Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Aspiration: Male Idol Part 7

Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
To be honest, I'm not sure it's a saviour complex. I think it's rather that Takanashi has seen the "reality" of dreams and feels the only thing he can do as a teacher is to ensure his pupils have all the information they need to make an optimal decision. Given that they're teenagers, of course information isn't the only thing they need, as they also lack the emotional maturity to process that information adequately, so the second visit when their dream is crashing down gives them the opportunity to do that.

And that's not to save them, I feel it's like how he can save himself. I'm not sure how altruistic he is. His behaviour verges on a monomania, but that could be said about the train engineer and the voice actor arcs, too, I don't see this as more extreme than the previous ones. In a sense, he could even be described as a sort of stalker for monitoring the first few years of his former charges' adult lives.

Then again, this is being played as Takanashi being able to see through the insanity of the world that creates situations like those his former pupils are living. This series in a sense is an indictment of society. I'm positively surprised at how non-judgemental the series is of the students in each arc, even Ryo. And frankly, series can be guilty of far worse things than that, I'm okay with it.
Group Leader
Mar 14, 2023
To be honest, I'm not sure it's a saviour complex. I think it's rather that Takanashi has seen the "reality" of dreams and feels the only thing he can do as a teacher is to ensure his pupils have all the information they need to make an optimal decision. Given that they're teenagers, of course information isn't the only thing they need, as they also lack the emotional maturity to process that information adequately, so the second visit when their dream is crashing down gives them the opportunity to do that.

And that's not to save them, I feel it's like how he can save himself. I'm not sure how altruistic he is. His behaviour verges on a monomania, but that could be said about the train engineer and the voice actor arcs, too, I don't see this as more extreme than the previous ones. In a sense, he could even be described as a sort of stalker for monitoring the first few years of his former charges' adult lives.

Then again, this is being played as Takanashi being able to see through the insanity of the world that creates situations like those his former pupils are living. This series in a sense is an indictment of society. I'm positively surprised at how non-judgemental the series is of the students in each arc, even Ryo. And frankly, series can be guilty of far worse things than that, I'm okay with it.
Definitely true. I wasn’t really thinking about it that way, just annoyed I guess? I don’t know why cause I love translating and reading this series. Probably just tired… Thanks for the comment
Feb 20, 2023
lol it would be epic if teacher rescued her just to seduce her and tell her "class is in session"
Why is she "his student" more than any of the other girls buying photos from Ryoto in exchange for fake affection?
Clearly just because Sensei can tell she's new and she's still looking fresh and hot than the other weird hoes that Ryoto has wrapped round his finger. That's why Sensei wants to "save" her rather than any of the others.
Double-page supporter
Jul 30, 2019
holy shit, this manga has become so pretentious, fuck. it's trying too hard to be everything that it's becoming unrealistic and annoying. "sHe's My sTuDeNt tOo.", holy FUCK i fucking crumpled when he said that. how patronizing can you be?? he's no longer doing this for the students but for his ego, so fucking obvious. i dont believe that this is seinen anymore, this now reeks of shounen hero mc because this man will save everyone that his students interacted with. watch out, he'll deku or naruto everyone.

at this point, i wont be surprised if he saves a latin american man from the cartel because 'hE's tHeiR sTUdEnT' too. what a fucking joke. next arc will be he'll miraculously find malaysia airlines flight 370 because his student's 6th cousin's sibling is there. woooo let's go this man will save everyone!!!!! :D

GTO was shounen and it wasnt as absurd as this. what a wasted potential (for me at least cuz im dropping fuck this idol student and the teacher they both suck).
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
Natsuno is pretty much in Full Villainy mode now. No redeeming the little shit bag at this point.

Actually, with this set-up, it will prolly end up better if Sensei takes a loss on this one. I don't think a lecture is going to work on either the shit bag or his rotbrained fan.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
people seem to be mad about this arc, but it's actually pretty closely related to real life and current events. This an actual problem in tokyo right now, news stories and police warnings come out everyday about women (including minors...) doing exactly what happened in this chapter and draining their bank accounts for their fav chika idol/host. I know girls irl who are stuck or keep falling into this cycle

Yeah sensei is acting a hero, but irl there is no hero and no one helps these girls. Its a nice fantasy that maybe someone could be saved, its nice to imagine
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
I dunno. Looks like this arc is where the editors really got involved to make it longer than it was supposed to be.

It definitely doesn't feel as sincere as the previous arcs.
Feb 1, 2023
Sorry but this arc is just going away from the point of the manga to go balls deep into the oshi no ko idol industry sucks hype

Like it's not poorly written outside of the teacher's nonsense about helping non-students, but it's not even the manga i signed up for anymore
Double-page supporter
Jul 30, 2019
people seem to be mad about this arc, but it's actually pretty closely related to real life and current events. This an actual problem in tokyo right now, news stories and police warnings come out everyday about women (including minors...) doing exactly what happened in this chapter and draining their bank accounts for their fav chika idol/host. I know girls irl who are stuck or keep falling into this cycle

Yeah sensei is acting a hero, but irl there is no hero and no one helps these girls. Its a nice fantasy that maybe someone could be saved, its nice to imagine
i dont think the'yre(we're) mad about that circumstance/topic which i think is great that it's being addressed (for awareness ig) but the fact that this arc is so dragged out that it couldve been done within like 2-3 chapters ago. but instead they try to make the teacher be like the hero of justice, coincidentally trying to be like yomawari sensei. it's now becoming a fantasy feel good justice manga which irks me a lot considering that it first tried to do a realistic approach. it's not a bad premise(similar to oshi no ko) tbh but not on how this manga tried to establish. they shouldve just made a smut manga instead.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Nice try Takanashi you may not admit it but I know you're still hung up about what our resident male idol did to your plants 🪴. I get it though; this is your way of venting that frustration.

Thank you for the translation (I still like this arc so far, but I do agree with you TL. The author ought to wrap this up because as generous as I can be this is beginning to test my patience).

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