Yuusha ni Zenbu Ubawareta Ore wa Yuusha no Hahaoya to Party o Kumimashita! - Vol. 4 Ch. 20

Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
i could be wrong but from what i gather so far,
Zect Road is full of challenges, he really got struck hard in his life. I think I remember (correct me if I'm wrong)when Zect and his party challenged the demon lord for the first time, he almost got killed by the demon king and his party members got their limbs cut off I think, and the current sword saint got so traumatized that she can't even lift or touch a sword for a while. In the end, Zect and his party's status as heroes was revoked and they returned to their village. Zect and his party member finally found that Ceres had been banging their mom. the hero party (the ladies) begs Ceres to join him again but Ceres refuses and only sees them as his children. Now here's the bad part. after their return, the MILFs punish their kids but their punishment is kinda gone into bullying to the point you start to feel bad for those kids and lose some sympathy for those MILFs (since I remember those kids sin only to kick Ceres out of the party and that's pretty much about it). after this Zect went solo and tried to grind his experience. he dismissed his party members because he was afraid to endanger them again In his second journey. He spent his time in slums helping other people in need, like healing sick poor people who could not afford healers and Do some any other good deeds. He also hunts monsters who endanger nearby kingdoms. His action gained a lot of sympathy from a lot of people and he got noticed by the second princess (he also win her heart again). people voted for his status as a hero to be returned, but he refused and said he wasn't worthy of such a title. long story short his biggest achievement was that he managed to be friends with the demon king (I don't know how maybe through duel or talk no Jutsu) and bring peace between humanity and the demon races, end the war between the 2 races once and for all. he also became the greatest King Humanity ever had. As for Ceres his story kinda ends when Zect returns to his village. In the future, he go to Nirvana and fuck his harem for eternity. His harem wants to have children with him but the way how is kinda weird. so all of his harem members take some of their blood samples and mixed them with Ceres jizz and with the help of goddess power Ceres' son is born. He ridiculous OP but without common sense. sometimes later he wants to go to earth so the milf just shoves him into one of the Zect party members the holy saint to raise him the way how the world works. that's right those milfs instead teach their son about some rope and how the world works, they just shove their responsibility into other people.[SPOILER/]
Wow, so this story turns into utter shite then?
I mean, my expectations were already low from the yen a dozen OP harem protag set-up but godzamn. I can't believe I'm left wishing for the villain to win and the MC to be deleted by the universe.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
Okay now that's BAD bad lmao. Seems like the author basically lost the plot altogether.
Like he didn't know what to do to Ceres anymore since he's so OP he changed to Zact.
Hopefully the manga indeed doesn't follow that same path..
Wow, so this story turns into utter shite then?
I mean, my expectations were already low from the yen a dozen OP harem protag set-up but godzamn. I can't believe I'm left wishing for the villain to win and the MC to be deleted by the universe.
also, I want to add things up and some corrections from my comment after I re-read the WN
- Ceres plan for those MILF ex-husbands doesn't work well as they seem pretty much enjoying their life with their new wives so far (if they're not screwed up by looking to other girls)

- we know a lot of people die in dragon stampede But nobody will ever hold Ceres accountable for the thousands of deaths due to his stampede. However, Ceres stops hunting dragons, not because he reflects that he was careless of his actions and that he killed thousands of people, but because as a dragon god, he considers dragons as his children (LOL) :haa: and doesn't want to harm them.

So, because of Ceres's carelessness, thousands of people died, Zecht was the only one blamed for it and Ceres ended up turned into a dragon god.

- There are several dragon gods already. So, Ceres is accepted as one of them. He is not the strongest of the dragon gods right now, but he has the potential to become the strongest. He gains the special power of "Absolute Luck" which means that everything he wishes for will happen or come true without any effort required (even unconsciously), making Ceres the most boring MC ever.

- After the enconter between the Black Dragon and Ceres, Ceres gets turned into a Dragon God. He is basically more powerfull than traditional gods. All the countries want to have someone close to them marry Ceres to "protect their country from him".
The king offers him the princess Zecht was supposed to marry but Ceres refuses because she's too young, so he marries the older sister who is considered too old by this world standard. The empire also offers him the former Sword Saint who is also a princess of the Empire. And the Church offers him the former Saint.
Former Saint and Sword Saint appear to be the pupils of the MILFs and the MILFs rescued them after the previous Hero's party failed to kill the Demon Lord. the previous Hero and sage got killed during the battle leaving only these 2
Later, the Goddess herself asks Ceres if he's OK with her marrying him too. So, Ceres has total 8 MILF in his harem later

Zecht and the girls do not simply get beaten up, they are tortured and mutilated (like missing limbs mutilation). That's why the girls don't want to fight anymore, and why Lida has severe PTSD, and why Zecht disbands the Hero's party.

