Zense Coupling - Vol. 6 Ch. 40 - Suzu and Hikari (10)

Apr 26, 2019
This is my favorite couple by far, i really hope a good ending.
Jan 29, 2020
They are my least favorite couple now. I wish authors would stop with the idiotic notion that sexual assault (kissing someone while they're sleeping and cannot consent) is romantic. It's disgusting, and makes me hate Suzu.

Edit: If your response to a person with a differing opinion is to personally attack them or to make baseless assumptions about them, instead of engaging in meaningful and intelligent debate, I want nothing to do with you. You're allowed to disagree with me, but remember that mangadex has rules.
Nov 1, 2018
@naomitachi u dumb man :v
Edit: Apparently saying that something someone said is dumb is pretty hurtful to their feelings when his/her comment was so out of there that that comment should be the one moderated but i guess if this is already moderated i really can express what i felt ready that fucking retarded comment of naomitachi, dude you are fucking stupid to think kissing someone in while sleeping on a fiction work is sexual assault, even if this was a real world scenario since we know both likes each other it wouldnt be an issue and besides we dont really get a kiss scene really she just kinda goes on top but its not shown if there is even a kiss.
Honestly you are just fucking stupid and because of people like you we have more people trying to control the entretainment we enjoy with the bullshit excuse of either x thing being problematic or changing it to be "more inclusive" when the first one is fucking facist as fuck you fucking nazi or the second one where instead of being more inclusive you are excluding the people enjoying it for what it is and no one said you coulndt enjoy it no matter your country, race, sexuality or any other difference, you can but dont try to change it because its offensive to someone.
And at the end you claim you are doing it with good intentions but at the end of the day you are bullying someone till that person have to agree with you because you are being an asshole to that person, please respect each other and their tastes and if you dont like something instead of trying to change it just dont watch it or read it.
And to the mods please dont let this wonderful place where a lot of stories become infected with the twitter virus pls.
Oh and @naomitachi if you are really comparing what happens in a drawing as sexual harrasment you are being more disrespectful to real victims of that.
Active member
Sep 12, 2019
don't worry, he'll get angry and scold her, causing her to get scared of hikari and run away from home!
Jan 22, 2018
I just noticed that there’s a difference in the chapter numbering with the raw on pixiv. This one is 70 on there.
Apr 21, 2020
So cute!!! HHHHNNNGGG!!!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
Oh shiiiiiiit. It's happening.

Hikari is pretty jacked, tho. No wonder he could lift Suzu like an actual cat sometimes.

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