Your Throne

Sep 4, 2019
Wow, that was a pretty interesting read. I love the twist of the Prince not actually liking Psyche. I am looking forward to see how Medea will deal with him :>. Thanks for translating this.
Mar 14, 2019
I enjoyed the twists and turns, they don't feel forced. The main character is so powerful and dynamic yet you can feel the downsides what it means to be so calculating. The plot is fun but hard to follow in the beginning because of the place the story starts.

I was going to hate Psyche, low-key, for being so airheaded but it looks like she'sbeen imprisoned for most of her life. She only got out of her cage because she was a pawn for the prince. Total Stockholm Syndrome, she gets a complete pass from me even if she ends up betraying Medea. She is literally being set as a lamb to the slaughter

Ah so twisted it just binds my heart in a knot of joy. She thinks ahead and is greedy but thoughtful. Of course she's majorly overpowered with those brains of hers and strength yet it makes my heart flutter. I appreciate authors that create these types of characters. Her true love Heli is just right there too.

Crown Prince:
this is not another used-to-death-trope character. He's even greedier than Medea! More ruthless too-who kills the woman he tricks into loving him? Unless he knew it wasn't her right off the bat. This heartlessness is so refreshing~ All that power and money and you don'tbecome corrupted? Sometimes fantasy is too generous with human nature. Of course the prince would want to secure their power lolol. I appreciate seeing his character develop like a normal greedy dude's.

Maybe we'll get another twist where we find out that he knew all along lol and was trying to get rid of Medea instead.
Aug 2, 2019
i think its safe to say psyche never loved the crown prince maybe a lil bit but its more of just bcs she was saved from the basement i just hope she’ll realize soon she’s just a pawn for him and if she ever betrayed medea again after all this bullshts then fck her.

i just want medea to be happy with helio.
Nov 13, 2019
Intriguing plot! I love the twisted, violent, but clever female lead. Totally ship her with cute and loyal Heli 😎
Nov 22, 2019
@EchiiT I guess haha. I found Korean Manhwa with female leads to be more interesting than Japanese ones. Because in Japanese manga girls (shoujo) seem more like doormats than anything.

But in Korean ones girls seem a bit stronger, like strong minded or physically and they‘re pretty funny too. It’s a breath of fresh air for the female readers. Let us have our edgy vengeful supervillainess too no cap.
Oct 14, 2019
@Mizuhi yea i just saw the chapter and i don’t know how to feel. it’s like obvious i still want the crown prince to suffer but i’ve run out of reasons to be wary of psyche.
like i said, since the beginning i disliked her. then the body swap mad eyes me like her, then the crown princess candidacy made me lose pity for her. but now knowing she’s been a pawn since the jump, and she had no intention of deceiving medea i’m like 😔😔
and medea... it’s upsetting that she holds so petty power above her friendship. i get that’s how she was raised but psyche has been through just as bad so i’m losing respect for her. mind you i didn’t like her at first too. my like for her started after the body swap as well, but i feel like her attitude is that as long as someone she cares about gets in the way of her goal, they’re disposable.
i’m not gonna make anymore assumptions on my feelings towards any of the characters because i just understood that their relationship is wayyy too complicated for me to predict.
except for the crown prince, who’s utter vile radioactive garbage, the nanny and the white haired dude (yulios? idk his name), i can’t be sure of the characters.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
Oh my God I love this so much so far. Both Medea and Psyche, I'm rooting for them so much. Hurray for calculating, revenge driven characters, hurray for victim of circumstances characters, hurray for tragic friendship.
Hurray for the villain who's apparently playing 4d chess out here 😂
Everyone has an angle and I love it
Jul 18, 2019
I wasnt very fond of psyche from the beginning but now its just pure hate and disgust. Its eerie how she appear all nice and sweet but can betray you anytime and glaze it with kindness 😧
Jun 22, 2019
Mar 29, 2019
The comments are so toxic !! So much hate for Pysche here!! It is not black and white at all! Except for Prince and Media/Psyche Parents everyone is a shade of Grey! We don't have there side of story either (ex. the prince)!!

Come on just don't see from the perspective of a reader, try seeing it from Psyche's perspective or medea's perspective etc... Add to that, there are so many unknows till now, the only character we have some idea about is Medea!! We don't know Pysches/ Prince/heli's situation at all!

Medea is directing her anger for father towards Psyche!! She lost the most important person to her, the nanny and she takes the most important person for Psyche, the Knight!! A classic example of An eye for an eye makes the whole world Blind!!
Nov 29, 2019
I know you are all saying it’s not Pyches fault and that the prince used her but we have to realize that in the end she is truly dumb as a rock. She didn’t realize the prince was using her and ignored the fact that he lied to her and obviously had something against Medea. Plus pretended to still be friends with Medea and never told her that the prince who Medea had known & been engaged too since childhood was in fact cheating on her. What kind of friend is that? She also puts her blind love before the well-being of the kingdom. This girl had just newly been recognized as a noble and has no idea how to run the country but Medea has been learning how to run the country her whole life. Medeas entire life was about becoming empress, which was forced upon her by her father but also something she still wanted so she would finally have power. Pyches excuse is that she was actually in love with the prince while Medea was not, but that was Pyches own conclusion, and Medea never stated she didn’t love him. And though the scheming is mostly done by the prince Pyche is still at huge fault by continueing to lie to Medeas face and keep her hopes up. And then cries about how mean Medea is to her. How mean Medea is to her!? Wtf Medea was the first person to overlook her status and beauty and try to teach her strength, something Pyche still failed to learn. Pyche in the end makes the country feel bad about her through her tears and “uplifting speeches about peace” and ruins Medeas reputation even though the entire country knows Medea would have run it better. Do not excuse Pyche for anything because she wasn’t just a chest piece she acted on her own accord of selfishness.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018

What selfishness? Selfishness for not warning to go back to her jail cell? And she did realize the prince was using her but he threatened her and blackmailed her into staying with him. Are you misreading the manwha? Cause its spelled out clearly that she only found out he was the crown prince at the end and went to break it off with him before he manipulated and blackmailed her into accepting?

Medea stans are wild. Your all just finding stupid reasons to hate on her even going far as to make them up. It really irksome
Mar 5, 2019
Some of y'all are hating on the wrong person. The crown prince is the one using people (Psyche) and screwing people over (Medea). Why hate on someone who has been most likely brainwashed/kept prisoner for what looks like her whole life? We obviously have hints in this story about Psyche not having a normal or happy childhood like Medea.

Moving on....

The crown prince is shit and I don't know if the story is going to give us a POV for him that will make him sympathetic.
Though I do want to know his motivations behind wanting to kill Psyche after using her like that and blaming Medea. What does he gain??? I mean won't he have to get married eventually anyhow to have an heir ???

But right now he is shit and I just want Medea to beat his ass and be happy with Heli who is there for her like a true friend. I get that he loves her but I don't want to push for that ship right now, I think Medea just needs a lot of healing and good things in her life.
And for Psyche to be able to be her own person.

Also! Fuck Medea's dad he's a fucking asshole

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