The demon Lord is on level of strength similar to Zecht at his peak. But there is one demon general who is way stronger than the demon Lord, like godlike level. He is the one who defeats the Hero's party for the second time and he is beaten by Ceres. But Ceres can only barely win because he has become a dragon god. This demon general is an anomaly that shouldn't exist.

That's also the moment Ceres chooses to deliver the "I fucked your mom's" punchline. It was so anticlimactic. Zecht and the girls have been tortured and put on display to shame them for days. They are dehydrated and barely conscious. So, nobody cares when Ceres announces this.

After got defeated by Demon lord army the party went home. in village the MILF already prepare some punishment for them
- among the member party punishment Lida was the worst victim.
The others are not physically abused, but the author just put them in the story to show them as "inferior" versions of the mothers.
For example, Maria (the current saint), Shizuko, and the former saint, once went to the church to heal people, and Shizuko and the former saint finished their quota faster than Maria. Then, they left her and go have a tea and brag about how they are more talented than the girl but will never teach her anything.

I was really disappointed by the former saint and sword saint because I had anticipated that they might have felt some empathy towards the kids. The former or the first Hero's party had been defeated by the Demon Lord's army, the former Hero and Sage had been killed and former saint and sword saint captured. So they had an experience similar to what the kids had been through. But as the MILFs had been their mentors and they had been the one who rescued them, they put MILFs on a pedestal and also treat the girls like trash.

- To tell the end of Lida's story (the current sword saint), after being bullied and get jumped on by the mothers (two of the mothers and the former sword saint who married Ceres later to be accurate) for several days, she finds a magic sword that fights automatically for her. This sword allows Lida to fight back against the three wives... for about five minutes. Then Ceres shows them that the magic sword reacts to hostility and that if they approach Lida sneakily like an assassin, the sword doesn't react and that they can keep bullying Lida.

- Also, Shizuko is mad at Zecht for letting the girls in Ceres's care and tells him that he should have kept the girls with him. So why did she accept them when they came back in the first place? Her actions and her preachings don't add up. Just slap them in the face when they first came back. No need to take the girls in if it is to blame Zecht for that later.

Zecht went on his way and became a great man. The girls maybe could have grown too if they left. But not only didn't the mothers help them, they made everything they could to keep the girl's morale and self-esteem at the lowest. Not wanting to help them is one thing, taking them in to make them miserable is just toxic parenting IMO.

Ceres is 100% on the side of the MILFs and never stand up for the girls.

- Zecht is by far the most interesting character in this story. After the second major defeat of the Hero's party (I said second because the first hero party failed to kill the demon lord) Zecht decides that he's not worthy of the title of Hero and the girls all suffer from heavy PTSD and don't want to fight anymore. So Zecht decides to disband the party. He disbands the Hero's party, letting the girls going back to MC. He gives up the title of Hero and works as a solo adventurer. while grinding some experience He takes jobs that nobody else can do (like dragon and monster hunting) and jobs that no one wants to do (like cleaning the sewers, picking up the garbage, etc). He spends his days off in the slumps, giving food and healing homeless and Poor people. The Church doesn't want to help them because they have no money.
Like Zect says says in chapter 17, as the Hero, he should marry the princess. The princess despises the arrogant person that Zecht was but falls in love with him after he changed. She gives up on her title as a princess to marry him.
Zecht becomes a Hero again because the people give him this title back, he even tries to refuse it. He becomes friend with the Demon Lord, ending the war between humans and demon for good.
And when he comes back to his village to see MC, the girls and the moms, his mom treat him like scum because he "abandonned the girls" (when the girls themselves wanted to go back to MC...)
The three girls want to go live with Ceres. He accepts but only sees them as his daughters.
They finally join Zecht's harem after he has regained his title of Hero (even if he tried to refuse the title).
Zect got 5 harem member, his current 3, the princess, lastly the Albino loli :02:

The main story is completed with Zecht and Ceres finally getting along again, but Ceres leaves to go to the realm of the gods with his wives.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. This series also had side stories after the main story end.

