Zombie no Afureta Sekai Ore Dake ga Osowarenai - Ch. 32 - THE LAST NIGHT

Apr 6, 2024
Babe wake up, a new chapter of Zombie no Afureta Sekai Ore Dake ga Osowarenai just dropped.

This was nice to see again, having her begging for his attention because of all the stress that was building up. I wonder if she's going to go with him, I think probably not, plus I like the kids, I don't want them to die alone so it's kinda a difficult choice.

Thanks for the TL, hope this manga continues
Apr 6, 2024
Good job with the translaion.

must have been REEEALY hard with just 1 hand.
I need the source
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2024
Thanks for the translation! Crazy that this one hasn’t been picked up, wild world and the MC doesn’t have that many powers, so it’s pretty interesting. Fucked up in so many ways too.
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2018
This Napul guy hasn't uploaded in 2 years. Their only group partner has moved on without them and continued to deliver. Just ignore him. He doesn't have anything of value to add.
Not sure what you talking about here. But what actually happened was, that one of our projects got sniped and so for our next one we joined forces with other group and currently uploads are handled by different person. Meanwhile I started supporting other scanlating people by various ways, so I think I still have a lot of value to add. But I understand that I've hurt your desperate heart, so you need to discredit me, now.
It won't change anything, on fact, that there is issue that needs solution. I hope that I at least convince Mangadex staff to add some form of tagging for Machine translated releases.
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Group Leader
Jan 22, 2018
No I don't want that. I want this manga to remain untranslated, for 10 years atleast.

~Some guy in this comment section
Honestly, what disappoints me the most is that you people absolutely fail to understand what the problem is here.
It's not that machine translation was made. It's that in current way, how releasing works Mangadex, uploading machine translation here pretty much kill most of chances that this ever get proper translation.
As I said, some form of tagging or different kind of regulation from side of Mangadex is needed.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
Yeah, if this is enough, then seven months are truly meaningless, as you could use site like one that I'm referring above long time ago and read whole thing at once. And if you take it like this, then anon here is even wasting his time and resources by doing anything manually.
If you want just "something readable", AI in these days, is already pretty much able to provide everything. No need to bother here.
Or let the people who wish to make easier for us all to do it,since letting them do it like this is even easier,we don't even have to open a translator when we can just open Mangadex.

This Napul guy hasn't uploaded in 2 years. Their only group partner has moved on without them and continued to deliver. Just ignore him. He doesn't have anything of value to add.
Because,Napul,you're clearly even more useless,since you don't even directly upload anything yourself.
Not sure what you talking about here. But what actually happened was, that one of our projects got sniped and so for our next one we joined forces with other group and currently uploads are handled by different person. Meanwhile I started supporting other scanlating people by various ways, so I think I still have a lot of value to add.
Good lord,you are useless,one snipe?,that's it?,how Goddam fragile are you morons?
Honestly, what disappoints me the most is that you people absolutely fail to understand what the problem is here.
It's not that machine translation was made. It's that in current way, how releasing works Mangadex, uploading machine translation here pretty much kill most of chances that this ever get proper translation.
Again,as stated before,anyone with a functioning brain and eyes can take the two or three clicks plus mouse scrolling to make a judgement on the comic.

If the so called "real" translator actually want to do it,there's literally no reason for them to not do that basic minimum.

This fella here made that judgement,he could see the seven months,other people have taken few clicks needed to see the original scanlator is long gone,and then made a decent translation to continue the series.

You have zero proof that someone else would've even decided to come along for this series,and you have only made it sound like your own best efforts are to take one glance at the chapter list,the laziest approach of them all,just to claim that all "real" scanlators do the exact same.

Yet you dare preach at us to simply use a program to translate the series?

Get your landlubber scurvy mutt peg legged arse off the plank and let actual iron men score us the booty if you yourself won't read the map.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019

Another case of someone being desperate and impatient, so he ends relying on Google Translate and call it day. :haa:
Sincerelly, if you have to do it, just keep it for yourself and don't upload it here. It just ruin slight chance that somebody will pick up this again later with more proper translation. 😔

There is nothing to be thankfull for pure MTL.
it increases the chances of a TL from a good team due to: More readers, AND a good translator fixing it out of pure spite.
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2018
Or let the people who wish to make easier for us all to do it,since letting them do it like this is even easier,we don't even have to open a translator when we can just open Mangadex.
That's why I'm now trying to get Mangadex to establish tags for Machine Translations.
It would help people to recognize this stuff, so people who don't care like you, could freely read it, while it would increase awareness that the series is not being translated properly and thus it leaves door open for someone picking it up later and do proper thing.

