Yuukyuu no Gusha Asley no, Kenja no Susume - Vol. 4 Ch. 22

Jan 3, 2019
I despise Irene more and more with each passing chapter. "You cheapskate! Why would you not hand over magical knowledge that no one else has, making it practically priceless, to me for free?!". On top of that, when will the author realize, that he doesn't have to explain shit to anyone, or take shit from anyone for not explaining. "How do you know about the behavior of monsters that is not released knowledge???" He should just answer "What does it matter to you", or "None of your business", or "It's a secret". Like holy shit, the character can only be so smart as the author is, and the author seems like a doormat pussy.
On another note, the artist is amazing, great work as always, love the unique art style.
Active member
Feb 27, 2019
i loved that when he was thinking about the ones he wouldn't have met if he was born in this era, the annoying eternal loli wasn't included, like not meeting her would've been better LOL
Jul 21, 2018
Well all I am pointing out is that the mc literally forged 2 documents (that they know about) while being incredibly secretive throughout all their interactions not to mention it would be both her and Warren's butts on the line if word of the contracts got out to the heads of the black/white chain and tengaron. Instead of just expelling/arresting them they forced him to join the student council to keep on eye on him. From their point of view there's this shady guy who knows more than an archmage and is way stronger than normal posing as a student. I'd want to keep an eye on him also.
Mar 5, 2019
I'm really happy about that as well. The people his glad his met in this era are the people from that village and rina, pochi and ballad.

Since it's A rank adventures guess we're not seeing Rina anymore for a while. Need more Rina.
Fed-Kun's army
May 24, 2018
@anotherone ,
To be honest, I would have been really surprised if someone who destroyed her own growth for the sake of her research would be anything but selfish. Yup, she's scummy as fuck, but I think it's way more suited to her character than any friendship. More honest too, in a way: any friendship from her, at this stade anyway, would have been of the interested variety.

Yea, I suppose we could see it that way, the way that it's just her character is meant to be, a magic research obsessive mage who lacks empathy and tactfulness, in which her priority is only to seek more magical knowledge and see not much importance in building meaningful long-lasting sincere relationships. Her cute innocent appearance is probably only designed to trick the readers to be more lenient with her, particularly from fans of loli...... Regardless, I hope the author will make her redeem herself somehow or at least send her into obscurity after this academy arc. Otherwise, she's just a stupidly annoying character sticking herself into everything MC's doing everywhere.
Jul 21, 2018

All I can say without spoilers is she does redeem herself.

With spoilers though, since it will likely take a few years to get to this point at current pace,
when she learns of Ashley's true age and circumstances she's far kinder to him and even respects him a good deal. She looks into foltown and why the country is covering it up for him. She even goes as far as (((major spoilers follow)))
sticking her head out for him to help him accomplish his goals and admonishes the principal when astley gets sued, expelled and almost arrested
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
My interest is tapering off. Sadly. Earlier on in the chapters when he was realizing he lost parts of himself over the many years, questioning his existence in its entirety, was really interesting for a main character.

As of late there hasn't been much of that at all. There's been too many annoying side characters bogging him down, which is a shame.
Fed-Kun's army
May 24, 2018
@jrohrer13 ,
Well all I am pointing out is that the mc literally forged 2 documents (that they know about) while being incredibly secretive throughout all their interactions not to mention it would be both her and Warren's butts on the line if word of the contracts got out to the heads of the black/white chain and tengaron. Instead of just expelling/arresting them they forced him to join the student council to keep on eye on him. From their point of view there's this shady guy who knows more than an archmage and is way stronger than normal posing as a student. I'd want to keep an eye on him also.

I get where you come from but let me point out why that isn't a strong reason and not likely the case.

First of all, the academy with contract terms and conditions is the shady one in the first place (application letter signature was not found out so it doesn't matter here), which is why MC decided to forge the t&c.