The basic idea is that Zecht has become the greatest king humanity ever knew, Lida the strongest sword saint, Mel the wisest sage and Maria the holiest saint. But the mothers still treat them like shit because they themselves have been turned into godesses by Ceres so that they can live eternally with him. (The only achievement of the MILFs is to fuck Ceres, they never do anything special, never go adventuring with him... nothing)
The side story starts when Zecht dies of old age. He goes to the equivalent of Elision, a paradise for heroes. The three girls and the two other members of Zecht's harem want to commit suicide to join him, but Mel, the sage, is forced to stay with the living. They have had kids, but they push every responsibilites on her, because she is the wisest sage of history.
One day, when one of the MILFs says she wants to have a kid with Ceres, the goddess asks her "Are you sure? You all were pretty bad mothers the first time." And the mothers don't know how to answer that. That's the closest we ever get from the mothers to think that they messed up the kid's education (Ceres also don't want to have children from each milf) so Ceres's wives discuss and decide to have a kid with Ceres (One kid with the 8 wives as his mothers and Ceres as the father). They mix one drop of their blood with a drop of Ceres's sperm/jizz, cast a little spell and make a kid who is even more OP than Ceres, but has no common sense. After a while, the kid wants to go to the mortal world and the mothers force Mel to take care of him, but they threaten her to blast her if she ever tries to touch the kid...

Moral of the story the Milf are not so different with their child. each side is bad. milf are bad at parenting while the kid also stupid and make plenty mistake specially the party member (the ladies). Zect also make mistake but he's learning from it and be better person later in the future.
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Oct 3, 2024
This was a good chapter I guess this is what happened when the mc was something respectable prior to being reincarnated. He really did take care of their party and they all became spoiled and is the reason Zect isn't completely screwed. He even got the church off his back by telling him if they going to complain about their failures then send all citizens to solve the demon king and monster problem. Nobody wants that. The hero party out their suffering while the mc is living his best life. He is glad they booted him out.
Oct 3, 2024
It's weird how the author went out of his way to vilify Zect early in the story, only now to turn around and make him appear sympathetic. Why spend all that time making him the bad guy, and making him look like a complete douche, if he was going to just apply the power of friendship and make everything all better? Seems like poor writing.
Sounds like the author is mocking his character for his poor judgment and making the character to actually be able to reflect on his action. Meanwhile other people got the former parties just making worst and worst decisions. The author is showing more clearly how the party neglected his true value because Celes did all the background work while all they had to do is go fight and rack up achievements. Other stories have the mc either hiding his abilities or being forced to suppress it. Zeect is suffering and it is likely to continue to be bad for him for quite some time, he still probable eventually have to fail to find Celes or be rejected for recieving help as he can't help him for the sake of his wives revenge plot. It is going to be hard for Zect to redeem himself because he doesnt have guidance and he isn't a good leader.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2024
It was very emotional and a bit tragic, hero boy reconsidering his life choices AND ONE PANEL AFTER CERES BANGING HIS MOTHER WTF IS WRONG WITH MANGA CREATOR AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Let's be honest, this kind of stuff is what we came to read. :LOL:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
also, I want to add things up and some corrections from my comment after I re-read the WN
- Ceres plan for those MILF ex-husbands doesn't work well as they seem pretty much enjoying their life with their new wives so far (if they're not screwed up by looking to other girls)

- we know a lot of people die in dragon stampede But nobody will ever hold Ceres accountable for the thousands of deaths due to his stampede. However, Ceres stops hunting dragons, not because he reflects that he was careless of his actions and that he killed thousands of people, but because as a dragon god, he considers dragons as his children (LOL) :haa: and doesn't want to harm them.

So, because of Ceres's carelessness, thousands of people died, Zecht was the only one blamed for it and Ceres ended up turned into a dragon god.

- There are several dragon gods already. So, Ceres is accepted as one of them. He is not the strongest of the dragon gods right now, but he has the potential to become the strongest. He gains the special power of "Absolute Luck" which means that everything he wishes for will happen or come true without any effort required (even unconsciously), making Ceres the most boring MC ever.

