Yuusha, Yamemasu

Jan 4, 2019
Big ups to Baka Gaijin for pickin' this stuff up at a super fast pace. Absolutely lovin' it. Keep 'er goin!!
Aug 3, 2019
Man just starting this and don't think I'll make it past chapter 2. "Yuusha" everywhere, dang just translate it to "hero." Hate these overly weeby fansubs
Apr 11, 2020
man raws are available till chapter 21. i know it might be difficult but please try to catch up with them fast
Dec 30, 2018
The subbing is kinda weeby and the MC is just kinda... annoying..... I guess this is just not for me. 5/10, read it if you want. Hadebra~!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2020
I resisted until 6.3

There is nothing wrong with an arrogant and narcisistic MC. Fuutarou from Quintessential Quintuplets started out as arrogant, so did the MC from Amabri.

There is also NOTHING, and I really do mean nothing, wrong about OP main characters. Saitama is the clearest example that comes to mind, but surely others can think of other examples.

Why wouldn't an OP protagonist be arrogant? He is literally the greatest, after all. A lot of Wuxias (the chinese webtoons), have protagonists with those characteristics, and some of them are more bearable than their Japanese counterparts with their fake humbleness.
Why, however, do I (and probably many others) have to repress the urge to throw my smartphone out of the window when these people act like themselves?
Simple, really: they face no consequence for their behaviour. Nobody gets legitimately angry for being constantly patronized by these pricks, and those that do are the baddies anyway.
Worst yet, most of the attractive female cast (and also some males cuz some people still think gay=funny) showers them with attention, because very small acts of kindness that should be basic level for anyone above the status of sociopath TOOOOOTALLY make up for constant, shit behaviour, and suddenly they care for their friends or whatever. They act like they have no peer, but then they get invested in the misadventures of the rest of the cast? WHAT?

Dear reader, from the papyrus above you definitely already know my main gripe with this manga. The main guy is an annoying, arrogant a-hole, who constantly belittles those around him, wether in thoughts, words or actions, solves aaaalllll their problems for them, manipulates them and these supposed "Heavenly Kings" are unable to, nevermind call him out on, recognize the faults in his character outside of 2-panels-long gags. He chastises them for doing everything by themselves, but then he single handedly saves the day. I was hoping that, at the very least, the dinner scene would have exposed some serious lack in his social skills, but noooooooope, he effortlessly charms the girl and then is saved right before he could've faced the consequences. Will this manga get better? Idk, but from my glimpse at 7.1 sure looks like these patterns will repeat themselves.

4/10, for the thickest of skins only.
Apr 9, 2018
I am not sure if I like how this has developed. Posting this after reading up to 13.2, which is the furthest atm.
Just read all the chapters in one go, and I liked the way Leo got portrayed. He has been the hero for over thousands of years and the idea of becoming unnecessary is breaking him. I like it, even if it kinda contradicts the character we got at the beginning of the manga (someone who wanted to laze around, altho the idea of "I don't want to be lonely" was also present).
Thing is, I do not entirely like the conflict we have at the moment. I was kinda expecting Leo to go like "Hey, there are two stones and my instincts will make me stop you if you try to go after any of those (because allowing them either to steal the one in the Holy Kingdom or to kill him would mean leaving humanity unprotected), so I'll just do you a favor and give you the chance for a fair fight against just me, instead of me and the human kingdom".
I get that this necessity to protect the human world is making him twisted. He wants to die "a hero" before he feels the urge to play the villain role to make the world need him. That is why I would have liked for him to properly explain that, and gave the demon lord and the four heavenly kings a deadline (maybe until the gate closes) so they could find a plan to kill him. As in a "I've been helping all of you, but please, emancipate and help me out by killing me". Starting the fight while they are unprepared seems off to me.
TL;DR: I honestly think I should like this development, but I also can't shake the feeling that the problem was not properly laid out. Is it just me?
P.S: I like the prospect that, after relying so heavily upon him, the demons will have to start figuring it all by themselves (again, I guess?). I guess that will not happen, because either that would end the manga (demons go back to their world and live happily ever after) or it would have to keep on without their MC (demons stay but the conflict is now about how to reconcile). I do like Leo in the latest chapters, but I honestly think the manga will be better without him...
Mar 5, 2019
Can anyone explain what's happening in these panels?
(don't know how to post pictures, so I just did this instead.)

Also, after getting so heavily injured, does the hero become weaker? And why does he express more emotions now?

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