Hate all humans because of a few bad ones? And then ones raised around you taught specifically to treat you as a toy because you're a slave of the family? Welp, guess we humans should hate all elves since there's an elf that hates us. That's only fair by her logic. Don't think they'd survive that, though. But hey, all the elves shouldn't be hating us. What, it is all of them since one of them does. That's her logic, I'm just being fair to her.
Suddenly doesn't seem so great when you're held to your own rules, does it?
"This illegal thing happened to me so all of this entire species/civilization/community is evil!" event though they admit it was illegal.
Manga/Anime/Light Novel logic in a nutshell. It's a cheap and easy way to make the main character special by the incredible virtue of simply being a normal person. Often a rather pathetic person, in fact, but the girls' views of whatever group they're part of or mistaken for is so low that this is still enough to convince them he's "the exception" and "special". Made even worse when many stories are so poorly thought-out that the situation actually makes whoever it is they hate clearly justified and the audience is expected to play along anyway.