Wow theres tons of weird converstaions in this comment section, can we please not pit trans women and trans men against each other as some sort of competition? No one cares if you like trans women or trans men more, us trans people are people cand shouldnt be treated like trading cards or funny make believe beings. Its really messed up to say "magical trans people" (whatever that means??? im not sure) are better than real trans people (like. that is actual transphobia....)
And yes 1000% there is more trans women represented in manga. No it is not always positive and NO we shouldnt blame trans women, thats not their fault at all. However, just because maybe 5 instances of trans men you see in manga out of the 8 instances in total might be good representation, doesnt mean we're represented more or better than trans women. Lately, there has been a lot of good representation on trans women in manga and anime, and even artworks in general. Trans men maybe get one or two here and there. just look at how many pages of trans women compared to trans men there are on this website:
Of course not all characters are good representations and there might be some missing from more obscure series, but as a trans man whos curious about always trying to see if any new manga comes out with any trans men, Ive seen this for myself countless times. But again, trans women having more characters is NOT a bad thing. Its just means we need more awareness for trans men too.
Also, to that one troll that apparently isnt logging back in or whatever: theres nothing wrong with this manga lmfao, its fine.