Because,Napul,you're clearly even more useless,since you don't even directly upload anything yourself.
I'm far more directly involved in stuff than you. If you cared, maybe you would have seen it. Perhaps you should start caring more and addressing the real issues instead of attacking people who hurt your desperate heart, because they won't settle for little like you do.

Again,as stated before,anyone with a functioning brain and eyes can take the two or three clicks plus mouse scrolling to make a judgement on the comic.

If the so called "real" translator actually want to do it,there's literally no reason for them to not do that basic minimum.
Except you forget that people do this on their free time. And for that reason, they often preffer to do stuff, that nobody is working on. And in it's current state one can't recognize if series is worked on properly, or just Machine Translated.

This fella here made that judgement,he could see the seven months,other people have taken few clicks needed to see the original scanlator is long gone,and then made a decent translation to continue the series.
Neither he nor you likely have any idea whether this actually is decent translation or not. He clearly stated that he left Google Translate to do job. And I have seen several times how Google Translate is able to screw things up. But as long as the Kofi link is left behind, right?

You have zero proof that someone else would've even decided to come along for this series....
As long series is visibly abandoned, that chance is always there. Sometimes it takes longer time, sometimes shorter time. Unfortunately, in its current state, even MTL translations closes that door for most of cases.

Yet you dare preach at us to simply use a program to translate the series?
Because again. It's not issue that you rely on Machine Translation to translate or read this thing. If that's enough for you, so be it. But don't close chances for actual thing to be made, by uploading it here on Mangadex. Or at least, until Mangadex establish some kind of tagging to differentiate Machine Translation from those done properly.

What if instead of bitching on me (which solves nothing), you helped me convince Mangadex to establish something on this matter. So this won't be so big issue anymore.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2023
Honestly, what disappoints me the most is that you people absolutely fail to understand what the problem is here.
It's not that machine translation was made. It's that in current way, how releasing works Mangadex, uploading machine translation here pretty much kill most of chances that this ever get proper translation.
As I said, some form of tagging or different kind of regulation from side of Mangadex is needed.
People do know, they just don't care about your egotistical opinion. This translation was better than some "proper" translations. If a "proper" translation really matters that much to you, then pick it up or sponsor someone else to pick it up. If not, STFU and GTFO. You're not the main character and no here cares about your unsolicited grandstanding.
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2018
People do know, they just don't care about your egotistical opinion. This translation was better than some "proper" translations. If a "proper" translation really matters that much to you, then pick it up or sponsor someone else to pick it up. If not, STFU and GTFO. You're not the main character and no here cares about your unsolicited grandstanding.
People don't know unless they've already read this manga before. From outside, this looks like manga with active translation, now. Even if it's just MTL. Adding MTL tag, would really improve our chances.
As for me, not sure what is so egotistical on fact that I care about how quality translation I read, but OK. I may try find someone willing to work on this, but I can't advocate for every single manga that ends machine translated. MTL tag would really help for a lot of things.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
That's why I'm now trying to get Mangadex to establish tags for Machine Translations.
It would help people to recognize this stuff, so people who don't care like you, could freely read it, while it would increase awareness that the series is not being translated properly and thus it leaves door open for someone picking it up later and do proper thing.

Because again. It's not issue that you rely on Machine Translation to translate or read this thing. If that's enough for you, so be it. But don't close chances for actual thing to be made, by uploading it here on Mangadex. Or at least, until Mangadex establish some kind of tagging to differentiate Machine Translation from those done properly.

What if instead of bitching on me (which solves nothing), you helped me convince Mangadex to establish something on this matter. So this won't be so big issue anymore.
The crux of this so called "issue" you're so vehement about is non-existent,because as I have said before,if someone is completely unable to make the minimum effort of just clicking on the Goddamn chapter and/or the comment section and/or the user profiles of the scanlators,then they have no buisiness being a so called "real" translator.

You literally do not need a tag,you literally just need to click and look,it takes no more the two minutes to make a judgement.

You act as if someone else posting an update is a hardcoded lock in a scanlators brain that prevents them from taking any action,you make it sound like they're a retarded computer program that makes a 1 or 0 check and no other functions regarding the choice to make their own scans or not.
in it's current state one can't recognize if series is worked on properly, or just Machine Translated.
...except that,as a default requirement for any and all humans use the screen on their computer to navigate,THEY CAN READ.

