Zaako Zako Zako Zako Sensei - Vol. 4 Ch. 24

Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
This is a message for my brat-lover readers. Vote.
vote on Tuesday, January the 16th.
Vote now, if you can.
Get your friends to vote.
Get your family to vote.
Get every-brat-lover you know to vote.
Vote even if they shut down your usual pisscord server.
Vote even if your pisscord server was moved unreasonably far away.
Vote even if they make it hard.
Vote even if you need to skip work. Those few hours of wages aren't worth your brat-manga being an unsafe place for you and your family.
Vote even if they think they'll throw your vote away.
Vote even if you think it's rigged.
Because it does.
Because the only way to guarantee that your vote won't count is not to vote.
Democracy isn't about waiting for else to change things when things are so obviously wrong.
Democracy is about waiting for you.
and your voice
Don't vote for a color
Don't vote for a party
Vote for the brat-lovers who will help other brat-lovers
Because that's what a translator is for, helping brat-lovers
read about your localisation and vote for translator you can trust
Look up who they really are
And read about that they've really done.
You might be surprised.
If you voted for the current translation because you genuinely thought they would help brats.
That's fine.
That's what you should always do
your vote and your voice matter
but don't be afraid to look at our brat-manga now and reconsider
there's nothing wrong with having backed the wrong translator
there IS something wrong with seeing that translator run towards a jelly donut and refusing to get off.
Just because it's your translation.
Vote as though brats are being separated from their zakos at the border.
Vote as though it's your brat being separated from you.
Vote like brat-lovers are being erased the census and being told they do not exist.
Vote like a brat-lover was hanged from a tree for protesting police violence and police killing brat-lover just for being a brat-lover.
vote like your translator is a brat-lover. Because he is.
vote like the term "mano-a-zako" is now a household term for fascism and hate.
Because it is
Vote like brat-lover are being gunned down in a pisscord like it's 1939. Because they are.
vote like this is the world we live in. Because it is.
and if not isn't the time to get political.
then it never will be.
Vote like you love brats
Vote like you love ALL brats
and you believe that no brats should be deported or beaten or killed because of how they look, or where they were born, or who they love, or who they are.
Vote like you're a brat-lover
Vote because you love brat-manga
Because you know it's broken
Because you need to be the one to repair it again
Because if you don't
Nobody else will

Unless you vote for "mano-a-zako", then you're a piece of shit
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
This is a message for my brat-lover viewers. Vote.
vote on Tuesday, January the 16th.
Vote now, if you can.
Get your friends to vote.
Get your family to vote.
Get everyone you know to vote.
Vote even if they shut down your usual pisscord server.
Vote even if your pisscord server was moved unreasonably far away.
Vote even if they make it hard.
Vote even if you need to skip work. Those few hours of wages aren't worth your brat-manga being an unsafe place for you and your family.
Vote even if they think they'll throw your vote away.
Vote even if you think it's rigged.
Because it does.
Because the only way to guarantee that your vote won't count is not to vote.
Democracy isn't about waiting for else to change things when things are so obviously wrong.
Democracy is about waiting for you.
and your voice
Don't vote for a color
don't vote for a party
vote for the people who will help other people
because that's what a translator is for, helping people
read about your localisation and vote for people you can trust
look up who they really are
and read about that they've really done.
You might be surprised.
if you voted for the current translation because you genuinely thought they would help brats.
That's fine.
That's what you should always do
your vote and your voice matter
but don't be afraid to look at our brat-manga now and reconsider
there's nothing wrong with having backed the wrong horse
there IS something wrong with seeing that horse run towards a cliff and refusing to get off.
Just because it's your horse.
vote as though brats are being separated from their zakos at the border.
Vote as though it's your brat being separated from you.
vote like brat-lovers are being erased the census and being told they do not exist.
vote like a brat-lover was hanged from a tree for protesting police violence and police killing brat-lover just for being a brat-lover.
vote like your translator is a brat-lover. Because he is.
vote like the term "mano-a-zako" is now a household term for fascism and hate.
Because it is
Vote like brat-lover are being gunned down in a pisscord like it's 1939. Because they are.
vote like this is the world we live in. Because it is.
and if not isn't the time to get political.
then it never will be.
vote like you love brats
vote like you love ALL brats
and you believe that no brats should be deported or beaten or killed because of how they look, or where they were born, or who they love, or who they are.
vote like you're a brat-lover
vote because you love brat-manga
because you know it's broken
because you need to be the one to repair it again
because if you don't
nobody else will

Unless you vote for "mano-a-zako", then you're a piece of shit
Disclaimer that the internet is not all USA, us foreigners don't need to see your "pick your old dude competition" in a MANGA site.

I need to learn to read the full comments before replying.:slap:
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
Yandere superfan Aona is quite cute :meguupog:
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
The biker totally deserved it. She’s holding a bag in her left hand and looking at her phone in her right. She’s not even holding the handlebars or looking ahead

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