Yuukyuu no Gusha Asley no, Kenja no Susume - Vol. 6 Ch. 35


Aggregator gang
Feb 2, 2018
Pretty disappointed by this arc. Why are Japanese authors so obsessed with slave markets and trying to prop up their heroes by showing them "dismantling" slave trade? There are so many other ways to show your hero is cool without having to bring that kind of inhumane cruelty into your fantasy world.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
That, actually isn't that unbelievable given her position and title. She alone is likely equivalent to an army in terms of power, so her having a high salary isn't unreasonable. If anything, it is a bribe to keep her around.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2018
when Asley went "ehe", this OG of emergency food reminds me of

" 'EHE' te nandayo!"
Active member
Jul 4, 2019
idk man at least he actually does something about slavery other than getting offended and saving maybe 1 or 2 of them. obviously id rather authors not overuse cheap methods of building resentment like slavery, rape, torture, etc...but all too often an mc will just accept slavery as part of the world and do nothing about it
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
weird arc but ok..
he's going the 'purchase' path, right? i don't really remember
but it doesn't seem like he's fixing anything as long as the people running the business r still here, human greed knows no bound.

unless he's going to start a business with those gold and beat the economic value of the red light district, nothing will happen, beating them also seems impossible since they run on zero investment money (literally just kidnap some girl and get money off them). I can only think that the solution either fall in the further establishment of human rights category(which i doubt), or destroy them so thoroughly that they can't do shit(which is also impossible).

Idk man, bet the conclusion will be as retarded as when he made bunch of ice to restore well.
Active member
Jul 5, 2018
@someunregpunk i think if there a path to that he will choose Irene, like what he mention in previous chapter.. definitely irene more suitable
Mar 3, 2019
This all makes no sense. If he really cares about saving people like that and not just 2 children that were shown to him he would need to do something about the whole market and that's difficult since the state profits from it, so as long as humans are seen as a product to be sold no actions of his will change anything. This is quite annoying. And stupid all of it. He buying them is just making sure the market keeps working as it is and that human trafficking is ok, since he will be pumping money into the scumbags.
Double-page supporter
Sep 25, 2018
@diazkun so you are saying he has to be a perfect saint, practically a god in his own right, and save everyone at once or do nothing at all? no in between? he isn't allowed to be human and just save the few in front of him now, and maybe keep thinking on what to do in the future to come up with a viable solution someday? after all he has forever as long as he isn't killed
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
Everyone giving valid points but I just remembered Asley has eternal youth so money is nothing to him.
Also as long as he saves the girls here, then he has time to think up a plan to stop the rest of it.
However this really does feel kinda unnecessary addition to the story unless those girls will be important to plot later.
Double-page supporter
Nov 18, 2018
@InsaneInsomniac no, he is saying that his goals are practically imposible to meet if he wants to save "everyone", it would be fine if he only wanted to save those close to him but to try to do it at such scale without the resources or authority is stupid, there is no way that this conflict can be solved in a satisfactory way and this plot point would be better avoided.

@Invader_Retro money may be nothing to him but its not infinite or easy to get, he had to sell his magic to buy only 2 girls so how many more can he get? time may be something trivial to him but no for the girls so many will be sold and the mc cant do nothing but to empower the system by buying the girls.
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
@zeroxjac he saves them then finds a way to destroy the system later but as I said if these girls arent important to a future plot point or for that matter Irene's development with Asley then it is indeed pointless.
Double-page supporter
Jul 6, 2019
Irene: "I'M NOT A CHILD!"
Chad Asley: "You're a child compared to me 😎"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
The children didn't had "their future stolen". They had no future to begin with and would be in a worse condition if not for the place they are now...
Mar 23, 2019

Yes, but being a product and doing something that they don't want to do, especially in this case, isn't any better off.
Group Leader
Dec 28, 2018
How dumb do people have to be to think that buying out a "product" and making the seller rich is a valid way to stop that "product" from being on the market?

The worse possible way to stop the sex/slave industry is to poor money into it, essentially funding the industry to grow larger and more powerful. You need to destroy the foundation it stands on. Either you make it illegal or make it unprofitable. Either one is FAR more desirable then letting it grow exponentially by showering them with money!

You save 100 girls today, they buy/capture 200 tomorrow...

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