Yuki Nee-chan no Kan-nou Gokko - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - His First Belongs to His Nee-chan

Group Leader
Feb 15, 2019
no wonder japanese dont like the wester culture so much. You have to complain about every little single thing that happens. Next time the poor mangakas's twitter will be comments from the western mostly, USA, people complaining and cancelling the poor guys just for drawing, yes, DRAWING FICTIONS. It is not real guys when will you understand this. This comment section is full of retarded people arguing about serios things however over a manga and in a retarded way. THANKS WESTERN CULTURE FOR FUCKING BEING ANNOYING.
Aggregator gang
Jan 5, 2020
I couldn't care less about this manga (again this is fiction), and whether this counts as rape. Your views on sexual assault are disturbing.

I can't tell if you're very young or very ignorant about women from your comments. This comes from a place of genuine concern for a stranger who doesn't want you to believe rape is only bad because someone is ugly or needs to be married. Please seek some advice outside of a manga board with a trusted advisor.

Rape is about consent and power dynamic not your chastity.

This is most commonly seen when women are raped by men where the traditional power balance of strength and size is lopsided. The statistics indicate physical assaults occur highly alongside rapes. However there are many other different types of power from social, economic, bureaucratic and family relations. Your point of "most men want to have sex with attractive women" could be true. But the idea is "want" instead of forced, consent is necessary for feelings of intimacy and enjoyment. Read some statements of rape victims, they may of gotten erect or wet in a girls case but there was no enjoyment, it was a horrible and painful experience. I have no interest in explaining chastity to you since that is a very minor issue compared to the other one but it has to do with a definition of morals(religion was a big factor) instead of rape.

While this is a work of fiction you can still read the chapter and try to understand the different power dynamics at work:
1) Social, since the man would be/was blamed for the intimacy in this chapter when discovered. Despite him not initiating it was assume he was the offender.
2) Family structure, since she was the older sister she is trusted(a form of power) to take care of her sibling. There is an assumption that the older sister would not harm the brother that allowed for her actions to take place.

It was clear after my last message you rushed to justify yourself without doing reading or attempting to understand the argument. Making mistakes is part of being human but how you choose to act afterwards defines your character.

@KawaiiMajinken I don't care about the media in question, his views he defined where the issue.
Aggregator gang
Nov 28, 2018
Despite him being so small and timid, and being caught in a position where he's being acted upon, the guy still gets pinned as the aggressor? For fuck's sake. Also, can't wait for them to just brush off the fact that she tried to blow a dude in public in the next chapter, as if it wasn't a big deal lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@dudewithmagic I was talking about the historical significance and history.... the difference between what was considered lost. Historically, if a female was raped, she was considered ruined. But if a man had multiple women, he was considered fine.

There was a saying in China, the Emperor had a thousand concubines. It speaks of the societal power dynamic that men had vs woman. Or the fact that there was a certain famous king who slept around with countless females, but when someone just stated that his wife, the queen, cheated (even though there was no evidence) she was executed.

In many ancient cultures, it was considered okay for a man to have countless females and it could even be considered a reward to marry a beautiful female.

That kinda social thing was normal in the human past. And that kinda culture's effect still existed.

Which is why we as a society have a harder time accepting male rape over female rape.

That said, he CHOSE to wipe her naked back when he could have easily have left. And it wasn't that he didn't want it, but that he didn't want to betray his lover. But he could have easily have gotten away. He chose not to. And she did not have power over him.He can deny her if he wishes. He barely even knows her.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
Uh. I don't like cheating. This did not need to be a harem at all.


Well it's wildly unbelievable that he couldn't get out of that situation no matter how small and timid he is. Manga always conviniently pretend that it's never MC's fault because he is passive.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Guys...chill. I don't think there's a need to get this worked up over a smut manga like this
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Damn, haven't read this in a long time. Didn't know MC became such a Chad so quickly lol. Thought this was gonna be like Nana to Kaoru where they just stay "playfriends" for like 150 chapters before confessing.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2018
People who always whine and moan about ntr like you are so obnoxious.

@all other
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what the hell are you dumbasses doing? Writing long-ass paragraphs about rape/sexual assault and all that jazz in a bloody manga site, in a fucking smut manga? Please take a look at yourself first.


Active member
May 4, 2020
This chapter reminded me of this video:

Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I don't really worry a lot about what happens in this manga or why or what the people's motivations are, whether it amounts to rape etc. because nobody in the manga is anything like a realistic character. They're shapes on the page being drawn to do sexy things and I can suspend my disbelief for a couple minutes at a time, long enough to find it titillating, but they're not real enough for me to worry "is this person being raped" because not only is there no person, there is no convincing simulation of a person. This goes double whenever any of the side girls starts doing anything.

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