Why did she bother to include read/write capabilities if she wanted to consummate (read: kill by snu-snu) immediately after summoning? Actually, screw logic, this is borderline hentai, I shouldn't think about it.
Thanks for the chapter!
So is the rank F the pillows rank or part of the damaged data? So basically MC is really OP in resistances to point where damage is 1pt at most no matter how cataclysmic the attack composed of fire, water or electricity. Light and Dark magic is absorbed, while air and earth attacks will still do normal damage so no falling off a cliff and walking away. Anyone make any sense of good fortune line? Seems to indicate he's lucky but can't tell how lucky.
Bet the cellphone not getting a signal but acting like his version of the Anima book people are born with. Although would be funny if he could still call home or text his friends to let them know to delete his hard drive as will be out of town until his connection with his home world is re-established.