip".

Niko's surname might be derived from the modern name for nipplewort, コオニタビラコ (translit. "ko-o-ni-ta-bi-ra-ko"), written in kanji as 小鬼田平子. In which case, it probably involved taking the 平 (native unvoiced reading: "hi-ra") and 田 (native unvoiced reading: "ta") and making that her surname.
Ah, yes. The Toriyama naming convention.
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
Isn't anyone surprised at what Yamori-mama is drinking at 11 in the morning? That sure as hell doesn't look like iced tea to me. 🥃
Apr 1, 2019
I am so happy to see Kou contemplating if he is feeling love. Thanks for the translation
Aggregator gang
Mar 16, 2023
C'mon, Kou, connect them dots... activate them almonds for a second... she suddenly quit drinking your blood after the recent lover's suicide y'all attended. Think, Kou, think!
I misread drink kou drink
Aggregator gang
Jun 29, 2023
I really think Nazuna will drink Kou's blood to turn him to save his life even though it'll kill her. but she won't tell him the consequences because she knows he would refuse it then. We don't know any real details about being a half vampire. It's possible the 1 year length of time doesn't mean the vampires he knows will kill him but something else may happen to him. Maybe another elite group of vampires? Maybe being a half vampire will eventually kill you if you don't turn full vampire in a year. i have a feeling we won't be getting a happy ending the way things have been going.
Dont think so. The detective also knows too much, and instead they just decided to put her as their associates or something. Makes sense because if you look at some of the jobs of the underlings, the vampires need human connections in case they need their cooperation on something. They had every valid reason to get rid of the detective, so I don't think they would get rid of Kou.
Firstly because they like him. Most likely they would try to avoid him, which is sad.
I do wonder if him being a half vampire isn't something some sort of enclave of vampires wouldn't be interested in.

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