Either they can see the machine translated words,or they can see the group names that have it mentioned,or they can see the group state they used a machine in the comic and/or in the comment section.

Why the bloody Hell do you think they'd be unable to do so?,except for a machine translation so good that is almost exactly how it would be in the original and the scanlator who uploaded it says nothing about it...in which case,what is even the problem?
Neither he nor you likely have any idea whether this actually is decent translation or not.
Except we can?,because we understand the language is has been translated into?,and that it fits with the context of the chapter?,did you not think of this at all?

The slight loss of meaning is meaningless so long as the overall context remains the same,and it's a decent translation since the are both few and not impacting the context.

Bad translations is when the entire context of the chapter is entirely lost and no longer fits with what the series is about,if any meaning can be taken from it.

A great translation is mostly error free,and most readers care not for any insane details that crop up,words or puns that only make sense in the original language,since they're not part of the context most of the time,you rarely find such heavy usage in most comics,only one comes to my mind.

We wouldn't know,since we're here for the English translation,and it not unheard of for those so called "real" folk to completely change the nuance and claim theirs is better.
who hurt your desperate heart, because they won't settle for little like you do.
You clearly do not understand what months mean,do you?

This has been left to rot,there's no way you're cheesing around that by claiming this translation would've stopped further attempt,because there's no guarantee that someone else would've.

This is an objective truth,because we all know that your mere mortal self has zero ways to seeing the future,you wouldn't even be here if that was the case.

You also clearly do not understand how free form piracy works.
As long series is visibly abandoned, that chance is always there. Sometimes it takes longer time, sometimes shorter time. Unfortunately, in its current state, even MTL translations closes that door for most of cases.
Series was clearly abandoned,a true swashbuckler comes along and scanlates the booty with the help of a hooked hand machine,and that stops the others sailing the high seas because...

And that's when your whole argument falls apart,there is Jack Squat stopping anyone else from continuing,someone else can just grab the raws,make their translations,and post 'em.


Simple as that.

Why are you even here?

Your theoreticals are meaningless to the practical result that Icylotus has brought before us,one that is of decent quality as determined by those who have functioning brains.

Unlike you.

I suggest with the utmost sincerity that you find the help you need to overcome your personal struggle with this unusual mental hangup of being unable to make judgements through the application of your index finger on your leftmost mouse key and your Mk.1 Mod 0 eyeballs.
it increases the chances of a TL from a good team due to: More readers, AND a good translator fixing it out of pure spite.
Too bad that not always happen.

So many times that it's a functioning norm should the fella who used a machine not continue?,yes.

If Icylotus makes good effort,then the scanlations will continue,if not,someone else will since now this is back above the seven months it was buried under,and if that doesn't happen,it returns back to the rot cycle.

And since we have already established your inability to see the future,this is how it is.
People do know, they just don't care about your egotistical opinion. This translation was better than some "proper" translations. If a "proper" translation really matters that much to you, then pick it up or sponsor someone else to pick it up. If not, STFU and GTFO. You're not the main character and no here cares about your unsolicited grandstanding.
People don't know unless they've already read this manga before. From outside, this looks like manga with active translation, now. Even if it's just MTL. Adding MTL tag, would really improve our chances.
No,they do not have to read the comic beforehand.
The "outside" is resolved with a less then two minute series of clicking,reading,looking,and thinking.
Doesn't matter what the technique was.
That tag is meaningless,a normal humans chances are more then capable of judging through the method of line #2.

Do you really want to keep dragging out how much of a lesser being you are,Napul,do really want to tell anyone and everyone for years to come that you think all humans who scanlate have your weak mental constitution that is unable to make simple judgements,is that really what you want?
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2018
Do you really want to keep dragging out how much of a lesser being you are,Napul,do really want to tell anyone and everyone for years to come that you think all humans who scanlate have your weak mental constitution that is unable to make simple judgements,is that really what you want?
All I want is a quality translation for the mangas I like. And machine translations with zero imput from knowledgeable people too often fail to deliver that, so my trust in such works is not very high. And no, it's not really enough for the translation to be just readable. If that's enough for you, then good for you. No need to berate people who won't settle for what you do.
In any case, since you're obviously happy with what you got, then there is no point in further discussion, as it's just waste of time for both of us. I'm going to do what I believe should be done. Have a nice day and Merry Christmas.

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