Irene and Warren's butts would not be on the line if the words got out about the forgery, MC and Rina would be in trouble instead of them, which is why they used it as the threatening chip in their blackmailing. It's more plausible that Irene and Warren would be in trouble, if words got out about them KNOWING about the forgery, HAVING the evidence, proceeded to BLACKMAIL a promising student to join their faction and get access to sensitive information through student council, instead of carrying out a proper investigation and verify his identity etc.

Other than that, their motive is unlikely to be investigating or keeping an eye on MC because that's not how it's done by giving MC access to power and information through student council. There are so many proper ways can be done if they actually want to investigate, like they could very well trace via his application letter, or lock them up and interrogate, or even if they are cautious of MC they could just go for Rina (you might say they want to avoid conflicts maybe because they are cautious of MC's capability, but if that's the case they wouldn't use blackmailing in the first place but should use negotiation/diplomatic cooperation, which in that case MC could have realized that he had the position to bargain, giving both parties mutual benefits), but they apparently are not interested in their "shady" background but their other values. So, if they wanted to have a good relationship with MC in the first place, they wouldn't have done that. With what Irene has done so far like recruiting, stalking, pressuring, escalating a conflict between students, blackmailing, it's more likely that they are only impressed by and interested in his magical knowledge and potential, for their own benefits, regardless of his identity.

If the author is trying to show this is the way they are keeping an eye on MC, then it's honestly just a poorly thought-out writing.

All I can say without spoilers is she does redeem herself.

With spoilers though, since it will likely take a few years to get to this point at current pace,
when she learns of Ashley's true age and circumstances she's far kinder to him and even respects him a good deal. She looks into foltown and why the country is covering it up for him. She even goes as far as (((major spoilers follow)))
sticking her head out for him to help him accomplish his goals and admonishes the principal when astley gets sued, expelled and almost arrested

Oh, thanks for the info! It does sound like an ok redemption though, mainly because I don't get why
Ashley's true age is a factor to her kindness to someone
. I hope the story will show that Irene has a sudden change of heart and redeem herself out of nowhere, but with details on her personal and emotional growth as a character, and actually apologizes for her actions.
Jul 21, 2018

I paraphrased a lot because a lot of shit goes down in the next volume (not current volume which ends with this Arc) but long story short basically his age didn't matter so much as to make her trust him finally as he's not constantly lying anymore. Other events make her actually respect him for who he is as a person and also opening her eyes to the corruption of the country, she was blind to it before as she thought it was for a good cause (stopping the demon King). She still is constantly jealous of his knowledge and his stubbornness of sharing it (to which he replies stubbornness is one of his strongest points)

I could say more but I don't want to spoil the entire volume in the comments just because putting spoiler tags isn't enough sometimes. If anyone wants I can pm a summary or something but I'll just say she becomes an incredibly likeable character later on when she stops acting childish and one of his biggest supporters.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Been thinking on it, and Asley really deserves the title of 'Fool'. He's lived too long, and become so disinterested in the world that he doesn't even care what happens to him. Like the blackmail. Realistically, they had nothing on him. Like, the academy would let someone capable of that out of their hands? He went along with their shitty scheme, like he thought 'Why not.' Or having Irene tailing him during quests. She evidently contributes exactly nothing, since Asley did everything himself. So, she's just deadweight, putting him in more danger than necessary.
Fed-Kun's army
May 24, 2018
@jrohrer13 ,
Thanks for sharing again! I personally don't really mind spoilers so I'm fine with it, no worries.
I'm glad she shows some growth and turns out to be okay, I suppose it's lucky for her that Asley is quite forgiving and kind, and also she didn't straight up betray him and caused irreversible damage to him, but only being selfish, scheming and annoying so far.
Regardless of how she is, I'd still continue reading this series though. With that said, Rina deserves more screentime than Irene lol.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
I'm sorry author, but I just can't look at that dumbass the same way anymore so please just stop giving her so much screen-time.

Also, is it me or he isn't even mad anymore about the blackmail?


Active member
Jan 16, 2019
The lack of Irene bullied face is disappointing...
May 23, 2019
That thinking scene and nope moment is me when i tried to recall something during exam but couldn't in the end and just gives up

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