Taida na Akujoku Kizoku ni Tensei shita Ore, Scenario o Bukkowashitara Kikakugai no Maryoku de Saikyou ni Natta - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
so I think the real question is, why was someone of her caliber allowing herself to be abused by the original Weiss. Guess we'll find out in later chapters
My guess (while barely remembering the first chapter) is the original Weiss was a decent kid who helped or saved her and treated her well up until whatever caused him to change, so she put up with it in the hopes he'd go back to his old self.

At least, that's the usual trope.

I wonder why only male thieves got killed but women's only tied up? I kinda hate these type of manga
... Do you play gacha games? Because you have the reading comprehension of a gacha player.

First off, the women are prisoners. They're townsfolk the thieves took captive for their own use; what that use is, well, I'm sure you can guess, given their state of dress. Second, the thieves aren't dead. It explicitly stated that the they were all arrested (with the accolades for said arrest going to Weiss).
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
Uh, the assassin maid seriously surprised me. It's not a new concept, but I really did not expect it here.

And I'm not so sure I like it. I mean, it can work but it needs to be done well. As of now it seems pretty random, out of nowhere. The maid is super strong but she was letting herselsf be abused...

Please author, give us a convincing reasoning and worldbuilding. Else it would have made more sense for her to be just a maid.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
"Milk of the toilet, what is your wisdom?"
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2023
I've posted this on the main page but I have read the novel and, here is a quick overview of things. (In my Opinion)

-This is school focused and most of the story is mostly MC competing with his classmates in school exams, tests and events(The exams themselves are based from tests and exams from shounen series like Naruto, One Piece and HunterxHunter).

-Despite the gags, this is a relatively serious story.

-Despite the premise, Weiss is actually not the "Main Villain" here(that title belongs to another student)

He is basically that one jobber in isekai academies that calls out to the Hero/Protagonists tells them they are unworthy of being here due to their low status/trash skill/incompetent etc then is btfo as a demonstration of the Hero/Protagonists skills and abilities.

-Weiss the MC is not a "pussy" or indecisive and knows what he wants and is not afraid to commit to attain it.

-He is also not(mostly) a dumbass and he always tries to plan things things out and knows if something is beyond knowledge or strength, he is not afraid to ask advice and help from his friends and teachers(hence the Shounen elements of Cooperation, Trust and the Power of Friendship).

-Unless the Light Novels cuts all of it, Weiss in the Web Novel also is not dense to romance.

Ex: there was one moment in the WN, where he was sleeping in his bed and when he woke up and saw the Heroine sleeping beside him wearing nothing but a sleeping gown and instead of screaming or acting all flustered, he started playing with her body and when she woke up they flirted for a bit then she french kissed him and they had sex. (Unfortunately, this scene wss edited out and replaced with a cliche event where MC sets up a Maid Cafe in school.)

-There are actual stakes in this story and costs if MC fails them. This is why there is a "Tragedy" tag in this series. (However, this will only be known much later).

-There is a good amount of learning during school especially since the main way MC gets stronger is learning skills and spells from his classmates and they in turn learn from him so this way everybody gets stronger.

-There are zero "Game Elements" in this world so there is No:
1.)Dungeons with monsters spawning out of nowhere. resetting bosses.

2.)Infinitely spawning chests or other materials and resources.

3.)Level Up system and getting skills by "leveling up"(so everybody in this world gets stronger by practice and training)

-Decent amount of Slife of Life when not fighting like MC and all his male and female friends going to the beach, drinking, cebrating winter festivities and going on adventures.

-MC is not overpowered. He is strong but most of his friends are nearly as strong as him and he is not even the strongest in schoo even later on(although this will not be apparent since at Volume 1, it does seem he really is OP).

-The main waifu is also the Heroine of the game and MC made her fall in love with her and made her his fiance so it's kind of Netori.

-This is a harem but the main waifu(The Heroine who was suppose to fall in love with the Protagonist/Hero) does not want a harem so she resists attempts so basically MC only has 2 girls and a bunch of girls who want to be part of the harem and this is still the case in later volumes and is one of the motivations for the Heroine to get stronger; to prevent harem from happening.

-The Hero is not a bad guy here and he becomes a friend and rival to MC in school although MC is too tsundere to admit it. The best eay to describe their relationship(At least beyond Volume 1) is basically Goku and Vegeta.

-There is a lot of character development for both the MC, the main characters and even minor characters and even lets them move the plot forwards so it does not feel like the story revolves around the MC.

The story is a bit too fast at the beginning in particular Volume 1 since it has all these timeskips since the story is trying to get to the school ASAP. so you need to be patient for things to slow down and also there is barely any Build-up or development in this Volume, but there is a lot of setting up of the plot for future developments.

So it's best to treat Volume 1 as one long Prologue where you familiarize yourself with the characters(Especially Weiss and Allen since you need to read all of Volume 1 to fully understand their characters) and learn what their goals are.

-Volume 1 is also the weakest volume of the series since it has plotholes and inconsistencies which will not be addressed until Volume 2 and beyond. For example: Lilith the maid is actually still secretly suspicious of of Weiss sudden change in personality and is a recurring plot in later volumes.

-Another inconsistency(which IMO is the worst part of the story) is how Weiss seems to all of a sudden antagonize the Protagonist despite him saying he wants to avoid his doomed fate. Also what they were arguing over is the issue of slavery and Allen the Protagonist wants to abolish slavery and Weiss says while he is Anti-Slavery, he says just freeing everyone without providing anything for them in return is a bad idea and this sours their relationship for a bit until it resolves by the end of Volume 1.

-The Light Novel edited out a lot of good moments from the Web Novel so you will likely not see them in the manga.

-One of the things edited out of the Light Novel was MC and Main Waifu having a heart to heart to talk which led to them making out in public.

-Another thing they removed in the Light Novel was the s*x. In the Web Novel After he made the Heroine of the game his Main Waifu, they constantly had s*x even inside the school dormitory so it really did feel like he NTR'd the Game Protagonist.

-The Game Protagonist and Heroine keep getting partnered just like in the game world and because of this, they have a friendly relationship but not a romantic one but it still annoys MC so if you don't like the thought of MC having a potential love rival then this might not be the series for you.

-Not much worldbuilding since they are inside the school 90% of the time
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2023
Also if any of you find the name of this series too long and confusing, you can call it by it's nickname. 怠惰な悪辱貴族.

Which means "Lazy Aristocrat".

This is the how it's known in it's Japanese Twitter/X and is the name used in it's promotion in various media platforms.
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