Alright, that's not that unreasonable of a development. I can get behind this. Cause like, in the end, is it more believable that your brother stabbed you or a guy entered your dream and did it. This further undermines how the initial suspicions held water in the first place, but hey at least that's out of the way. Maybe they can get actual evidence now, as hard as I still think it will be. But if they manage to pull the wool over our eyes and actually make sense, I'll be very impressed. Cause like... we all know he's not going to get away with this, right? He's either going to die, turn himself in, or somehow get caught. The first one would suck, the second would still be very hard to convict, and the third I will be very, very impressed with if they actually have evidence. If he gets convicted of a different crime, I will also be rather disappointed, but understand that you have to dig yourself out of a plot hole somehow