- After the enconter between the Black Dragon and Ceres, Ceres gets turned into a Dragon God. He is basically more powerfull than traditional gods. All the countries want to have someone close to them marry Ceres to "protect their country from him".
The king offers him the princess Zecht was supposed to marry but Ceres refuses because she's too young, so he marries the older sister who is considered too old by this world standard. The empire also offers him the former Sword Saint who is also a princess of the Empire. And the Church offers him the former Saint.
Former Saint and Sword Saint appear to be the pupils of the MILFs and the MILFs rescued them after the previous Hero's party failed to kill the Demon Lord. the previous Hero and sage got killed during the battle leaving only these 2
Later, the Goddess herself asks Ceres if he's OK with her marrying him too. So, Ceres has total 8 MILF in his harem later

Zecht and the girls do not simply get beaten up, they are tortured and mutilated (like missing limbs mutilation). That's why the girls don't want to fight anymore, and why Lida has severe PTSD, and why Zecht disbands the Hero's party.

The demon Lord is on level of strength similar to Zecht at his peak. But there is one demon general who is way stronger than the demon Lord, like godlike level. He is the one who defeats the Hero's party for the second time and he is beaten by Ceres. But Ceres can only barely win because he has become a dragon god. This demon general is an anomaly that shouldn't exist.

That's also the moment Ceres chooses to deliver the "I fucked your mom's" punchline. It was so anticlimactic. Zecht and the girls have been tortured and put on display to shame them for days. They are dehydrated and barely conscious. So, nobody cares when Ceres announces this.

After got defeated by Demon lord army the party went home. in village the MILF already prepare some punishment for them
- among the member party punishment Lida was the worst victim.
The others are not physically abused, but the author just put them in the story to show them as "inferior" versions of the mothers.
For example, Maria (the current saint), Shizuko, and the former saint, once went to the church to heal people, and Shizuko and the former saint finished their quota faster than Maria. Then, they left her and go have a tea and brag about how they are more talented than the girl but will never teach her anything.

I was really disappointed by the former saint and sword saint because I had anticipated that they might have felt some empathy towards the kids. The former or the first Hero's party had been defeated by the Demon Lord's army, the former Hero and Sage had been killed and former saint and sword saint captured. So they had an experience similar to what the kids had been through. But as the MILFs had been their mentors and they had been the one who rescued them, they put MILFs on a pedestal and also treat the girls like trash.

- To tell the end of Lida's story (the current sword saint), after being bullied and get jumped on by the mothers (two of the mothers and the former sword saint who married Ceres later to be accurate) for several days, she finds a magic sword that fights automatically for her. This sword allows Lida to fight back against the three wives... for about five minutes. Then Ceres shows them that the magic sword reacts to hostility and that if they approach Lida sneakily like an assassin, the sword doesn't react and that they can keep bullying Lida.

- Also, Shizuko is mad at Zecht for letting the girls in Ceres's care and tells him that he should have kept the girls with him. So why did she accept them when they came back in the first place? Her actions and her preachings don't add up. Just slap them in the face when they first came back. No need to take the girls in if it is to blame Zecht for that later.

Zecht went on his way and became a great man. The girls maybe could have grown too if they left. But not only didn't the mothers help them, they made everything they could to keep the girl's morale and self-esteem at the lowest. Not wanting to help them is one thing, taking them in to make them miserable is just toxic parenting IMO.

Ceres is 100% on the side of the MILFs and never stand up for the girls.

- Zecht is by far the most interesting character in this story. After the second major defeat of the Hero's party (I said second because the first hero party failed to kill the demon lord) Zecht decides that he's not worthy of the title of Hero and the girls all suffer from heavy PTSD and don't want to fight anymore. So Zecht decides to disband the party. He disbands the Hero's party, letting the girls going back to MC. He gives up the title of Hero and works as a solo adventurer. while grinding some experience He takes jobs that nobody else can do (like dragon and monster hunting) and jobs that no one wants to do (like cleaning the sewers, picking up the garbage, etc). He spends his days off in the slumps, giving food and healing homeless and Poor people. The Church doesn't want to help them because they have no money.
Like Zect says says in chapter 17, as the Hero, he should marry the princess. The princess despises the arrogant person that Zecht was but falls in love with him after he changed. She gives up on her title as a princess to marry him.
Zecht becomes a Hero again because the people give him this title back, he even tries to refuse it. He becomes friend with the Demon Lord, ending the war between humans and demon for good.
And when he comes back to his village to see MC, the girls and the moms, his mom treat him like scum because he "abandonned the girls" (when the girls themselves wanted to go back to MC...)
The three girls want to go live with Ceres. He accepts but only sees them as his daughters.
They finally join Zecht's harem after he has regained his title of Hero (even if he tried to refuse the title).
Zect got 5 harem member, his current 3, the princess, lastly the Albino loli :02:

The main story is completed with Zecht and Ceres finally getting along again, but Ceres leaves to go to the realm of the gods with his wives.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. This series also had side stories after the main story end.

