@CSmith327 I believe a soul is sexless and genderless. The body has a clearly defined sex (almost always), and the brain can have its own sex not tied to its dna, what we call the gender. Sometimes, they mismatch, unfortunately. This results in a transgendered person. I would not wish such a fate on
anyone. Now, what I believe is happening in the MC's case, is that the body and brain are female, but the time lived as a man is about double that lived as a woman. And, since the mind, memories, and personality of the past life came rushing back to the forefront all at once, her current mind is essentially 2/3's male and 1/3 female. However I feel like that ratio will change as she obtains more experience, especially so if she finds an attractive young man who's actually
nice to her. And I'm saying all this from my own personal experience as a transgendered person.