Ernesti would be so proud. At the least he'd love to brainstorm with someone like Ren.doesn't want to be noticed
makes a super weapon capable of immense destruction
wonders why she is noticed
Well obligatory usual reminder that this whole story is about her doing stuff she misses from her previous life or couldn't accomplish, and generally drawing attention to herself, even though she doesn't want to. And making up excuses in her mind as to why she should do it anyway.doesn't want to be noticed
makes a super weapon capable of immense destruction
wonders why she is noticed
I'm also not sure how a suit of armor she needs to wear the right clothing for and that she has to activate and get into is going to help her defend against surprise ambushes. At least it got her mind moving forward though.
Beam cannon yes! No one will expect the “Super Laser Piss”!Good, now that we have test data, let's put a drill on that mobile golem's crotch. Or a beam cannon.