The basic idea is that Zecht has become the greatest king humanity ever knew, Lida the strongest sword saint, Mel the wisest sage and Maria the holiest saint. But the mothers still treat them like shit because they themselves have been turned into godesses by Ceres so that they can live eternally with him. (The only achievement of the MILFs is to fuck Ceres, they never do anything special, never go adventuring with him... nothing)
The side story starts when Zecht dies of old age. He goes to the equivalent of Elision, a paradise for heroes. The three girls and the two other members of Zecht's harem want to commit suicide to join him, but Mel, the sage, is forced to stay with the living. They have had kids, but they push every responsibilites on her, because she is the wisest sage of history.
One day, when one of the MILFs says she wants to have a kid with Ceres, the goddess asks her "Are you sure? You all were pretty bad mothers the first time." And the mothers don't know how to answer that. That's the closest we ever get from the mothers to think that they messed up the kid's education (Ceres also don't want to have children from each milf) so Ceres's wives discuss and decide to have a kid with Ceres (One kid with the 8 wives as his mothers and Ceres as the father). They mix one drop of their blood with a drop of Ceres's sperm/jizz, cast a little spell and make a kid who is even more OP than Ceres, but has no common sense. After a while, the kid wants to go to the mortal world and the mothers force Mel to take care of him, but they threaten her to blast her if she ever tries to touch the kid...

Moral of the story the Milf are not so different with their child. each side is bad. milf are bad at parenting while the kid also stupid and make plenty mistake specially the party member (the ladies). Zect also make mistake but he's learning from it and be better person later in the future.
Damn if that's true Its such a garbage story lol xDD
I hope they'll change the WN version, but I already can see how Hero boy trying to change so maybe not. About blaming Ceres for dragon stempade, he's not the one responsible for slaughter. Sure they probably run away from him BUT dragons didnt plan to atack the city but when Hero jumped on them they started to fight back.
I dont know why all writers want this stupid petty revenge plot. IMO here some redemption story of the Hero and girls would be so much better especially after defeat from demon general. They should have help them recuperate and tutor them...well, will see what happenes next
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2023
What a scene transition! Truly marvelous!

And even character developement?! This manga really is GOATed.

I just have to ask though, are the dragons CG models with a filter or are they actually drawn? The style looks so.. different
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2023
Ah, a very must-have place for any Japanese reincarnated to another world trope: Japan
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2024
It's weird how the author went out of his way to vilify Zect early in the story, only now to turn around and make him appear sympathetic. Why spend all that time making him the bad guy, and making him look like a complete douche, if he was going to just apply the power of friendship and make everything all better? Seems like poor writing.
If you read it, his ONE bad flaw was his womanizing ways. Plus he hasn't truly learned; in his eyes, he can still be a womanizer, he just needs Ceres to help him achieve that goal, and as he notes, the three girls don't compare to whatever princess could be obtained. It's not until he hits genuine rock bottom that he truly matures out of being a mostly selfish person. All this has truly taught him was that he screwed up and threw away the most useful friend/companion. It hasn't taught him to be more like Ceres, or to improve himself such that the various chores and tasks get done in a more mature fashion.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Was not expecting a real life point of view about The Hero Party™ going after unreasonable odds and when things get out of hand, got blamed for it, which is not something common also because mostly stories like that are power fantasies tho'
Mar 23, 2020
Sounds like the author is mocking his character for his poor judgment and making the character to actually be able to reflect on his action. Meanwhile other people got the former parties just making worst and worst decisions.

It sounds more like he's mocking the entire hero genre. He's knows that he's writing smut that basically for people to fap off to.
The author is mocking the genre of revenge, hero + demonlords and then even the milf harem genre that's he's writing the smut for.


Disclaimer 1: This ain't a spoiler. I don't know anything. This is just conjecture or guess work. Do I need to explain conjecture?
Disclaimer 2: I was banned from the forums previously because I didn't use spoiler text when saying, "Well, based on the raws, I guess... " My guess was wrong and yet I was still banned. So now I spoiler text everything. Unless.... if a mod decides to unspoiler my messages...
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2023
The transition between Zect, full of despair and regret, to Ceres fucking his mother was just incredible :win:
Double-page supporter
Dec 23, 2018
The transition from deconstructing the hero character, to railing the hero's mom; absolute peak :meguu:

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